Showing posts with label downtown. Show all posts
Showing posts with label downtown. Show all posts

Saturday, April 6, 2024


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States - What a week it has been. First, I thought it was an isolated problem. All week dealing with technical issues. It all started with our email service Microsoft ‘Outlook’. Pictures that would come in as attachments did not open properly. We tried every remedy, including the re-install and re-install. We ran the latest spyware software. The latest virus software. Nothing came up. The problem persisted. Then, someone reported problems with our social media platform. One problem after the other. Then, we had a transmission issue that only part of the server response was active. Now we had a four way fight. We could not receive attachments. We could not communicate internally. Our social media platforms compromised. We did not receive or could communicate with our server. Normally, when this happens. The rule of thumb is take a deep breath and watch how it develops. We have had numerous hack attempts on our systems in the past so we knew where to look and what to do. This was different. There was no clear evidence that anything or anyone was attempting to hack. As the day progressed. We found out through the news wire that other companies in the area experienced similar problems. As the day progressed, more and more cases appeared to surface. People on social media kept asking if anyone else was having problems. The problems included. Poor or no internet service. Lack of ability to send and receive emails. The inability to send files through social media. Other reports included ATM issues. Clients of various banks would put their cards in and the services requested would not be granted and their card returned to them. In one case, a woman reported that she attempted to call someone from her phone only to be connected to someone else. Another person reported the inability to save pictures and files to their computer. According to the report, the kept getting an error message. When these type of occurrances happen. We treated as a network problem. We called Microsoft, they claimed there was no report of outages and or problem on their systems. They did mention that the last issue they had to deal with was months ago during an upgrade on their servers. We spent Saturday and Sunday monitoring our systems. We made some upgrades and modifications only to have the same problems persist. On the eleventh hour we decided to create a new environment afar from our operating systems. All new equipment, all new software. After all that work. It took three hours and the problem persisted. At that time we decided to just waited it out. Something in the internet world was not right. Normally our IP is safeguarded. Our outgoing mail and in going have been with us for over 30 years. We suspect that somehow with technology not know to us. Someone or something is attempting to control all in and out data. This is alarming and dangerous. As a precaution. We pulled all accounts information and all personal data pertaining to clients and suppliers. We left the new system as vacant of any crucial information as we could. The more we look into the source. The closer we come to learning this new hacking technique. We will keep you posted. Let us know if you are experiencing similar issues.

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Does AI help level the playing field for SMEs?

By Daryl Ching, CFA | Managing Partner Vistance Capital Advisory Artificial intelligence has dominated the news with pundits suggesting that this could be biggest game changer in business since the invention of the internet. To what extent have SMEs been adopting AI and is it a game changer to the extent it levels the playing field against larger businesses? My name is Daryl Ching and I am the founder and CEO of Vistance Capital Advisory a fractional CFO, accounting and capital raising firm. I am a big believer in adopting technology to create efficiencies in processes. Working with SMEs, I am constantly researching the capabilities of AI and how it can help our clients and ourselves. Many SMEs have adopted AI into their marketing content. Andrew Crook runs PC275 Realty, a real estate brokerage and business advisory firm and has used AI to create graphics and manage marketing performance data. He spends about $1,000 a month for AI tools for services that would normally cost about $5,000 per month through a marketing agency or hiring internal staff. He also uses AI to generate content for business strategy sessions through his consulting practice. While AI has not necessarily transformed his business, it has freed many hours of time which has improved his quality of life and allowed him to spend more time with his family. Many SMEs have figured out how to use AI to perform administrative tasks. Ilya Peskov, CEO of Focus 21, an IT software company has used AI to generate transcripts of meeting notes, review grammar and spelling and review legal documentation to ensure all clauses are captured. As a result, Ilya’s team has been able to spend their time on less administrative and more value-added work. Olga Pawluczyk, CEO of P&P Optica has developed a unique smart detection imaging system to detect foreign materials in food processing. The entire premise of the business required machine learning and AI to create the product. Had it not been for AI, the task of analyzing a lot of information to detect foreign materials on a production line, at line speed, would be impossible. P&P Optica is an example of an SME that couldn’t deliver a product at all without the use of AI. While I feel the advance of AI technology is a net positive for SMEs, it is worth discussing some of the risks. AI is only as good as the information it is fed to make decisions. As more information is fed into the system, it becomes more and more difficult to validate the accuracy and source of information. I also fear the possibility that AI will have the effect of reducing critical thinking by individuals as they take results from AI as gospel. Ilya Peskov believes that AI has generated about a 30% savings in time for his coders using Microsoft Copilot and Google Gemini. However, he recalls his early days in IT education where he used Stack Overflow and was required to learn grass roots coding. With AI, he is cognizant of a risk that at some point in the future developers will lose the rudimentary skills of programming and coding. As AI evolves, we believe that it can be a game changer for SMEs. However, it important to ensure that we keep AI in check, question the results, validate the sources and make sure people do not turn off their critical thinking. However, if used correctly, it can certainly help level the playing field for SMEs.

Saturday, March 23, 2024


Tahir Khorasanee, LL.M. Senior Associate, Steinbergs LLP The adage "justice delayed is justice denied" rings true, but beyond notions of fairness lies a realm of profound economic implications. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the Landlord and Tenant Board, where adjournments and delays can wield significant impact, particularly upon small-scale landlords, especially amid periods of heightened interest rates, inflation, and economic downturns. Ever wondered about the true cost of delays in our justice system? Brace yourself, because it's not just a matter of time. Picture this: almost half of all Canadians, over 18, find themselves tangled in at least one legal snafu within a mere three-year span. Despite this, many of us feel like strangers to the legal labyrinth, left out in the cold. But here's the kicker: legal hiccups are inevitable—they'll knock on your door sooner or later. And let me tell you, they come with a hefty price tag. These legal tangles don't just drain our wallets; they put a strain on our entire economy. Take, for instance, the chilling fact that every extra year spent resolving private disputes can send our growth rate spiraling downwards. So, when it comes to the cost of legal delays, it's not just a number—it's the very pulse of our economy that's at stake. Enter the Landlord and Tenant Board of Ontario, tasked with arbitrating disputes between property owners and tenants—an institution marred by excruciatingly prolonged delays. A recent ombudsman report laid bare the staggering backlog of over 38,000 pending cases, with landlords lodging nearly 90% of the grievances. These delays wield dire consequences, particularly for small-scale landlords. Small landlords, often owning just one or two rental properties, can be particularly affected by these delays. When tenants fail to pay rent or violate lease agreements, landlords must turn to the Landlord and Tenant Board for resolution. However, the long waiting times for hearings can lead to significant financial strain for landlords. For instance, one landlord reported that his tenants paid the first and last month’s rent to move in and immediately refused to pay rent, demanding cash for keys. Another reported becoming homeless so she could continue to pay the mortgage as her tenants refused to pay rent. There are numerous other stories of tenants destroying the landlord’s property, making it inhabitable, while the Landlord and Tenant Board continued to grant these tenants more time. Once the Landlord and Tenant Board makes an order for eviction and unpaid rent, which is often done after several attendances and significant delays, that is not the end of the road for the landlord, who must then pay additional legal and administrative fees to request the Sherif’s office to evict the tenant and later, pay additional legal and court fees to enforce the judgement at the Small Claims Court. In essence, the burden of tackling the housing crisis is disproportionately shouldered by small landlords—individuals who invest a lifetime's savings in pursuit of a modest retirement strategy. This predicament is further exacerbated during periods of economic turbulence, where soaring interest rates and inflation inflate borrowing and living costs, exacerbating financial strain. It seems the current landlord and tenant regime downloads the responsibility of addressing the housing crisis on the small landlord, who spends a lifetime scrouging to save just enough to purchase an investment property as part of his retirement strategy. This situation is exacerbated in times of high interest rates and inflation. These economic conditions increase the cost of borrowing and the cost of living, putting additional financial pressure on small landlords. For most landlords, the Landlord and Tenant Tribunal only exasperates the problem. The Tribunal takes far too long to evict tenants who refuse to pay rent, destroy the property in the process, and refuse to leave without being paid a hefty sum. Something must be done about this – perhaps a good start will be if all landlords refuse to pay cash for keys and go the distance, getting an order for eviction and unpaid rent and later enforcing it in court to make sure the tenants pays their dues. This may be the catalyst needed for meaningful reform, which is long overdue. In a time of economic recession, the impact of justice delays at the Landlord and Tenant Board is more pronounced. It is crucial to address these delays to support small landlords who are an integral part of the housing market and the broader economy. As we navigate these challenging economic times, ensuring timely access to justice is not just a matter of fairness – it is an economic imperative.


