Saturday, October 12, 2024

Do you want Lies or Truth?

Do you want Lies or Truth? By Patricia Conlin We are living through an unprecedented time in Canada. We are in the middle of one of worst health and financial crisis’s we have ever experienced all while our mainstream media continues to fuel division and fear. But how did we get here and why has the decline been so apparent in the past few years? Those of us with eyes to see watch in shock as Bills get passed in Parliament without any opposition like Bill C-4 which took away parental rights and Bill C-11 which threatens free speech. Bill C-63, takes censorship to a whole new level and could put someone in jail for so called “disinformation” or “misinformation”, aka telling the truth, if passed. Bill C-47 seeks to destroy the natural health products industry with overregulation under the guise of “safety”, and Bill C-293 for so called Pandemic Preparedness that could remove human rights and bodily autonomy. What is going on? Did we wake up in the Twilight Zone? These Bills are all totalitarian and being passed by MPs with little or no opposition. I believe the greatest crisis we face is one of courage. We live in a society where people in positions of authority are afraid or unwilling to speak the truth. Why? Either because they fear the consequences or are benefiting from the lies being told to the masses. But the lies are harming our lives and communities. Why is that our elected officials refuse to speak even basic truths like: · Carbon is not a pollutant so why are we taxing the air we breathe and bankrupting our farmers and food supply? We need to scrap all carbon taxes and not just one. · Children need to learn reading, writing, math and science and not be exposed to pornography and ideologies in schools. We need to end the gender insanity, Critical Race Theory and DEI as they are Marxist ideologies designed to divide people and create confusion and anger. · The Covid jabs are dangerous and harming record numbers of people and need to be withdrawn. · Our healthcare system profits from illness and death. Safe treatments are routinely withheld like during covid when hospitals pushed dangerous drugs like Remdesivir instead of Vitamin D, hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin. · The Conservatives under Mulroney and Harper signed Canada over to the UN Agenda 2030 which is at this moment being implementing in our local communities. We need to stop funding SDG and withdraw from the Paris Accord. · Globalist companies and NGOs are pushing humanity into a feudalism model with them being the overlords under the guise of climate change. They want us to live in contained 15- minute cities and eat bugs instead of beef if they get their way. We need to promote localism over globalism. · We have a Uniparty in power who are pushing a dangerous proxy war with Russia instead of promoting peaceful negotiations. We need to stop funding the corrupt Zelensky regime and look after our own veterans and homeless instead. I could go on but you get the idea. Since our elected officials refuse to speak the truth, it is up to us WE THE PEOPLE, to do so with courage and peaceful persistence. Many of the harmful policies implemented at a federal level can be repealed with the right leadership-like Bill C-4. This is also true at the provincial and local levels. I stepped into action during Covid when I saw the harm being done. I had already lost my husband to Big Pharma and didn’t want anyone else to be hurt by their lies. I have been a lifelong small business owner and witnessed the destruction of many of our local businesses. The only party that spoke out against the lockdowns and mandates was People’s Party. They are also the only party calling out the fraud behind the Climate Agenda, the harm of unsustainable immigration levels, the grooming of our kids in schools and the danger of war mongering with Russia- a nuclear powerhouse. That is why we need to elect PPC in some ridings to hold the Conservatives accountable since none of the other parties will do that. I believe that the future of our country depends on voting for people who have had the courage to speak the truth despite personal attacks and loss to stop the globalist agenda and restore a healthy, happy and prosperous future in our community and country. Only PPC has done that since it’s inception. Populist parties are winning around the world as they oppose the lies that are being told to impoverish western countries. PPC takes action to build a better Canada whereas the other parties continue to push the lies that are harming us. What Canada needs is seriousness in politics as the issues are too important to ignore any longer. Wars, massive corruption, unsustainable debt loads, a health crisis that impacting both physical and mental health for a growing number of people, drug addiction, crime, illegal and excessive immigration and refugee claim’s overwhelming our essential services, cost of living crisis and more. Isn’t it time to support and vote for brave Patriots speaking the Truth to set Canada Free instead of allowing the Lies of Parliament to destroy our county?

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