Saturday, March 16, 2024

Political suppression is a dirty game

By Lisa Robinson - Pickering City Councillor In a democratic society, the suppression of opposing political views is not only immature but it undermines the principles of democracy. We see it more and more each day how politicians are using their power to silence dissenting voices and manipulate certain narratives. Persistently engaging in a game of dirty politics, eroding the integrity of the democratic process. The longer we allow this dirty game to continue, the more we risk creating an authoritarian environment, that stifles open dialogue and debate which is your right as a Canadian. By now we have all witnessed politicians, at all levels of government who are so driven by their desire to maintain control, resort to abusing their power by taking fellow politicians with opposing views to the integrity commissioner or other authorities. This manipulative tactic aims to silence critics through sanctions and penalties, wasting taxpayers' money in the process. Such actions divert resources from addressing pressing issues that affect the public, highlighting a disregard for the responsibilities entrusted to them. Politicians who engage in suppressing opposing views often resort to manipulating words and context to control the narrative. They selectively highlight certain statements while ignoring the broader context, aiming to discredit their opponents and their character. This manipulation of information not only distorts the truth but also creates a false narrative that serves their own interests. Such immature tactics undermine the transparency and honesty that are vital to a functioning democracy. By suppressing opposing views, politicians undermine the democratic process itself. Democracy thrives on the exchange of ideas, open debates, and the active participation of citizens. When politicians silence dissenting voices, they limit the diversity of perspectives necessary for informed decision-making. This erosion of democratic values weakens the trust of the electorate and damages the very foundation of a democratic society. Citizens vote for politicians based on their promises to represent their interests and concerns. When politicians use their power to silence dissent, they disregard the voices of those who elected them. This breach of trust is nothing short of betrayal to the electorate and erodes the democratic legitimacy of elected officials. Fostering disillusionment among the public. When politicians resort to suppressing opposing views, they create a culture of fear and intimidation. This not only hinders the free expression of ideas but also discourages individuals from participating in the political process. A healthy democracy relies on active civic engagement, where citizens feel safe to voice their opinions and contribute to the decision-making process. It is crucial to hold politicians accountable for their actions, demand transparency, and promote an open and inclusive political debate. True leaders understand the value of open honest dialogue and debate. They have the skills to participate in and open themselves up to the power of constructive criticism. So for all those Politicians who are not mature enough to play nice on the political chessboard, may I suggest you move over and let someone else show you how to play the game with honesty and integrity. Everyone deserves the right to be heard. "Strength Does Not Lie In The Absence Of Fear, But In The Courage To Face It Head-On And Rise Above It"

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