By Rosaldo Russo Allow me to begin this column by thanking the Oshawa/Central newspaper for allowing me the opportunity and access to the press. Not to many if any allow an average person like me to tell the world what I see and think. In my opinion. The Editor/Publisher is a real upstanding type of guy. He shoots from the hip and hold traditional core values. My name is Rosaldo Russo. I came to this great country to make a better life for myself and my family. I thank Canada for everything it has allowed me to do and earn. I worked construction all my life. I know the value of hard work and honesty. I remember as a boy my father always telling me to work hard and buy land. So I did. I remember days when I did not have enough to eat. I go to work... but I did not wait for hand outs. I rounded up my pride my skill and my determination to succeed and went to work. In those days the only benefits we received was the fact we were employed. Before retiring I was the owner and operator of local material supply company that allowed me to retired without worry. Now that I have time to enjoy life. I look around me and have some concern for future generations. I see that the world is finished. Did you hear the great news.... The government is increasing the minimum wage to $17.31... wow... how generous. Are the crazy or what? Who can survive making $17.31 an hour. Do the math on a 40 hour week. You barely make to pay rent. Forget food. Gas, insurance and utilities. How is it that Justin can send a 10 million dollar target...oops I mean tank to fight someone else's war in the Ukraine. Yet, our own people right here at home are starving and suffering even more than those at war. At the least those at war know it is war and tough times are a coming. But here in Canada. We live like we are in war. A war, against our own stupidity. Now don’t get me wrong. I am not professing that all and everyone get a free ride. As some have become generational system suckers. People that have no drive to do anything or contribute anything...and sit by the mailbox waiting for the cheque to come in. I don’t mean those. I mean the poor guy that just got married. The guy that wants to start a family but due to economics can’t. I once asked an uncle. Uncle, Vinnie. Why is it you only had one child. He looked at me in the face and said. I did not want to bring someone to this world to suffer. I could only afford one child and I loved him and tried to give them the best I could muster. His words echo in my heart every time I see a young person. When I hear of the government pulling this kind of shit. Announcing $17.31 as some great feat. It makes my blood boil. It makes me ashamed of being Canadian. I remember when I came to this country. I denounced my home and native land. I pledged that if I ever was called to serve that I give my life for my government. Today, no much so as I would not give it for my government. Instead I would give it fighting my governments policy and agenda. Come on let’s call the election and bring back pride and integrity to this nation. God forbid you all vote Justin back in. God forbid.


By Dale Jodoin In the world's big problem with drugs like crack, meth, and heroin, there's a sad story that doesn't get told much. It's about the smallest victims, babies, who are born into a life of struggle because their moms were caught in the grip of addiction. Back in the '70s, hospitals were filled with the cries of babies who, right from birth, were fighting against the drugs they were exposed to in their mom's womb. These babies couldn’t stop crying because they were feeling the harsh pain of withdrawal. Fast forward to today, and sadly, this is still happening. More babies are being born facing this tough battle, and it doesn't seem to be getting better. People are trying to fix the drug problem by giving addicts clean needles and safe places to use drugs, aiming to reduce harm. But what about these tiny babies? They start life in a really tough spot, craving drugs they never chose to take. How do you help a newborn baby who’s suffering like this? Statistics show how big this problem is. For example, in the United States, the number of babies born withdrawing from drugs, a condition called neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS), went up a lot between 2000 and 2012. This means thousands of babies start life in pain each year because of drug addiction. These little ones don’t just cry more; they have a hard start in life that can affect them forever. They didn’t choose this, and it's not fair. They are paying the price for a problem they had no part in creating. We often talk about helping drug addicts but forget about these babies. They and their moms need our help too. It's not just about today's drug problem. If we don’t do something, the next generation will suffer too. These babies grow up, and their rough start can lead to more problems later in life. This sad situation should make us think and want to do something. If you see a pregnant woman struggling with addiction, it's a chance to help not just her but also her baby. We need to push for more support for these women and their children. They need care, love, and help to break free from the cycle of addiction. In the end, while there are no easy answers, we must try harder to help these innocent babies. They deserve a chance at a better life, free from the pain and problems of drugs. Let’s not forget about them. They need us to speak up and help make a change.

Saturday, March 16, 2024

Political suppression is a dirty game

By Lisa Robinson - Pickering City Councillor In a democratic society, the suppression of opposing political views is not only immature but it undermines the principles of democracy. We see it more and more each day how politicians are using their power to silence dissenting voices and manipulate certain narratives. Persistently engaging in a game of dirty politics, eroding the integrity of the democratic process. The longer we allow this dirty game to continue, the more we risk creating an authoritarian environment, that stifles open dialogue and debate which is your right as a Canadian. By now we have all witnessed politicians, at all levels of government who are so driven by their desire to maintain control, resort to abusing their power by taking fellow politicians with opposing views to the integrity commissioner or other authorities. This manipulative tactic aims to silence critics through sanctions and penalties, wasting taxpayers' money in the process. Such actions divert resources from addressing pressing issues that affect the public, highlighting a disregard for the responsibilities entrusted to them. Politicians who engage in suppressing opposing views often resort to manipulating words and context to control the narrative. They selectively highlight certain statements while ignoring the broader context, aiming to discredit their opponents and their character. This manipulation of information not only distorts the truth but also creates a false narrative that serves their own interests. Such immature tactics undermine the transparency and honesty that are vital to a functioning democracy. By suppressing opposing views, politicians undermine the democratic process itself. Democracy thrives on the exchange of ideas, open debates, and the active participation of citizens. When politicians silence dissenting voices, they limit the diversity of perspectives necessary for informed decision-making. This erosion of democratic values weakens the trust of the electorate and damages the very foundation of a democratic society. Citizens vote for politicians based on their promises to represent their interests and concerns. When politicians use their power to silence dissent, they disregard the voices of those who elected them. This breach of trust is nothing short of betrayal to the electorate and erodes the democratic legitimacy of elected officials. Fostering disillusionment among the public. When politicians resort to suppressing opposing views, they create a culture of fear and intimidation. This not only hinders the free expression of ideas but also discourages individuals from participating in the political process. A healthy democracy relies on active civic engagement, where citizens feel safe to voice their opinions and contribute to the decision-making process. It is crucial to hold politicians accountable for their actions, demand transparency, and promote an open and inclusive political debate. True leaders understand the value of open honest dialogue and debate. They have the skills to participate in and open themselves up to the power of constructive criticism. So for all those Politicians who are not mature enough to play nice on the political chessboard, may I suggest you move over and let someone else show you how to play the game with honesty and integrity. Everyone deserves the right to be heard. "Strength Does Not Lie In The Absence Of Fear, But In The Courage To Face It Head-On And Rise Above It"


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Always Remember That The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Decode Your Life By Living It Without Regret or Sorrow. - ONE DAY AT A TIME - I say Bravo to all those that can afford a Ferrari. They are the ones that can drive fast but like to take it nice and slow and smooth... as to almost showboat their lifestyle. I say Bravo to all those that can afford to drive a Maserati. The ultimate in class and elegance. I say Bravo to all the salesmen that had the talent to sell want to be Ferrari, Maserati drivers a Honda, Hyundai, Toyota calling them sports cars.... Or in my new high performance category called ‘The Pissashity’s’. Pissashity’s are the ones that pass you on the highway at the speed of light. Inches from your vehicle as if playing some sort of video game were human life is not a factor. I don’t know about you. But, the 401 has become a death grind. Almost every other day there seems to be a fatal accident. As a driver on the highway, I can tell you that various factors contribute to the horrific accidents. Without notice the Pissashity drivers. You can tell that most of the Pissashity’s are young punks with little or no real driving experience. Champs on the computer in the make believe world of Grand Theft Auto. An arena that has the user crashing into all kinds of obstacles only to re-warp back to life a few seconds later. Very entertaining but very different in real life. I remember one evening coming back to Oshawa. These two Pissashity’s flew past me. Weaving in and out of lanes and passing people as if cars were parked. Not to long after they passed. I heard a loud bang and smoke. Well surely enough. The Pissashity’s were scrap metal. A horrible accident including various cars and a truck. People do not realize. Sport cars handle differently. They are design for particular high performance driving. Pissashity's are just average cars painted a sporty color. Some with modified suspensions and exhaust. At the end of the day. A Pissashity is a Pissashity. You can’t expect a real sport car with high performance suspension and 19 inch wheels to perform the same as an off the assembly block suspension with 14 - 17 all seasons. The other huge difference is power. Going fast does not mean your pissashity become a sport car or that it will handle like one. I remember the driving culture shock. When I was young I had purchased my first 300ZX twin Turbo. One of the first to come off the assembly line. I remember I had to take a course on how to drive it. A course that prepared you for all kinds of conditions and weather. Much like Porsche offers to some drivers. This was an eye opener. Going from a rusted out 1978 Buick Biscane to a brand new 300ZX. My Buick went fast and if it could talk I be doing 10 - 20 at Kingston Pen. Pissashity drivers. Please, slow down. You are putting your life and those around you in danger. Remember some day you may own a Ferrari, Maserati. For the mean time enjoy the Pissashitty in the middle lane like everyone else and for god sake signal when changing lanes.

