Thursday, February 10, 2022

White/Black Does Justice Have Color?

By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” You got to wonder the real agenda behind the President of the United States push to have a black woman as a Supreme court Judge. How can we be a united nation with such divisions. The fact that the President is looking specifically for a black woman in itself is discriminatory and should have those of other shades of skin furious. Should a post or position not be based on credentials, academics and or experience. Then why is Biden in his inclusive world making such a prejudice choice? Appointments should not be based on historical retribution for wrong committed in a time and place that no other options as at the time it was the standard social norm. Why should modern society be punished for something that we the American people had no real involvement. Should the native Americans not be entitled to the same support by the government? Native Americans were treated worst than blacks. Should we not be learning from history, so that we do not repeat all that was foul about it. Instead in modern society we attempt to unite by creating divisions. What if the President had made it public that he wanted to appoint a Mexican only. An Italian, Jew, native American or a white only judge. How would society reacted? The answer is obvious. Then if it is, then why is it that society accepts this type of discrimination? America as all nations of the world have made historical mistakes when it comes to race. Hell, some nations still make them and they go unnoticed. Then why in America such divisions in the quest for acceptance. Retribution is only punishing those that are innocent just because they are of a particular skin color. This is not modern America. An America that during time of conflict fights shoulder to shoulder for a common goal without color indiferrences. protecting our rights and freedoms. We as Americans are a proud people that come together in times of need. Color is not a factor when we sacrifice, when we share that pride during our national anthem. Color in modern times appears to be used as a tool to push agenda in a false sense of self fullfillment. Black Americans are becoming aware of this. They themselves recognized that their skin color is being used to attain and or push political and social agendas. This type of behavior is not American. This type of behavior is manipulative and oppressive. Take the color out of our judicial system and let freedom reign.

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