Sunday, February 13, 2022


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” It is about time that we the silent TRUE NORTH awaken once in for all. Our culture is being raped. Our customs brought upon scrutiny. Our people oppressed and Our Canadian way of life changed in order to accommodate and tolerate foreign political agenda. Our laws are being manipulate to accommodate interests other than that of Canadians first. We, those that work hard to preserve the quality of life that brought us to this great nation are isolated, ridiculed and now as in the case of the truck drivers persecuted and prosecuted. Our red blood that we sacrificed time and time again is boiling hot for change. Our PM has proven he is in it for himself. Our economy is an out of control train. Look at the prices at the gas pump. Look at the food prices going through the roof. But wait our beloved incompetent politicians will blame either Covid or now the truckers. Enough is enough. We have a Prime minister that has clearly shown his lack of respect for his fellow Canadians. How dare he attempt to make it out that those that question him and demand accountability are racist, homophobic, nationalist and or terrorists of the state. Our Prime Minister has failed the Canadian people. Anyone with half a wit would have met with the drivers. Take their concerns to heart and done something about it. The original issue was over Justin legislation that demands all truckers to show proof of vaccination in order to cross the border. A huge mistake. Today the trucker issue has snowballed into a much bigger problem. Since the PM failed to put out a small fire. Today, Justin if fighting for his political future. The PM pushed on vaccination and in the push he fully vaccinated fall ill of the virus. Originally the virus meant prevention of infection. Today after in some place three four boosters. People are still are getting it. Only for the science tune to change from preventative to damage control if infected. RIDICULOUS. How dare, the PM be so disrespectful as to turn the police and military against our own people. WE THE PEOPLE OF THE TRUE NORTH SHOULD all be out there. When the price of gas shoots up. Don’t let the politicians get away with claiming that is the world price. Bull. We should shut down the country every time they mess up. National unity comes with making those elected accountable. Shut down the country for a week or a month. Wait, what am I saying. This is Canada. We think of ourself first. Pay our mortgages and bills. Due to our life style we have become docile in our efforts to demonstrate the many wrongs done by our government against our own Canadians. I SUPPORT THE TRUCKERS EFFORTS AND THEIR ATTEMPT TO DISRUPT DAILY ROUTINES. I APPLAUD WHOEVER THE ORGANIZER FOR HAVING THE BALLS TO SAY ENOUGH. Have you seen the recent footage of police actions towards demonstrators? Disgusting. How can anyone wearing a badge act like that towards another citizen. Police fully knowing that their action are breaking that same law they are trying to enforce. Police service boards should not allow this type of behavior to take place. The police image and standards must be upheld. Police should not be sent in to do the job of goons. The military should not be sent in to oppress people’s rights. The problem here is not the people protesting but that of PM that has proven he has failed Canadians. Now half wit Ford wants to declare a state of emergency in Ontario. Way to go Ford. Pour gasoline on a fire you fail to political tame. Talk about an oppressive government. Our PM is more concerned on pushing GLOBAL WARMING as it allow his government to dig in our pockets for phantom taxes. WE THE NORTH need to awaken. We need to show solidarity that the government GLOBALIST agenda will not be tolerated in Canada. We are Canadians for Canada and as such it is our duty come together and assure we are treated with respect and dignity in the preservation of standards, customs and traditions of this great Nation.

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