Saturday, March 9, 2024

The Frog Boiling Method

By Lisa Robinson - Pickering City Councillor Many people in today’s society seem to struggle when confronted with the truth and this struggle my friends is very real. In my own personal experiences, I have had to confront my demons and struggles to gain a deeper understanding of the truth. The whole process was not only intimidating and unsettling at times, but downright frightening and eye-opening, as it forced me to confront uncomfortable truths of what is happening in the world today, and at the same time face my own vulnerabilities. I keep going back to that famous courtroom scene in “A Few Good Men” (1992) where Jack Nicholson, played the character of Colonel Nathan R. Jessup and the very moment he was pushed so hard that he yelled out the iconic quote, “You can’t handle the truth” Once one can understand how if you can open yourself up to this kind of a pivotal moment you will start to not only see what everyone else see’s, but you will be able to use critical thinking skills and start to think differently. If one would only take the time and allow themselves to realize that perhaps not everything we see or hear that is being pushed on us by celebrities, news media, institutions, governments, and nongovernmental institutions to name a few, is truth, you too may have a transformative experience that allows you to see the truth in a new light, bringing a profound shift in your thinking and understanding. Instead of facing the truth head-on, some choose to blindly conform and follow along. I personally link this type of behaviour to the “Frog boiling method” where gradual changes go unnoticed until it is too late. For those who may be unfamiliar with this metaphor, it is about a frog sitting in a cool pot of water thinking everything is ok. As the heat gradually increases the frog does not take notice until it is too late and he is being cooked in a pot of boiling water. This metaphor highlights the dangers of complacency and the importance of using critical thinking skills to become aware of subtle changes in our surroundings and circumstances. One should always seek to educate themselves by adopting a behaviour in which to also seek alternate sources of information not only to consider different viewpoints but to weigh evidence and form a well-rounded opinion based on a more comprehensive understanding of the topic at large. Rather than taking the time to listen to what others have to say and participating in open honest dialog or debate, some individuals are quick to jump in that cool pot of water filled with criticism, insult, name calling, and labeling one as being a bigot, racist, transphobe, without taking a critical well needed moment to research or participate to see what is the truth. Calling one a conspiracy theorist or deeming the information as misinformation without truly understanding the intentions of the speaker has become an alarming trend driven by the desire to push personal agendas and discredit others. It has also become more and more concerning to observe people in today’s society, attacking people far beyond mere name-calling to targeting individual's jobs and livelihood’s, in an attempt to make them suffer simply because of a divergence in values or opinions. The fact that some individuals would display such vindictiveness and turn against their fellow human beings for holding opposing views is truly a character trait that shows they lack having moral principles of determining the difference between right and wrong, good and bad. We all have demons, and it’s time to start looking in the mirror and confronting those demons head-on. This self-reflection will be frightening at times, but once you start to pull back the curtain, you may realize that not everything is how it seems. It can be hard to come to terms that the institutions, governments, media, and celebrities that we have religiously relied upon for years, may have deliberately deceived or misled us. Time to get out of the pot and do your own research. Once you do this, I promise you that your life will evolve as you will then be able to treat those with opposing views with honesty, fairness, integrity, compassion, and respect that they deserve. Remember the Golden Rule: “Do onto others as you would have them do unto you” Then you will no longer choose to participate in these petty games of hate and vindictiveness but will learn to agree to disagree. My doors always open if you need help in your journey of seeking the truth. “Speaking the truth can be a challenging path, for it unveils the raw realities that some may find uncomfortable. Yet remember that those who react with hate or choose to bully are merely seeking solace in their ignorance. Stay steadfast, for your words have the power to inspire change, even if it takes time for others to truly listen” Lisa Robinson 2023 "Strength Does Not Lie In The Absence Of Fear, But In The Courage To Face It Head-On And Rise Above It"

“Canada, Your Silence is Giving Away Your Rights”

by D. Lynne Associate Columnist Everyone likes Canadians. Why, because Canadians are the politest, the nicest, the most accepting people in the world. For the most part we Canadians are a live land let live society. If we don’t like or agree with something most of us will mumble, grumble, complain with our friends and then go on about our business, doing nothing. In other words. We tend to go silent. Why do we go so silent when we know right from wrong? Is it because we are afraid? Why do we not stand up for what is right? Is it because we don’t have the time, or maybe we’re to busy, or we want others to solve the problems or are we just plain afraid of being centered out, of being accused of being racist, homophobic etc. etc. This is how the bullies, the abusers get their way. They immediately gaslight us, which is a form of Psychological Manipulation which abusers use to attempt to sow self-doubt and confusion in their victim’s mind. An example of gaslighting is domestic violence, where the victim, usually a woman, is afraid to seek help as she has been lead to belief by her abuser, that everything that happens is all her fault. When a few people do join together to step up and peacefully protest what’s happening the bullies and abusers show up in large numbers, many of who may also be paid to hide beneath masks and dark clothing and insight physical harm. An example of this is when parents and others joined together, in the fall of 2023, to peacefully protest what they believe to be the sexual indoctrination of their young children, unions sent out a urgent call for unions and members etc to come out early and in numbers to block and yell, screaming hate etc at the peaceful protesters. This is only one example of what is happening all across Canada. School Boards in Ontario and across Canada are refusing to hear parents concerns and have been stopping meetings, having security and sometime police remove the parents from the meeting and then continuing on with the meeting. School Trustees that stand up for the parents are being censured and banned from meetings etc. And why is this happening? ~ They do it to gain power and control over the people. Is it possible that this is al just one step of the Bigger Plan, part of the Great Reset? Think about it, the following by themselves don’t seem like a big deal but put them all togther ; ~ No fossil fuels ~ No Gas Stoves ~ No gas vehicles ~ Electric Vehicles ~ Methane Gas - Cows ~ Facial Recognition ~ Digital Money / cashless ~ Digital I.D.s ~ Carbon Tax ~ Climate Crisis / CO2 ~ Trees / CO2 ~ Geo Engineering / Chem trails ~ Bike / Scooter Rentals ~ 15 minute cities” aka “Smart Cities” ~ Gender Classification ~ Destroy Women ~ Sexual Education of Children ~ Etc. etc. etc. Hmmm ... when all these goals and are accomplished and you are living in their 15 minute/Smart Cities, will you be restricted to these areas and not allowed to leave without permission, after all you will have everything you need within 15 minutes of where you live, no need for a car no need to go anywhere.. Is it fiction, maybe, maybe not. Are we victims of gaslighting? We all know when we were told to stay home, cut carbon usage, the elite, those in power & politics, the heads of corporations etc. all enjoyed the freedom and the luxury of their jets and lifestyle to live while we were coerced into staying home and doing without. Maybe it’s time to stop being silent of being afraid. Don’t be a gaslight victim. Many of your friends and neighbours feel the same as you. Remember everything starts with that first step Stop the Silence ~ Start the Conversation ~ Stand up for what is Right As the song says “Children are Our Future” make sure they have one

