Saturday, March 9, 2024

The Frog Boiling Method

By Lisa Robinson - Pickering City Councillor Many people in today’s society seem to struggle when confronted with the truth and this struggle my friends is very real. In my own personal experiences, I have had to confront my demons and struggles to gain a deeper understanding of the truth. The whole process was not only intimidating and unsettling at times, but downright frightening and eye-opening, as it forced me to confront uncomfortable truths of what is happening in the world today, and at the same time face my own vulnerabilities. I keep going back to that famous courtroom scene in “A Few Good Men” (1992) where Jack Nicholson, played the character of Colonel Nathan R. Jessup and the very moment he was pushed so hard that he yelled out the iconic quote, “You can’t handle the truth” Once one can understand how if you can open yourself up to this kind of a pivotal moment you will start to not only see what everyone else see’s, but you will be able to use critical thinking skills and start to think differently. If one would only take the time and allow themselves to realize that perhaps not everything we see or hear that is being pushed on us by celebrities, news media, institutions, governments, and nongovernmental institutions to name a few, is truth, you too may have a transformative experience that allows you to see the truth in a new light, bringing a profound shift in your thinking and understanding. Instead of facing the truth head-on, some choose to blindly conform and follow along. I personally link this type of behaviour to the “Frog boiling method” where gradual changes go unnoticed until it is too late. For those who may be unfamiliar with this metaphor, it is about a frog sitting in a cool pot of water thinking everything is ok. As the heat gradually increases the frog does not take notice until it is too late and he is being cooked in a pot of boiling water. This metaphor highlights the dangers of complacency and the importance of using critical thinking skills to become aware of subtle changes in our surroundings and circumstances. One should always seek to educate themselves by adopting a behaviour in which to also seek alternate sources of information not only to consider different viewpoints but to weigh evidence and form a well-rounded opinion based on a more comprehensive understanding of the topic at large. Rather than taking the time to listen to what others have to say and participating in open honest dialog or debate, some individuals are quick to jump in that cool pot of water filled with criticism, insult, name calling, and labeling one as being a bigot, racist, transphobe, without taking a critical well needed moment to research or participate to see what is the truth. Calling one a conspiracy theorist or deeming the information as misinformation without truly understanding the intentions of the speaker has become an alarming trend driven by the desire to push personal agendas and discredit others. It has also become more and more concerning to observe people in today’s society, attacking people far beyond mere name-calling to targeting individual's jobs and livelihood’s, in an attempt to make them suffer simply because of a divergence in values or opinions. The fact that some individuals would display such vindictiveness and turn against their fellow human beings for holding opposing views is truly a character trait that shows they lack having moral principles of determining the difference between right and wrong, good and bad. We all have demons, and it’s time to start looking in the mirror and confronting those demons head-on. This self-reflection will be frightening at times, but once you start to pull back the curtain, you may realize that not everything is how it seems. It can be hard to come to terms that the institutions, governments, media, and celebrities that we have religiously relied upon for years, may have deliberately deceived or misled us. Time to get out of the pot and do your own research. Once you do this, I promise you that your life will evolve as you will then be able to treat those with opposing views with honesty, fairness, integrity, compassion, and respect that they deserve. Remember the Golden Rule: “Do onto others as you would have them do unto you” Then you will no longer choose to participate in these petty games of hate and vindictiveness but will learn to agree to disagree. My doors always open if you need help in your journey of seeking the truth. “Speaking the truth can be a challenging path, for it unveils the raw realities that some may find uncomfortable. Yet remember that those who react with hate or choose to bully are merely seeking solace in their ignorance. Stay steadfast, for your words have the power to inspire change, even if it takes time for others to truly listen” Lisa Robinson 2023 "Strength Does Not Lie In The Absence Of Fear, But In The Courage To Face It Head-On And Rise Above It"

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