Saturday, February 10, 2024

Eeny, meeny, miny, moe

By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher Before anyone starts getting all defensive and start pointing fingers and calling people all kinds of name. This column has nothing to do with race, color, belly buttons, temperament, social economics, or the three stooges. In today’s modern society people get bent out of shape for all kinds of things. I blame our education system for graduating so many illiterate. With this said. By definition: Eeny, meeny, miny, moe - Wikipedia "Eeny, meeny, miny, moe" – which can be spelled a number of ways – is a children's counting-out rhyme, used to select a person in games such as tag, or for selecting various other things. It is one of a large group of similar rhymes in which the child who is pointed to by the chanter on the last syllable is chosen. Now this brings us to the meat and potatoes of the column and nothing to do with Irish stew... or a Polish, Kotlet mielony. This column is about the current status of our Federal government. On the one hand everyone is crying resign Trudeau. Resign Today. On the other... people are beginning to wonder if a change is the answer? More importantly what is the answer? I say this because politics have shown their true colors. It is not red, blue, orange, green and purple. It is not about ideology and philosophical integrity. Modern day politics is nothing short of a very elaborate rat race. Almost a dog eat, dog type of environment. There is no real loyalty other than that benefits the individual. Is this representation of the people? Is this democracy... governed by a loud minority. Led to believe that is the will of the people? Then, if it is not. Why is the majority so silent and distant from the process of democracy to bring about real change? I think in part it is because the majority have given up. They have become discouraged as the world is governed by popular ideology that is not reflective of the population at large. The silent majority, are the ones that work hard to pay taxes. To pay mortgages and keep food on the table. A silent majority that has no time to endevour in a system that is set up for the wealthy and elite. Look at all party so called leaders... Are they not all millionaires or there about? If not then once they get in... all of a sudden they become. How is this reflective of the working class. Of the average person. It is not. Then again to my initial question. We are not happy with what we have running our country. Would change for the head of another rat race make a difference? The answer is obvious. NO. If we learned anything from our history. When, there is a drastic shift in power. We the people end up paying for it. The incoming administration will blame the previous administration and justify tax increases. In the name of change they will implement regulation and policy that will affect our pocket book. So, I ask this question again. Is change what we really need and want? Think about it.

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