The Sad State of the Canadian Military

by Maj (ret'd) CORNELIU. CHISU, CD, PMSC, FEC, CET, P. Eng. Former Member of Parliament Pickering-Scarborough East Considering the geopolitical situation today and the rising potential of a world conflict, the status of the Canadian Military is not one that the country can be proud. Years of neglect in terms of infrastructure, the supply of military hardware and personnel, make the future look bleak. In short, Canada's military is facing a series of problems that, without a serious infusion of cash and attention from the federal government, could threaten our standing in an unpredictable world. Over the past 50 years and more, it is painfully clear that the military has been off the radar in Ottawa. Pledges made about meeting the NATO requirement of two percent of GDP are never met, no matter who forms government. The truth is we are laggard, and remain beholden to the United States to protect us. As a result, our armed forces are broken, and that is shameful. Interestingly enough, the Canadian government has found money to support the Ukrainian war effort by billions of dollars, further depleting the already scarce resources of the Canadian Forces. Canadian politicians of all stripes made grandiose statements about contributing to Ukraine’s war effort but the fact that is we cannot contribute much more than a few weapons. Such is the state of our armed forces. It is time to get back to basics and understand that the role of our military as a common sense concept is to assure the defence of our land. Therefore, the challenges, which have preoccupied Canadian defence policymakers since Confederation, have been how to maintain territorial sovereignty. Specifically, these challenges are related to the vast territorial sweep of the country and the fact that much of its claimed territory is sparsely populated, especially in the Arctic. For much of the post-World War II period, this concern was framed in terms of a Cold War-based threat coming from the Soviet Union, and more recently, from Russia and China. Considering this new reality, Canada should pursue a strong approach to sovereignty in the Arctic in the future. Appropriate investments should be continued for upgrading both naval and other military capacity in the Arctic region. However, a purely military approach to security will not be enough and an approach of developing an economic structure in the Arctic needs to be pursued. This should be part of a general vision for developing Canada. Unfortunately, none of the current political platforms, advocated by any political party in Canada, shows any sign of a vision for the future of Canada. Think about it. Canada is the second largest country in the world in terms of territory, but has a population of barely 40 million people. This population is concentrated around four major cities, one of which is the capital city of Ottawa. The time has come to look for a global vision of Canada. This has been done in the past. The time has come to establish a new capital of this vast country, somewhere in the geographical center. Along with this, it is necessary to have a new vision for the military and a new leadership, one that understands the needs of a military capable of efficiently securing our borders. The situation today is that we have a Minister of National Defence with very limited knowledge or understanding of the needs of the military. His background might be versed in policing, but the military is a different issue. Military leadership requires specific military skills. He also needs to stand up for the military rather than simply be subservient to the Prime Minister’s Office. Recently Defense Minister Bill Blair acknowledged an uncomfortable reality. "My assessment is we've got some work to do," he told reporters The minister was in Edmonton to announce C$45.3 million in infrastructure upgrades at the city's military base — a drop in the bucket of the Department of National Defence's worsening backlog of deferred maintenance. Blair said the military he oversees has to do better at arming itself and recruiting new members. Empty words, without any corresponding action. With continuing budgetary restrains meted out to our Canadian Forces, coupled with continued and reckless support for international projects, the Government is relegating our Canadian Forces to a deplorable state. This is a very bleak outlook for the years to come, without a drastic change. For the moment, only a fraction of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) is available to ship out at any given moment. The 2024-25 plan pegs the "approximate total" of deployable soldiers in the coming year at 13,000. In addition, they face a crumbling infrastructure and a disarray in new military equipment and weapons supply. The National Defence department's property "will continue to degrade at an accelerated rate due to systemic and significant underfunding in maintenance and recapitalization." In my view, Canadian politicians are living in a fairyland world full of pixie dust when it comes to dealing with our military. Maybe Vladimir Putin has been a reality check. Let’s hope so, because the state of our armed forces is very sad!

Monday, March 4, 2024

A Planned Attack, An Ambush, Against A Pickering Councillor

by D. Lynne Associate Columnist This past Monday February 26th, at the monthly City of Pickering Council Meeting there was a planned attack, an ambush. I say planned because the topic was not on the agenda. The agenda is not posted until the Friday (or sometimes Thursday night) before the meeting. Then once the agenda is published one can register, before noon on the Monday, as a delegate but can only speak to the topics on the agenda. Here’s why I suggest it was a planned attack, an ambush! In order to speak on a topic Not on an agenda, one must register their name and the topic a minimum of ten days prior to a meeting. This Monday meeting had 18 delegates, all with the same or similar topic (Black History Month, Councillor Robinson’s Comments), all registered by the ten day requirement, the majority knew each other and were known friends and supporters of the mayor and some other councilors. Isn’t that Interesting? What was the topic you Ask? It was based on Councillor Lisa Robinson’s op-ed article Feb. 6th in Durham's, The Central Newspaper, “IT IS NOT BLACK AND WHITE”. The essence of the article was designed to question, are we not creating racism by singling out one group over another? It was not as some thought, a slam against Black History. The article was stating that the history of all peoples, regardless of race, should be taught together, and taught throughout the year not just singled out and prioritized over the accomplishments of other races. It’s this labeling that creates racism, pitting race against race, religion against religion, etc. ect. ect.. The CRT (Critical Race Theory) does a good job creating racism but that’s a topic for another day. Getting back to the councilor’s article, I would have to question if many, if any, actually read the full article and understood it or, did someone tell them that the councilor was racist and against Black History Month. Hmmm … wasn't that what the Mayor kept saying in his many speeches and attacks on Councillor Robinson? Did the Mayor read and understand the article or did he glance at it and then, for political gain, run to the Anti-Black Task Force along with the rest of council to fan the flames portraying Councillor Robinson as racist and that they, the rest of council would be supportive and help the taskforce with anything they needed? Hmmm … Talk about political posturing!!! And was it really necessary for the mayor to have his young grand-daughter at the meeting dressed in a Black Lives Matter Tee-shirt? More political posturing!! The Delegates spoke; 1 - only about the importance of the Black History Month because until this month they didn’t know the accomplishments of some Black people.; 2 - and that the councilor is racist based on their interpretation of the article. This actually proves what the councilor is saying, that the history and accomplishments of all races should be taught through out the year, and not just at one appointed time, prioritizing the accomplishments of one race. Wouldn’t that be a step to equality? After the meeting comments were flowing on social media, by the same few instigators, some using fake names (to hide from the nasty, hateful things they say), again attacking the councilor of being a racist, hateful etc. etc. etc. promoting others to say, the councilor is racist, that she should apologize, should resign, and asking where are her supporters etc etc. Well, in the galley there were many supporters of Councillor Lisa Robinson, who would have talked, but were not allowed to, remember this was a planned attack, not on the agenda so no one could talk as the topic was not on the agenda. These supporters quite often attend council meetings, because they like the fact that she raises questions, pushing for answers and doesn’t just rubber stamp things as the rest of council does, but again that’s a discussion for another time. I have to say Durham Region got one thing right when naming their committee, the Durham Region Anti-Racism Taskforce. It seems Durham understands everyone suffers under some type of Racism, where as Pickering named their committee Anti-Black Racism Taskforce, again isn’t that just political posturing and ignoring all others in the community, so much for neutrality and equality! Shame on you Mayor and the rest of Council, choosing sides thereby encouraging hate and racism, shameful! Bullies count on your fear of backlash to silence people, it’s time to push that fear aside and speak up?

Pickering Style LUNCHIN

By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Always Remember That The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Decode Your Life By Living It Without Regret or Sorrow. - ONE DAY AT A TIME - Let’s get it right.... so we don’t confuse me opening a can of tuna for a can of worms. Even though ‘can’ opening is involved. Two very different contents. By definition, Lunchin means: Urban Dictionary › define › term=lunchin It means to act stupid, or do something stupid. It also can mean to be burnt, meaning you are slow or blank, because you're zoned or high What does lunchin mean in slang? Lunchin – adj. Tripping; Off one's rocker; Something crazy; Acting a fool. Lunchin: acting crazy, doing too much. THIS IS THE CAN OF TUNA I WILL BE OPENING. NOT THE CAN OF WORMS BELOW: The title above is not a typo, nor a misspelling. Let’s not get the words confuse or make wrongful assumptions. Lunchin and Lynching are different. As Lynching by definition means: Lynching is an extrajudicial killing by a group. It is most often used to characterize informal public executions by a mob in order to punish an alleged transgressor, punish a convicted transgressor, or intimidate people. I am sorry for the educated amongst us that know the difference. But in today modern society we have to be careful of those that become easily offended and intellectually challenged as many jump to conclusion without understanding the meaning and intent of the usage of words. Case in point the Pickering Paradox below: This past week I was witness to a real sad state of affairs. I attended the Pickering town hall where about 15 - 18 different people made public delegations against an article that was published by councillor Lisa Robinson entitled, “IT IS NOT BLACK AND WHITE”. An article that called to question the fact that by society having a ‘BLACK HISTORY MONTH’ in itself is it not counter productive to the whole equality movement. In my day I have attended some real interesting city councils. This one truly made me feel sorry for humanity. I say this because many of those delegating clearly never read the article in question. It appeared from afar as many of these folks were somehow used as political tokens. I say this because Pickering Mayor, Kevin Ashe and City councillor Lisa Robinson have been feuding for some time. The delegations in my opinion missed their mark. They were full of passionate personal experiences and almost out right hatred for anyone that did not support their particular agenda. I believe that many that made declarations were lunchin. Their passionate presentations were intended to attack the councillor without the understanding of the facts. I bring to question if any of those presenting had actually read the column in it’s entirety. I can appreciate the associations and groups that presented against the councillor. After all some of them are highly funded by the City. Therefore it is understandably so that they would support the Mayor. As the Mayor of Pickering in my opinion is responsible for fanning the fires of racism. Mayor Ashe should have never gone public and denounce the right of a City councillor to exercise her right to write an opinion piece in this great newspaper. He, has no jurisdiction and or authority to attempt to control what council member do on their spare time. He does by policy have the right to bring to question the integrity of the intent of the article. This meaning that he should have first consulted the councillor in question. Then the newspaper. At the least he should have read the column. As in my opinion he has not and Mr. Ashe was lunchin as he showed his hate for the councillor and truly showed himself to be a real Ash. OOOOPS that was a spelling error. 18 delegations attacking the councillor with the same rage and anger. Delegations representing the black community. The same community that demanded respect and equality. The same community that in a verbal lynch type mentality were not there to educate and or find peaceful resolve. Instead, they exhibited hatred towards the councillor and demanded more than in once instance her resignation. Now, I ask you is this not a form of oppression. The verbal lynching mentality that they exhibited was lunchin. Bringing forth the true militant purpose of their racial agenda. Leaving out equality. Two hours she endured by a lunchin mob attempting to socially lynch her character for exercising her freedom of speech. Sad society we live in. So many confused and hurting souls. In Rodney King words, “ “Can we all get along?” is a far distant cry... as shown at council.

