Saturday, February 5, 2022


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” An Eunuch by definition: a man who has been castrated, especially (in the past) one employed to guard the women. Or in other word. Someone you would employ in trust to guard or attend important and or valuable interests. One that we can be assure not to be fornicated by every chance they get. Well, it seems that in Oshawa at least. Our Eunuch need a trimming. Cause the village people have had just about enough of being copulated time and time and time again by these incompetent Eunuchs. Only in Oshawa do we elect and entrust a leader that follows the advice of staff first. Instead of leading staff with a vision for a better city for all to live. LIKE MY GOOD OLD FRIEND PRESIDENT BRANDON TO THE SOUTH WOULD SAY. ‘COME ON MAN’. just this week. Our beloved Carter went public blaming the system for his failure to secure a new Oshawa hospital through Lakeridge. Really you are blaming, “arbitrary criteria” for your lack of leadership. Carter when you first heard of the possibility you should have been all over it. How is it that Whitby pulled the rug from under you. Well you have to give credit to the Mayor of Whitby as he has more political experience on one toe nail than Carter has mustered in his 8 years living off our tax dollar as a councillor for 4 and Mayor for 4. HE HAS FAILED US Did you know that under Carter’s watch. He has cost you almost 10% in property taxes over his term as Mayor? Is this leadership. He has allowed staff to run away with budgets and we the people pay for it. Is that leadership. He has failed us. Did you know that we the taxpayers own the GM CENTER.. or as it is best known today The Tribute Communities Centre? Did you know that this facility was costing us as much as one million dollar to operate? Did you know that today we the people still pay $600,000 a year to keep it open. You may be asking... why is it called The Tribute Communities Centre? Good question. Our beloved Eunuch negotiated a horrible deal with Tribute Homes for payment to use their name to the tune of $1.25 million dollars over 5 year term. This meaning that the city will only receive $250,00 a year. He failed us. But wait. This is the same Tribute Homes that is rumored to have backed Carter during the election... not to mention have a member of it’s company sit on the City sponsored Mayor economic recovery task force. A task force that has done little of nothing for taxpayers and or the business community. A truly Eunuch task force made up of Carter's political supporters. He has failed us. Just recently Mayor Carter had the nerve to release this statement: Businesses like yours are an essential component of Oshawa’s dynamic and diverse neighbourhoods and their sustainability is a critical pillar of our community. (A lot of words no meaning.) As such, I am working with the Mayor’s Economic Recovery Task Force Chair, Regional and City Councillor Tito-Dante Marimpietri and both the membership of the Greater Oshawa Chamber of Commerce (GOCC) and the Downtown Oshawa Business Alliance (DOBA) to advocate and assist in any way possible to help mitigate the financial losses that businesses are continuing to endure during this difficult period. (is this guy for real... a lot of words to say he is doing nothing.... wow. Does he truly think you are that stupid? All he is doing is attempting to promote his name and that of his side kick Tito. Both Tito and Carter have limited or no business experience. Both have yet to actually approach local businesses and ask what are their needs. Two hypocrites in a pot of the GOCC, DOBA. Two groups that have done nothing for the core or business in general... but wait till the 2022 election is called and you will see them campaigning indirectly for Carter. hosting debates that favor carter as they have in past elections. SHAME ON TITTO. SHAME ON CARTER. SHAME ON ALL THE MEMBERS OF THE GOCC, DOBA AND COUNCIL. ) YOU BOTH SHOULD RESIGN AS YOU ACTUALLY BE DOING SOMETHING POSITIVE FOR THE TAXPAYERS OF OSHAWA BY SAVING US WHAT WE THE PEOPLE PAY YOU). As supported at City Council on Monday, January 24, I am issuing letters to the Prime Minister and Premier requesting that both the Federal and Provincial governments continue to offer and expand on programs to assist in economic recovery. (In other words he is going to do nothing as he has no authority or power over the Province and or Feds. What a load of shit coming from this horses arse. You want to show leadership. We the people of Oshawa own the public utilities. Cut what you are paying management at the OPUC by half. Create a fund to directly help local businesses by reducing their hydro by 90%. Wait, that would take real leadership.) Another example of his failure as our leader. an insult to the business community and his so deemed dynamic and diverse neighbourhoods. Look at this major FAILURE. The Canadian Automobile Museum. An institution in Oshawa that anyone with a half point IQ would not challenge to recognize it as a prime business, attraction. Approached the City for assistance. city residents have taken up the cudgels on behalf of the Canadian Automotive Museum (CAM) to right what they see as a wrong. They say the CAM receives a grant of $5,000 and pays a municipal tax of $20,000 annually. On top of that, the grant is not a “given”. It has to be applied for every year. The City of Oshawa is being asked to waive the tax or give a grant equal to the amount of the municipal tax. OUR BELOVED EUNUCH AND HIS MERRY COUNCIL ONCE AGAIN FAILED. the museum was denied... I am sure Carter was busy writing his letter to the Province... So that Ford would have something to wipe his ass with. Enough FAILURE. In 2022 municipal election let’s do the right thing and vote them out.

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