Saturday, October 5, 2024

Ontario Education Needs Urgent Improvement In Teaching Fundamentals

by Maj (ret'd) CORNELIU. CHISU, CD, PMSC, FEC, CET, P. Eng. Former Member of Parliament Pickering-Scarborough East The new school year has started and Ontario’s school system is in bad shape. It seems to be driven by an ignorant woke class that permeates every aspect of the system like a malignant virus. A group of people in power positions pushing their own agenda with a blatant disregard for parental input, opinion or concerns. Today, the leaders of the boards of education are there to tell you that as a parent you do not need to know what is being taught, just trust them. If you ask questions, they tell you that you are racist, your kids are racist, the system is racist, everyone is homophobic, and our society is built on white supremacy and colonialism. Furthermore, the police are to be feared and Canada is a horrible country whose founders are to be forgotten because they were bad people. They also tell you that mathematics and science are only to be tolerated and sidelined because they are tools of the privileged class. Today’s educational leaders favor the new, so-called futuristic social approaches in order to create a ‘better’ society, ruled in bliss, by ignorants. Most people are unaware of what goes on in the school system. They genuinely believe the system is there to provide a service on which they can rely to do the best for their children. However, taking children on politically engaging trips, as the Toronto District School Board (TDSB) recently did, is the culmination in disregarding common sense. Now it has become absolutely clear that the educational system as currently run, is there to serve the needs, wants and ideology of a completely ignorant class of lackeys and the wokecrats who employ and enable them. Not long ago, Canada was a beacon of hope; the example of a harmonious society eager to do better for the country and be proud of it. Today we see a destructive trend that fractures our country and creates friction in our society, perpetuated by people following a globalist ideology that is harmful to the very existence of humanity. This is evident in the educational approach of today, which ignores real science in favor of a pseudo social science. Today it is more important to socialise than teach mathematics, physics and chemistry. One may wonder whether there are still teachers available who are knowledgeable in and competent to teach these subjects. Long gone are the homework assignments for children to complete, that served as the basis of a teacher parent interaction. Parents today are deliberately kept in the dark, strongly discouraged from asking questions about the curriculum or how it is being implemented in their child’s classroom. At best, they are given very vague, non-committal answers. Children are not allowed to bring home their workbooks, or even their marked tests. They are told the mark they got on the test, but do not have the actual test when the correct answers are discussed, to see where they went wrong. Have these educators forgotten that correcting your own mistakes is one of the key elements of effective learning? The education system has become quite dictatorial with no recourse for questioning by the very people who pay the taxes to support it, and hence, pay educators’ and administrators’ salaries. The results are evident in the performance of Ontario students on provincial tests in mathematics. They have been on a steady decline for years, despite careful tweaking of who takes the test, and specific lessons delivered before administering the test. It seems that the education system is there to produce graduates who are scientifically illiterate and technically challenged. This is not good for either the province or the country. For example, once Canada was a strong leader in the nuclear sciences. Today, when nuclear energy is recognized as ‘green energy’, we have lost that edge to countries whose education systems still hold mathematics and the exact sciences to be the cornerstone of general education. An approach to education that marginalizes mathematics and the exact sciences by making them socially unacceptable is bound to flounder in a technological world. A curriculum that makes statements like the following has clearly been taken over by people trying to rationalize their own scientific illiteracy: “Mathematics has been used to normalize racism and marginalization of non-Eurocentric mathematical knowledge, and a decolonial, anti-racist approach to mathematics education makes visible its historical roots and social constructions,” taken from the 2021 curriculum revision. When kids are being taught that math is racist, or everyone in history, including one of the founding fathers of our country, Sir John A. MacDonald for example, is racist, or that they are racist, a great injustice is being done both to the children and our history. Furthermore, the current curriculum is exposing children prematurely to social constructs in the classroom that also pose legitimate concerns, particularly about gender ideology. The idea that we should be teaching young children that gender is fluid, that you can change your gender, before they even fully understand the concept of gender, is not only unconscionable, but a recipe for disaster. There are also policies in place at school boards across the province that tell teachers not to inform parents of children, as young as four, who tell a teacher they want to change their gender. The school policy, far too often, is to do what the child says he/she wants based on premature exposure to these social constructs in school, while keeping the parents in the dark. There are also boards of education that prefer to celebrate flags other than the Canadian Flag, hoisting it instead of the symbol of our nation. How is that for inclusivity? Is this the new and revolutionary concept of nation building? We also had bans on allowing police officers into classrooms, especially in uniform, even for kids who wanted to bring a parent who works in law enforcement, for career day. None of these issues are driven by what is best for the students. They are driven by wicked politics. The government does not seem concerned, and does very little to change these trends in the education system. They are preoccupied with other issues, mostly concentrating on how to get re-elected and commit more taxpayer money to corporate welfare. It is time for parents to stand up and say, enough is enough. It is also time for the government to listen seriously to parents and return to them their justly earned primary role in the education of their own children. What do you think?

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