The Erosion of XX

By Lisa Robinson - Pickering City Councillor In 2022, Matt Walsh from the Daily Wire, delved into the question “What is a Woman?” which went viral with over 177 million views on Twitter. I found his journey to be quite disturbing as he tries to get answers to questions that generations long before us never knew they needed to ask. Personally, being a woman myself, which is an adult female with XX chromosomes, I feel the concept of womanhood has been under continuous attack, as biological males encroach upon spaces and rights that women have fought tirelessly for decades to secure. The erosion of our identity as women, and the mockery made of our experiences from those like Dylan Mulvaney have become an injustice that cannot be ignored. Women have persevered through countless struggles to assert their rights and demand equality for centuries. From the right to vote in public elections to reproductive rights, we have marched, protested, and sacrificed much to establish and forge our path in society today. Yet, in a cruel twist of fate, the very essence of womanhood is now being undermined by those who seek to erase our unique experiences and replace them with a distorted version of reality. One need only look at the absurdity of biological males pretending to menstruate, using tampons, and infiltrating women's sports and private spaces to see the extent of this mockery. The notion that calling mothers "birthing persons" and "breast feeders" somehow promotes inclusivity is not only absurd but deeply insulting to the sacrifices and struggles of women throughout history. Where are the feminists who once stood at the forefront of the fight for women's rights? Why have so many retreated into silence, cowed by the fear of being labeled as bigots, racists, or transphobes? The deafening silence of those who claim to champion women's rights in the face of such blatant erasure speaks volumes about the state of modern feminism. I want to be clear, biological men cannot have babies. It is women who bear the burden of childbirth and nurture the next generation. Women are the ones who keep society alive and populated, and our experiences as women are unique and irreplaceable. To suggest otherwise is not only absurd but an affront to our very existence. If one were to take 100 women and 10 men and drop them off on a deserted island, in 100 years you would find a thriving society full of men, women, boys and girls. Now what if one were to take 100 transwomen and 10 men and drop them off on a deserted island, what would you find in 100 years? Answer – You would find 110 corpses. This, I can say with certainty, is the unequivocal truth. I think it's high time that feminists reclaim their voices and stand in solidarity against this assault on womanhood. Time to reject the false narratives of inclusivity that seek to erase our identities and experiences. Time to demand recognition and respect for the struggles and sacrifices of women throughout history. Not only does this concern extend beyond matters of sexuality but it also encompasses the ongoing treatment women endure at the hands of the prevailing gender. For example, in the hallowed halls of council chambers, the struggle for gender equality rages on, with women continuing to face entrenched biases and discrimination. Despite making strides in securing seats at the table, the journey towards true representation remains fraught with challenges and obstacles. Certain men in positions of power still believe they possess the authority to dominate and exert power over women. As a strong, independent woman on the council, I have borne witness to the insidious tactics employed by certain colleagues to undermine my authority, diminish my contributions, and silence my voice. The pervasive atmosphere of the "old boys' club" rears its ugly head time and time again, with certain members using inappropriate and unwelcome conversations of a sexual nature and the use of psychological harassment. We have a mayor who resorts to tactics such as yelling and name-calling, all designed to belittle, discredit, and intimidate not only me but other women who attend Council chambers for refusing to sit down or because they did not obey when told to stop speaking. Despite the strides made by having 3 women on council, the unfortunate reality is that not all female councillors champion the cause of women's rights. In a disappointing turn of events, I have found myself isolated and marginalized, with no support. Instead of embracing diversity of thought and perspective, certain councillors persist in perpetuating a toxic culture of misogyny and disrespect. The struggle for gender equality extends beyond mere representation—it is about creating an inclusive and equitable environment where all voices are heard and respected. Yet, the journey towards this ideal remains fraught with challenges, as evidenced by my request for additional security measures at council meetings due to targeted harassment and intimidation towards women. As I prepare to once again speak truth to power on sensitive topics, I am bracing myself for the inevitable backlash and vitriol that will ensue. The prospect of being yelled at, called names, and ridiculed is a sobering reminder of the uphill battle that women continue to face in the pursuit of speaking the truth and fighting for justice and equality. I will continue to speak out against injustice, champion the cause of women's rights, and fight tirelessly for a more inclusive and equitable society that does not divide people by the colour of their skin, religious beliefs, or sexual preferences. "Strength Does Not Lie In The Absence Of Fear, But In The Courage To Face It Head-On And Rise Above It"
Doug Ford’s Ontario and the massive debt acquired by Maj (ret'd) CORNELIU. CHISU, CD, PMSC, FEC, CET, P. Eng. Former Member of Parliament Pickering-Scarborough East The Province of Ontario carries one of the largest debt burdens in Canada, largely due to the provincial government’s unwillingness to control spending. This represents a significant drag on provincial finances and a major cost to Ontarians. Heading into budget season, if the Ford government wants to finally tackle the province’s debt problem, it must restrain spending. However, they will obviously not be doing that, for selfish electoral gain. The Ford government released the 2023–24 Third Quarter Finances this week, to provide an update o
n Ontario’s economic and fiscal outlook since the release of the 2023 Ontario Economic Outlook and Fiscal Review (also referred to as the Fall Economic Statement, or FES). The Ontario government, through its Finance Minister Peter Betlenfalvy, tried to make the outlook of the Ontario economy look positive. Some of these whitewashing efforts include the following interpretations to soften the facts. The real GDP growth has been slowing, in part due to the impact of higher interest rates. Following a 0.4 percent increase in the second quarter of 2023, Ontario’s real GDP was unchanged in the third calendar quarter of 2023. The 2023–24 Third Quarter Finances projects a deficit of $4.5 billion in 2023–24, an improvement of $1.1 billion compared to the outlook published in the 2023 Fall Economic Statement. The improvement to the deficit is primarily due to increased revenue and lower interest on debt expense. The 2023 Budget published in March 2023 projected a deficit of $1.3 billion. The government plans to provide its next update by March 31, 2024 as part of the 2024 Budget. “As this year unfolds, our government will continue to take a prudent, responsible approach to managing Ontario’s finances, ensuring there is capacity to respond to economic headwinds while continuing to invest in building Ontario’s future” said Peter Bethlenfalvy. According to a recent study published by the Fraser Institute, Ontario’s net debt is expected to reach $416.1 billion this year, which is 84.9 per cent higher than in 2007/08. Moreover, government debt equals 38.7 per cent of the province’s economy (ranking below only Quebec and Newfoundland and Labrador) and on a per-person basis ranks second-highest at $27,091 (behind only Newfoundland and Labrador). Clearly, Ontario has one of the highest debt burdens in the country. In an article in the Ottawa citizen of 21 February 2024 Grady Munro and Jake Fuss published an interesting analysis of the situation. In their opinion, very little attention is being paid to the increasing debt that the Province of Ontario is facing. Interestingly enough, on the election platform of Peter Betlenfalvy, there was a claim that he was pivotal in downgrading the financial rating of Ontario, during the time of the Kathleen Wynne Liberal government, due to excessive debt. High levels of government debt come with costs, including interest costs. Just like a family that takes out a mortgage, governments must pay interest on the money they borrow. Two main factors determine interest costs: the interest rate and the total amount of debt. An increase in the interest rate and/or an increase in the amount of debt will increase interest costs. Not surprisingly, Ontario’s significant debt burden has produced significant interest costs. In 2023/24, the Ford government will pay $13.4 billion in debt interest, making it one of the largest single items in its budget. This is money unavailable for services or tax relief for Ontarians. To put it into perspective, the government will spend more on debt interest than it expects to spend on post-secondary education. The Ford government borrowed substantial sums of money before, during and after the pandemic and consistently increased spending, thus racking up this massive debt, despite singing a different tune when first elected in 2018. At the time, former Ford finance minister Vic Fedeli pledged to take “immediate action to mitigate this fiscal mess”. Unfortunately, the Ford government’s promises have proven to be empty words. To be fair, successive Ontario governments have increased spending for many years, resulting in persistent budget deficits and ever-growing debt. Over the last 15 years, Ontario has run 14 budget deficits. However, despite promising to change course on the campaign trail, the Ford government has chosen to continue the trend of higher spending and debt accumulation. Even when the government ran an unexpected surplus in 2021/22 due to a revenue surge, it chose to further increase spending and run an unnecessary deficit the following year. Without spending restraint at Queen’s Park, Ontario’s debt problem will only get worse. It is time for the Ford government to finally break its spending habits in Ontario’s upcoming budget. Keep in mind that you, the taxpayer, are paying for the spending habits of this government. Beware! Be aware!

