Saturday, February 26, 2022


IT CAN NEVER HAPPEN HERE- SO THEY SAID By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” It could not happen in Germany, England, Japan, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Lybia, Ukraine so the people thought. Look at what is taking place right here in Canada. In Canada you say? We the people can be... at any point and time. We can’t go thinking that it will never happen to us. It will never happen in our country. The recent truckers demonstration is a measure of how fed up the Canadian public is with the quality of life in Canada. With the way our government treat us like modern slaves. When there is an uprise much like the truckers. What did the Prime Minister do. Called them names like Nationalist, Fascist, Neo-Nazis and many more. Is this a government for the people by the people? With the way our economy is. We should all be shoulder to shoulder with the truckers demanding our way of life back. Gas prices going through the roof. Grocery store gouging customers. Then the Prime Minister calls in the boots. Unions the biggest social agitators condemn the action of the truckers. When the truckers showed the balls that the Unionist should be having when dealing with the way our government has lost control of our economy and job loss to foreign nation that practice slave labor practices.. No instead unions today are nothing short of another layer of management. It is not about representing the people. It is about the union bosses filling their pockets cushioning their retirement pension pillows. God forbid call a national strike on any cause... Yet, here we have Trudeau sending money and troops to the Ukraine. To a nation that is fighting an obvious lost cause. Then why are we sending our troops. Our tax dollars? Come on folks... we should use the momentum the truckers have brought and carry on the cause of making things right in Canada. Stop tolerating the intolerable. Stop Canada from becoming a third world country. Oh I can hear it now.... No not my Canada. Well it happened. We just got a taste of what is to come... We Canadians must awaken to the reality of the world. We are not leading any more... and those leading do not share our principles and our standards. Look at the future for out kids. It is totally different than that of which our forefather fought two wold wars. Today’s world is not about doing what is right. It is about protecting agenda and special interests. The Ukraine was is not about independance. It is about rich mineral deposits. It is about gas. It is about taking over a key strategic post on the doorway to Europe. Putin is getting away with it knowing that Biden may bark but has no bite. Biden failed to follow the very important golden rule when it comes to enemies. Keep friends close and your enemies even closer. The Biden administration is an easy picking for a leader like Putin. I bet if Trump had been in office. Putin would have not thought twice about invading. We and America need to wake up to the reality that we must develop our natural resources and stop relying on foreign oil and gas. We must come to the realization that the global village is slowly eating us up from within. Corporation that have an impact on global economies are entities/countries within our shores. We must work to bring back ownership and pride to our work force. Denounce nations that pay less than our standards. Heavily tax them and charge them duty on their imports to offset the labor difference. Yes, you may be thinking but our prices be a lot higher. Yes but so will theirs. As we would charge them taxes and tariffs that may be pass down to our consumers in the form of purchase rebate instead of a sales tax as we have now. The world is changing. Are we up to the challenge of change. We can’t continue the way we are as we are on a course to self destruct. The light at the end of the tunnel is not one of hope and prosperity... It’s a real train of reality.

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