Saturday, February 24, 2024

4.7% tax on beer... that is call for action

By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Always Remember That The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Decode Your Life By Living It Without Regret or Sorrow. - ONE DAY AT A TIME - What is it with us Canadians. The price of gas fluctuates from 5 - 10 cents per day. No one says anything. We are taxed through our noses and we work harder. We have our civil liberties compromised we look the other way. Food prices get out of control. We as Canadians go on a diet. Thousands of people if not millions across the country are forced to live on the street. We snub our noses as a ‘not my problem’. Wake up people. But wait. Just this week the headline read: The Canada Revenue Agency reports a 4.7% increase in the federal beer tax effective April 1, 2024. on the one hand, we Canadian smile and hope that it is a misprint or a bad government initiated April Fools joke... On the other. “Whatcha talkin bout Willis,”, type of look and response. You mess with the golden gift from the God’s and you have a Canadian coup-de-etat on your hands. I heard by many that if this tax goes through. Canadians across the land will go on strike. Do a beer convoy to Ottawa. Join the Trump movement. Scream and yell. Some may even resort to stomping their feet and hold their breaths until such time as the government overturned the tax increase on the holy Canadian beer. What have we become in this Country. We put up with political reforms that fail. An economy that is a shame. An immigration policy that is turning our great nation to third world status. Touch our beer and boy hell breaks loose. Could it be that beer is call to action for Canadians. Imagine creating a new party. The Canadian Beer front. Could it be any worst than what we have now? As Canadians we should expect more. We should do more. But unfortunately we keep lowering out standards, looking the other way. Excuse me I am Canadian. Or maybe have one.

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