A Failing Grade in Basic Mathematics

By W. Gifford-Jones MD and Diana Gifford Have even one in a thousand North Americans ever heard of Kissick’ s Law? More than 25 years ago, if you were reading the Ontario Medical Review, you would have seen an article, written by Dr. Samuel Vaisrub, explaining the message. Kissick stated that if the U.S. Declaration of Independence was written in contemporary times, it would declare the pursuit of health, rather than happiness, after life and liberty, as the third inalienable right of Americans. About 50 years ago Kissick, a professor at the renowned U.S. Wharton School of Business, stunned Canadians and Americans with a showstopping speech about the economic laws of health care economics. Considering the ongoing healthcare mess in both countries today, it’s a shame his wise council never took hold. What did Kissick recommend? It was about what every family in North America knows. If you spend more than you earn, soon enough the laws of economics will trigger bankruptcy. Kissick’s warning was simple arithmetic. Readers should get up, find a pen, and write this principle down over and over. No society in the world has sufficient money to provide all the healthcare services its population is capable of using, Kissick warned. But he was not finished, so keep you pen handy and keep writing. He added that even if the nation’s gross national product were expanding at record-setting rates, it would still not be enough. People have a voracious appetite for spending on their health. If left to the forces of demand, healthcare spending would consume the nation’s entire budget. He said the problem was similar to giving his credit card to his daughter and saying, “Darling, go buy anything you want, and I will pay all the bills.” Kissick hesitated for a moment, and then added, “If what I have told you doesn’t alarm you,” he said to the audience, “I’ll loan you my daughter!” Economists have been saying the same thing. For decades, healthcare spending in many places around the world has been outpacing economic growth. It’s simply not sustainable. We are no longer approaching the time when we will be forced to accept the consequences. We have reached it. The pursuit of healthcare has limitations. Our collective psyche must face the reckoning. We will have less, not more, healthcare spending. And if refusing to accept this, then we will have worse roads, backed-up sewers, poorer education, and you name it, a lot less to invest in everything else that we like to take for granted. An old joke offers the definition of a healthy person. It’s someone who hasn’t been seen by enough doctors or had enough tests done. And this is true. Inevitably, everyone will find one health problem or another. But being obsessive about health, always wanting more and more care, is neither advisable nor feasible. As governments face the hard reality of cancelling their healthcare credit cards, you can be sure they’ll never tell you straight up about it. Voters don’t want to hear about it, especially that enormous cohort of the population that is aging into retirement years. There is a better alternative. People should be less obsessive about healthcare and more determined to avoid the need for it. The human body is an amazing organism, but only if not abused by cigarettes, alcohol, and drugs, both legal and illegal, by junk food, by lack of exercise, and by the long list of environmental and other global problems. Can we make the shift? Or do we need to pray for divine intervention to avoid this disastrous train wreck. Sign-up at to receive our weekly e-newsletter. For comments, Follow us Instagram @docgiff and @diana_gifford_jones

Saturday, February 17, 2024


NATIONAL NEWS By Lisa Robinson - Pickering City Councillor The City of Pickering has recently become the subject of National News bringing with it a newfound awareness of the realities of how things are run at the Municipal level and other related institutions. This awakening, if you will, is an important step in holding those in positions of power accountable for their actions. Being a newly elected official of 2022, I have been doing my best to shed light on the underlying corruption I have witnessed during my short time on the Council. I have been steadfast in questioning the motives and “best practices” of those entrusted with decision-making while upholding my Declaration of Office. I had to solemnly promise and declare that: I would truly, faithfully, and impartially exercise this office to the best of my knowledge and ability; that I have not received and will not receive any payment or reward, or promise thereof, for the exercise of this office in a biased, corrupt or any other improper manner; I will disclose any pecuniary interest, direct or indirect, in accordance with the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act; and that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to His Majesty King Charles the Third. While my Declaration of Office does not commit me to prioritize the needs and best interest of the people I represent, my focus is and will always be on the well-being and interests of the community, which is the very essence of why I persevered to join this political arena in the first place. Despite my attempts to make friends or become popular, I was quickly cautioned by various individuals within the City staff by a recurring cautionary note that struck a chord with me that I will never soon forget: “Councillor Robinson, these people are not your friends.” Today I find myself humbled by the wisdom of those words and realize just how accurate they were. I have grown from these very words and now champion myself to be not a nice person but rather a good person. In my humble opinion, a nice person is someone who wants to be liked and be popular. They will do anything they can to make sure they win the next election even if it is morally wrong and goes against the good of the people. A yes nodder, who doesn’t question one-sided narratives being pushed forward in fear of being disliked. A good person, however, does not care about being liked or popular. A good person will refuse to base their decisions on whether or not it serves their best interest and gets them re-elected. I want to be known as a politician who is a good person, one who consistently speaks the truth and is genuinely honest, putting the needs of the people first above all else. A good person who will not be coerced into political posturing, by colleagues or special interest groups just to win a popular vote. I have consistently demonstrated my commitment to being a principled independent thinker. I refuse to conform or vote along with my colleagues just for the sake of agreement. I thoroughly research topics brought forward in my agenda and ask pertinent questions. If I cannot obtain any, or at least satisfactory answers, then I refuse to vote in favour of said agenda item with my colleagues. I am still trying to understand how anyone can make informed decisions and prioritize the best interests of the community without having answers. Because I have the ability to see what everyone else can see, but I can think differently, raises grave concerns in some instances, resulting in many 6 to 1 votes, and judging by the transparency of staff and council expressions, my perspective of not following along is not popular and frowned upon. The same goes with my three draft motions that I was trying to bring forward for my constituents in which I lost one-quarter of my first year's salary under the recommendation of Principles Integrity. Whom I believe was biased, and based their report on double hearsay, her personal opinion and her personal views, while attacking my character and concluding that the following three draft motions somehow showed to be transphobic and homophobic in nature: a draft motion asking that we as a Municipal Government should remain neutral by only flying government flags (and the poppy/Veterans flag) on all government buildings; a draft motion that would give boys, girls, men, and women the choice to use either their biological changeroom or the choice to use a universal changeroom that is inclusive to all genders and/or families; and a third draft motion that would have placed an age restriction on drag queen story time and pride events. Unfortunately, none of my colleagues supported having open dialog surrounding the implementation of these policies, and instead voted to sanction my pay on the recommendation of “Principles Integrity.” I have since initiated a Judicial review of their report, and it is also worth noting that there seems to be a trend with “Principles Integrity” who were fired from another Municipality in 2022 on similar allegations of having a biased opinion and the way they attacked another Council member's integrity. Recently, I have become aware of the City’s decision to withhold payment for an ad I authored in this very newspaper at the end of last year. It seems they are dissatisfied with my proactive approach in reaching out to constituents and sharing information regarding all the 6 to 1 votes I lost during my initial year on Council. Consequently, The Central newspaper will be compelled to take legal action against the City of Pickering to obtain payment that was rightfully allocated within my 2023 budget. The punitive measures of depriving me of monetary amounts due to my exercise of free speech and expression, on top of my monetary sanction, serve to demonstrate the City of Pickering’s vindictive stance against me and the constituents perspectives I represent. It doesn’t stop there, as just the other week, on my way to a meeting, I overheard a conversation where a senior member of staff, who happens to be the mayor’s right-hand man, was instructing staff to meticulously scrutinize all my videos, social media, and op-eds in an effort to find grounds for code of conduct charges against me. I find it deeply concerning that the mayor has been engaging in this type of targeted action with the intent to undermine and harm me because I tell the truth, I ask too many questions, and I refuse to sit silently and obey. Not only does this type of behaviour violate the principles of fairness, respect, and professionalism as outlined in our Code of Conduct, but it is compromising the trust and integrity of the Council as a whole. Not to mention that this attack on me comes at a cost to you, the taxpayer, showing the lengths of just how spiteful and vindictive our mayor is willing to go to silence my right to free speech and challenge the status quo. CUPE 129 and PPFA have joined in, following the mayor’s narrative of calling me a racist for publicly stating a personal opinion, in a timely fashion. A classic playbook strategy in which they executed flawlessly, as they need to protect their interests and make sure their concerns are taken into consideration in future decision-making processes. Despite my willingness to engage in open dialogue, no one has directly approached me to discuss my opinion. Not the Mayor, Council members, staff, or either union. Instead, they have chosen to act against me covertly, betraying my trust with their secret meetings, whispers in the halls, emails, and phone calls. You the taxpayer should be concerned with this ongoing trend as this is not how leaders should behave. These undemocratic actions do not align with the principles outlined in our Charter of Rights and the Bill of Rights which should be guiding the conduct of these elected officials, and leaders of the community. As challenging as my path has been thus far, it only reinforces that more than ever I need to uphold values and fulfill the responsibilities that my constituents elected me to do. As for those individuals who take joy in resorting to hatred, name-calling, insults, and mocking my appearance through memes, I understand that your emotions may be sensitive, but I will always prioritize truth over feelings. Perhaps one day, you too will come to see this perspective. Until then, embrace the love within you, for it has the power to illuminate even the darkest paths of your journey. "Strength Does Not Lie In The Absence Of Fear, But In The Courage To Face It Head-On And Rise Above It"

