Saturday, February 10, 2024


By Rosaldo Russo Allow me to begin this column by thanking the Oshawa/Central newspaper for allowing me the opportunity and access to the press. Not to many if any allow an average person like me to tell the world what I see and think. In my opinion. The Editor/Publisher is a real upstanding type of guy. He shoots from the hip and hold traditional core values. My name is Rosaldo Russo. I came to this great country to make a better life for myself and my family. I thank Canada for everything it has allowed me to do and earn. I worked construction all my life. I know the value of hard work and honesty. I remember as a boy my father always telling me to work hard and buy land. So I did. I remember days when I did not have enough to eat. I go to work... but I did not wait for hand outs. I rounded up my pride my skill and my determination to succeed and went to work. In those days the only benefits we received was the fact we were employed. Before retiring I was the owner and operator of local material supply company that allowed me to retired without worry. Now that I have time to enjoy life. I look around me and have some concern for future generations. I see that the world is finished. I see that a new culture has emerged. A new sort of ranking amongst the poor. I know first hand how it feels to be poor. To wake up every morning my body aching from the previous day work. At time have not eaten for a day or two. I remember those days as if they were yesterday. This gives me appreciation for what I acquired through my hard work. What really intrigues me today is how those struggling have divided themselves of sort. Don’t get me wrong. I had, pride in myself. Even though my close may have looked ragged. It was clean and sharp. Today, it appears that looking ragged is ok. To have no hygiene or self pride is ok. This is so wrong. I also see that the poor in some cases have given up on life. That they rather sit and wait for the cheque at the end of the month and live month to month. I know that feeling. But from a different perspective. I remember working like a mule. My hands so achy I could barely wipe my ass. But I never once gave up and or became satisfied with my situation. I believed that hard work would bring me financial glory. The words of my father echoed in my mind and heart. This fueled my passion to work harder even though at times my body said different. I think as a society we have to invest in our youth. We have to some how bring back the importance of family. A family rooted in basic human principles. One that strongly supports sacrifice, endurance and perseverance. In part I blame our government for the condition of our youth. Our federal government has let society go bad. Our federal government is more concerned over foreign aid then moral responsibility to our citizens. The question is. Are we to far gone. Will change in Ottawa change anything or will it be the same old same old under a different flag? My Canada.

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