Saturday, February 10, 2024


By Maurice Brenner Deputy Mayor/Regional Councillor Ward 1 Pickering My last column provided readers with some background about the reduction in service levels by Durham Region Transit through the lens of Human Rights. Today’s Column will focus on Community Mobilization and the role it is playing to convince DRT to restore what was canceled. A strong message was sent to Durham Region Transit (DRT) thanks to many Durham Residents, Durham Col Student Council, UNIFOR and the many DRT Bus Drivers who attended the DRT Transit Executive Committee February 7th. The delegations provided an important insight into how the changes in services has negatively impacted many transit riders, and the barriers that have been created resulting in so many being left behind. Soon after the January implementation which reduced service levels, there was an outcry across the Region which resulted in an mid-January review. The review, recommended some immediate changes such as restoring the Sunbird Trail Loop with limited services commencing February 19th 8am-10am and 3pm-7pm, however it does not go far enough as there still remains many left behind unable to access Public Transit, After some debate, the DRT Executive heard the message and gave direction to DRT Staff to bring the matter back to the March 6th meeting with cost breakdown for the reinstatement of the lost services. Direction As Adopted: MOVED BY Commissioner Brenner SECONDED BY Commissioner Anderson A) That Report #2024-DRT-01 be received for information; and That staff be directed to report back as part of the budget discussions at the next Transit Executive Committee Meeting the cost of reinstating the lost service through the January optimization without reducing the positive changes made. DATED this 7th Day of February, 2024 Carried on a Recorded Vote I remain optimistic that the continued support and input from the users of Transit users, a balance can be found that will leave no one behind.

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