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Canada Flag Day 2024

by Maj (ret'd) CORNELIU. CHISU, CD, PMSC, FEC, CET, P. Eng. Former Member of Parliament Pickering-Scarborough East In February when the Canadian winter really settles in, we have something great to celebrate and be proud of it. Something which made us a nation to be cherished and respected. You have seen it proudly flying throughout the country. Maybe you have waved a paper hand flag on Canada Day, or worn it as a pin on your jacket. Maybe you have even sewn one on to your backpack and travelled the world! Regardless of where you see it, the National Flag of Canada stands out both at home and abroad as one of the most striking and recognizable symbols representing Canada. February 15 is Flag Day in Canada, the annual day on the calendar where we mark the first raising of the “new” Canadian flag, the Maple Leaf, on Parliament Hill in 1965. While the quest for a national flag for Canada dates back to the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the flag as we know it today emerged from the major social transformations during the 1950s and 1960s in the lead up to the 100th anniversary of Confederation in 1967. In 1960, Lester B. Pearson, then Leader of the Opposition, declared that he was determined to solve what he called “the flag problem.” To Pearson, this issue was critical to defining Canada as a unified, independent country. As the newly elected Prime Minister in 1963, Pearson promised to resolve the question of a new national flag in time for Canada’s centennial celebrations in 1967. A parliamentary committee was created and given a 6-week deadline to submit a recommendation for a national flag. Debate within the committee was fierce, divided between those who wished to retain the symbols that tied Canada to its colonial history, and those who wanted Canada to adopt its own symbols for the future. This period was known as the Great Flag Debate. The legendary Flag Debate has seen two respected Canadians making their points, the great John Diefenbaker – who wanted Canada to keep using his beloved Red Ensign – and the equally great Lester Pearson, who wanted Canada to turn a new page with a flag distinctly our own. While most Canadian historians and commentators have consistently criticized Mr. Diefenbaker for his stand and the long debate on the issue in the House of Commons, this actually helped all Canadians eventually accept the change. Canadians who feared such a radical change in symbols felt that their voices had been heard. While they feared the switch to a new national symbol, they had witnessed Mr. Diefenbaker fight for their cause and this in turn, helped in the end to cement the Maple Leaf in its earliest years. One of the more well-received designs considered by the parliamentary committee was proposed by George Stanley, Dean of Arts at the Royal Military College (RMC) in Kingston, Ontario. Inspired by RMC’s own flag, Stanley recommended a design featuring a single, stylized red maple leaf on a white background with 2 red borders. On October 22, 1964, the committee voted in favour of Stanley’s single-leaf design. Two months later the House of Commons approved, followed shortly after by the Senate. Let’s review the history of the Canadian flag for a moment. The flag that was first raised on February 15, 1965, the flag that has made us all proud as Canadians to have our own beloved Maple Leaf centered Canadian flag. Several different flags were used in Canada before our current National Flag. Since the first days of European presence on Canadian soil, flags of European homelands, such as France, have been displayed. The flags of British North America used in colonial Canada showcased ties to the British Empire. Both before and after Confederation in 1867, Canada used the United Kingdom’s Royal Union Flag, commonly known as the Union Jack. Another British flag used in Canada was the Red Ensign. While it was officially a naval flag used by Canadian ships starting in the 1890s, the Canadian Red Ensign — a combination of the Union Jack and the shield of Canada — had been used unofficially both at sea and on land since the 1870s and was widely recognized as a national symbol. During the First World War, the Canadian Red Ensign became a popular patriotic emblem. As Canada matured as a nation, it became more important to create uniquely Canadian symbols to represent the country. In 1921, King George V granted Royal Arms to Canada and the shield of Canada’s new official coat of arms took its place on the Canadian Red Ensign. It is this version of the Canadian Red Ensign that represented Canada during the Second World War. Beyond a new coat of arms, many Canadians also wanted a new, distinctive Canadian flag to represent them. Appeals for such a flag increased steadily in the early 20th century. However, creating an entirely new flag was no easy feat. Which symbols could be chosen to represent and characterize Canada and its values? In the years following the Second World War, public opinion grew in favour of a new national flag, but the nation was divided. Canadians had fought and died under the Union Jack and the Canadian Red Ensign and many were still attached to these emblems and to their British heritage. The new maple leaf flag was made official by a proclamation from Queen Elizabeth II on January 28, 1965. On February 15 of that year, it was inaugurated in a public ceremony on Parliament Hill. At the stroke of noon, the new National Flag of Canada was hoisted. The 14th Prime Minister of Canada, Lester B. Pearson’s words on the occasion resound with hope and determination: “May the land over which this new flag flies remain united in freedom and justice … sensitive, tolerant and compassionate towards all.” In conclusion, during these difficult times with the world in turmoil, it becomes important that we unite under our beloved national symbol, the Canadian Flag. If our nation endures for a thousand years, the 15th day of February, 1965, will always be remembered as a milestone in Canada’s progress as a nation. Under this Flag may our citizens find new inspiration for loyalty to Canada; for a patriotism based on our deep traditions of freedom, fairness and responsibility, and the pride that all Canadians can feel for our richly endowed and beautiful land. Happy Flag Day!

Is Your 'Job Snobbery' Keeping You Unemployed?

