Saturday, February 10, 2024


By Lisa Robinson - Pickering City Councillor Hello everyone, I want to extend my gratitude for the diverse range of comments I've received over the past week, both positive and, admittedly, some less so. Regardless, I appreciate each one, for we live in a free and democratic country where we are all entitled to exercise our rights and freedoms without the fear of persecution. Speaking of persecution, it's crucial to understand its definition: hostility and ill-treatment, especially based on ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or political beliefs. This freedom we enjoy today has been hard-earned and granted by the sacrifices of many who came before us, of all races and backgrounds, so that we could coexist civilly without the fear of persecution. Regrettably, I've found myself subjected to public persecution this past week, not only by the Mayor of Pickering but also by the leadership of CUPE 129. A public statement, released by a cowardly anonymous author, on behalf of the membership, targeted my character with false allegations and judgments, persecuting me for simply exercising my right to freedom of speech. In the release of their opening statement, CUPE 129 declared their commitment to fighting racism and hatred in all forms. We encourage members not to be neutral when witnessing racism in any form, yet their attack on me seems hypocritical. Is it not a form of hatred and discrimination when they assail me for exercising my freedom of speech and because of my gender? Their statement referred to an op-ed I wrote as "egregious and racist." The term "egregious" typically describes conduct that knowingly violates the law or is obviously wrong beyond a reasonable degree. I challenge the author of this said release, supposedly representing all CUPE members, to publicly clarify their intent, as the only thing truly egregious was their release, intended to represent all union members. I demand accountability from the cowardly author of this release. How dare they claim to represent all members and speak of Pickering's values while attacking an elected official? Their presumptions are based on bias, prejudice, and hatred, as the president of CUPE and I have a history of clashing on previous issues that stem back to before I even became an elected official, and quite frankly, many more since. So much hatred for such an Elected Official that he tried to stop me from attending an awards event last year, and when I refused, he refused to show up and accept his award. I would like to call on the Mayor to apologize for attempting to discredit me and my good name with his absurd remarks regarding my column. The fact that he proudly displayed CUPE's release on his Facebook page raises questions about the nature of their relationship. It's disheartening to see how CUPE might be trying to get on the good side of the Mayor, possibly for future negotiations. Is this the representation members pay for? Union representatives cozying up to municipal leaders? The author of the release clearly didn't either read or comprehend the content of my column, resorting instead to false allegations and misconceptions. It's apparent they lack the intellect to understand its meaning and simply jumped on the Mayor's bandwagon. I'm deeply disappointed in our Mayor, who seems to lack the intellectual integrity to grasp basic concepts. Resorting to political maneuvering and supporting freezes on my pay, making it impossible for me to pay my taxes, mortgage, and put food on the table for my family. This only serves to highlight his lack of understanding and empathy for the struggles faced by single mothers like me. I represent the people of Pickering, and neither the Mayor nor the anonymous author of the CUPE release have the right to question my integrity or morality. I've been elected to represent my constituents fairly and justly, and I expect the same from them. I will stand strongly that I do not believe in divisive tactics of segregating people into groups based on the colour of their skin, their religion, or their sexual preferences. I also stand by my belief that if we were to have a month dedicated to history, than let it truly be about history itself. It does not need to revolve solely around the colour of one's skin. Every culture has a rich and diverse history that deserves to be celebrated and shared. An apology is warranted from both parties. If they are unwilling, then in my opinion, they do not deserve to represent the hardworking individuals of our community. "Strength Does Not Lie In The Absence Of Fear, But In The Courage To Face It Head-On And Rise Above It"

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