Saturday, February 19, 2022


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” We can’t blame the candidates when we keep electing them time and time again. This week this came out of City Hall. My comments are in dark letters: The City of Oshawa is inviting nominations for the 2022 Urban Design Awards Program. The deadline for nomination submissions is Friday, April 29, 2022. The Urban Design Awards program celebrates projects that reflect excellence in architecture and urban design and enhance the image of the city. More specifically, the program acknowledges the significant contributions that architects, landscape architects, urban designers, planners, developers, builders, renovators and other individuals make to the appearance, livability and quality of life in Oshawa. DOES TITO AND MCKNOKEY EVEN KNOW WHERE OSHAWA IS. DESIGN AWARDS!!!!!! WELL MAYBE IF YOU ARE GOING TO GIVE IT TO UOIT BUILDING Nominations are free and can be made by anyone. Examples of potential nominations include buildings, neighbourhoods, public spaces, streets, parks, etc. Nominated projects must have been completed after March 14, 2018. Winning projects will receive a City of Oshawa Award of Excellence. The award winners will be announced in June 2022. The City of Oshawa 2022 Urban Design Awards are made possible with support from its in-kind sponsors: the Ontario Professional Planners Institute, the Ontario Association of Landscape Architects and the Ontario Association of Architects. Quotes: “The Urban Design Awards honour the superior developments that make our city shine. In the past, the Program has been a tremendous success and I look forward to reviewing the 2022 nominations,” said Councillor Tito-Dante Marimpietri, Chair, Development Services Committee. “These exciting new job creating projects are a beacon of success which continues to identify us as Toronto’s most dynamic and sought after neighbours. This truly means that we are increasingly and broadly being recognized as one of the leading and primary core markets in the GTA. Oshawa’s future is bright.” HEY TITO. 1ST WHAT ACTUAL LIFE EXPERIENCE DO YOU HAVE TO SIT AS CHAIR OF ANY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. 2ND WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT ‘MOST DYNAMIC AND SOUGHT AFTER NEIGHBOURS’. HAVE YOU WALKED DOWNTOWN OSHAWA LATELY? LET ME FILL YOU IN. DOWNTOWN OSHAWA FROM YOUR HOME IS DOWN ROSSLAND TOWARDS SIMCOE. TURN RIGHT AND FOLLOW THE YELLOW BRICK ROAD. DON’T BLINK.. OR YOU MISS IT SON. THIS GUY HAS TO GO. “The City is asking you which projects built in the past four years around Oshawa deserve an award for being aesthetically pleasing, sustainable and accessible. This is a way to ensure Oshawa continues to advance and embrace urban design excellence. ROSEMARY CAN YOU PUT THAT IN ENGLISH... HERE IS COUNCILLOR THAT HAS SAT ON HER HANDS FOR THE PAST FOUR YEARS AND NOW ATTEMPTS TO STAND ON TITO COAT TAILS AS IF SHE HAD ANY REAL IDEA ON LAND USE AND PLANNING. HOW WAS THIS COUNCILLOR APPOINTED AS VICE CHAIR THAT TITO IS CHAIR. IT IS LIKE THAT OLD SAYING. NOTHING PLUS NOTHING EQUALS TWO. IN HIS TWISTED MIND IS THA TRUE? Land use planning and urban design choices made today can resonate far into Oshawa’s future. Considering the impacts become locked-in, the importance of designing and completing them well, in the right location in the community, with widespread appeal from the start cannot be overstated!” says Councillor Rosemary McConkey, Vice-Chair, Development Service Committee. YES COUNCILLOR.. THIS IS WHY YOU AND YOUR COUNCIL ARE MAKING SUCH A MESS OF THE CORE BY EXTENDING SIDEWALKS. THE SAME COUNCIL THAT HAS FAILED THE PEOPLE OSHAWA BY HAVING NO VISION FOR THE CORE. WHY? THEY HAVE NO CLUE WHAT THEY ARE DOING SIMPLE.

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