By Nick Kossovan Judging is part of human nature. Everyone is a snob about something, the most prevalent being job snobbery. You encounter job snobbery when you meet someone for the first time and, after judging your appearance, they inevitably ask: "What do you do"? Based on your response, they're either delighted to meet you or look at their watch and excuse themselves. Asking, "What do you do?" is how we evaluate a person's respectworthiness. This is why many people are concerned about their job title, which often they manipulate. Who has more status? "I'm the CEO of Logifire." (Logifire is a yet-to-make-a-profit startup with 6 employees.) or "I manage a McDonald's." (You have 46 employees.)? Answer honestly: If you wanted to improve your golf game, who’d you rather work with, a Golf Instructor, a Golf Pro, or a Golf Performance Coach? Due to conditioning, we associate our identity with our job title. I know people who've declined a better-paying job with advancement opportunities because of the title. Such a high level of status anxiety baffles me. Western society prioritizes what a person does for a living over who they are. (e.g., a supportive partner, a food bank volunteer, a caretaker for an aging parent, bakes the best ginger molasses cookies) Sadly, most people don't try to get to know someone beyond their job title. Experience that's humbled me has taught me that a person's job title is an unreliable shortcut to assessing their character. We grossly overvalue our work and job titles. There's no moral argument for working a 40-70 hour week, chasing promotions that may or may not happen, trying to build a career. Regardless of how you answer, "What do you do?" your job does what every job does; it earns you money. I say all this to raise this point; job seekers know they’ll be judged by their job. This "knowing" greatly influences their career choice and, therefore, their job searches. There's no question that job seekers who seek jobs based on their perceived status have a much more frustrating and prolonged job search than job seekers simply seeking to earn a living, who are of the mindset that work is work. Three recent encounters: 1. At the beginning of this year, my wife and I purchased a new bed from a major furniture retailer. We were assisted by a knowledgeable salesman who appeared to be in his mid-50s and seemed to enjoy his job. 2. Several weeks ago, my wife and I had dinner at a popular steakhouse with my niece and sister-in-law. Our server, who I'd also place in her mid-50s, was friendly, engaging, and forthcoming in telling us she was approaching 30 years of being a server at that steakhouse. 3. During a recent visit to a company's business unit, I spent a few minutes talking with the receptionist. She told me she's been the receptionist for over 24 years and was happy. All three encounters highlighted that making a living, even a good life, is possible when you put aside your job snobbery and seek out jobs that, because they lack status, are much easier to land. However, the key isn’t simply to land a job as a server but to master skills that'll make you an outstanding server, resulting in substantial tips and repeat customers. The salesperson who sold my wife and me our bed interacted with us professionally and had extensive product knowledge. He was serious about his job; selling furniture wasn't a stop-gap job. Contrary to popular belief, it's possible to make decent money as a... · Server, bartender (The key is to work in a high-end establishment, where the average spend is higher and hence the average tip is higher.) · Furniture, clothing, electronics, or car salesperson (A retail job offering a base salary plus commission can be financially rewarding for those who hone their sales and customer service skills.) · An orderly · Custodian · Inside Sales (I know you're thinking "telemarketing," "cold calling." There are inside sales positions paying a base salary plus commission, where you're making calls to existing customers.) The above-mentioned jobs, and many more, especially if they involve labour, are plentiful and, therefore, much easier to land than covenanted laptop jobs with fancy titles. As a job seeker, when you consider all the other candidates vying for the job you want, it's liberating to just look for "work" (READ: a paycheck) where you have less competition. Searching for "work" per se doesn’t require a radical pivot, such as obtaining more education, certification, or apprenticing. Your pivot is entirely mental. There's no shame in having been laid off from your marketing director job and, after months of job hunting in today’s hyper-competitive job market, taking a job selling cars at your local Ford dealership. As long as you're supporting yourself and your family, why care what others think? With the competition for white-collar jobs intensifying—it’s an employer’s market— job seekers would be wise to put aside their job snobbery, disregard the views of others, and consider jobs that serve what should be their primary goal: to earn a living. ___________________________________________________________________________ Nick Kossovan, a well-seasoned veteran of the corporate landscape, offers advice on searching for a job. You can send him your questions at

Saturday, February 3, 2024

The Holocaust; a human tragedy that must never happen again

by Maj (ret'd) CORNELIU. CHISU, CD, PMSC, FEC, CET, P. Eng. Former Member of Parliament Pickering-Scarborough East As we deal with increasing instability in the world, especially the surging military activity, we need to reflect for a moment on the human tragedy of cataclysmic proportion that occurred during World War II (WW2) and hope that this never happen again. It is hard to believe that in 2024 we will mark the 79th Anniversary of the end of WW2; a tragedy that claimed many victims and was the most devastating event of the last century. That war was the deadliest military conflict in human history. It is estimated that a total of 70 to 85 million people perished, which represented about 3% of the world population in 1940. The WW2 conflagration saw very high civilian casualties. Civilian deaths totaled 50 to 55 million. Close to 25 million of these were victims of genocide and ethnic cleansing. Around 17 million perished as victims of the Nazi Germany regime and its collaborators. The ferocity of killings by Nazis and their collaborators was rationalized as ethnic cleansing. These were racially motivated crimes, involving the persecution of Roma and the handicapped, the murder of Soviet prisoners of war, Polish and Soviet civilians, as well as political prisoners, religious dissenters, and homosexuals; all combining to increase the number of innocent victims of war. In January 1942, top Nazi leaders convened a meeting in the outer lakeside Berlin suburb of Wannsee. There, they outlined the “Final Solution of the Jewish Question in Europe”, without regard for geographic boundaries. In total, 11 million Jews would be targeted for extermination. Without a whimper, the thirteen officials signed off on the ‘Final Solution’. The minutes would record their decision to ‘cleanse the German living space of Jews in a legal manner’. This marked the darkest seminal moment in a series of events that would see the murder of 6 million Jews; an abhorrence beyond the comprehension of our modern, comfortable lives. The Holocaust is the term generally used to describe the genocide of approximately six million European Jews during WW2. Entire families, old men and women and young children were killed in the Nazi extermination camps by ferocious and inhumane methods. According to Polish Institute of National Remembrance (IPN) researchers, 2,830,000 Jews were murdered in the Nazi death camps (500,000 in Belzec; 150,000 in Sobibor; 850,000 in Treblinka; 150,000 in Chelmno; 1,100,000 in Auschwitz and 80,000 in Majdanek. In the Nazi occupied territory of the USSR the Nazi Einsatzgruppen killed another 1.4 million Jewish people by mobile gas chambers and mass executions. Seventy-nine years ago, on 27 January 1945, Soviet soldiers from the 60th Army of the First Ukrainian Front advanced into Poland and liberated Auschwitz. There, amid mountains of corpses, they discovered about 7,650 men, women and children; starving, stricken by disease, barely living. They also found hundreds of thousands of personal effects including items of clothing like shoes, and 700 tonnes of human hair. The broken human beings they liberated were among the handful of survivors of the 1.3 million people who had passed through the gates of Auschwitz. From my city of birth, Satu Mare in Transylvania, there were 4 train loads of Jewish people deported directly to Auschwitz between May and June 1944. Most of them perished. In November 2005, the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 27 January 1945, the day on which Auschwitz was liberated, as International Remembrance Day to mark the tragedy of the Holocaust. It commemorates the genocide that resulted in the deaths of 6 million Jews and 11 million others, by the Nazi regime and its collaborators. It urges every member nation of the U.N. to honour the memory of Holocaust victims, and encourages the development of educational programs about Holocaust history to help prevent future acts of genocide. It condemns all manifestations of religious intolerance, incitement, harassment or violence against persons or communities based on ethnic origin or religious belief. The International Day in memory of the victims of the Holocaust is thus a day on which we must reassert our commitment to human rights. We must also go beyond remembrance, and make sure that new generations know this history. After the horrors of the 20th century, there should be no room for intolerance in the 21st. The only way to honour the memory of the Holocaust is to turn remembrance into the promise of a better future. Preserving and transmitting the memory is a duty towards those who lost their lives, and towards our children. In commemorating the dead, we are inspired by the triumph of the human spirit given us by those who survived. “We study history not to be clever in another time, but to be wise always.” Marcus Tullius Cicero A nation that does not know nor understand its history is dangerous. Life’s paradox is that often it is those things, most important to us, that we have a tendency to take for granted. We are fortunate as Canadians, whether by birth or by choice, to enjoy and appreciate political, economic and religious freedoms. To live in a nation in which faith coexists with reason, free academic inquiry, a free press and independent judiciary is a blessing that we need to preserve. And yet support for democracy is diminishing. We are defined most clearly by our values and our beliefs, the way we relate to one another and see our place in the world. We are shaped by our heroes and villains, our triumphs and failures. How, as a people we have faced adversity, and how we will face the inevitable adversities that are coming. How we respond to them will shape our future. Nations, like people, face ‘moments of truth’. There are moments in history which challenge our very survival and values. Well led, we emerge stronger, more resilient. Otherwise we may suffer lasting damage. Six million Jews were murdered in an act of unspeakable genocidal barbarism. So too were homosexuals, Roma, the disabled and political dissidents. In a world grappling with the mass movement of people, the persecution of political, ethnic and religious minorities, the push for euthanasia and a generational struggle against resurgent religious extremism, we must remind ourselves not only of why we fought wars, but also what human kind is capable of, and the circumstances that lead to it. Today we live in vast ignorance of the decisions we make and that are made for us, facing extraordinary global uncertainty and immense technological change. No human being, no Canadian who believes in the dignity of man, in freedom and democratic principles, should ever allow the Holocaust to be forgotten through neglectful indifference; that the events, the people, their lives and stories, become a distant stranger. These heinous events and those who survived them teach us many things. Most importantly they inspire us to have the moral courage, irrespective of personal consequences, to act on what, in our hearts, we know to be right. “There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest.” Elie Wiesel Are we ready?