Monday, March 4, 2024

A Planned Attack, An Ambush, Against A Pickering Councillor

by D. Lynne Associate Columnist This past Monday February 26th, at the monthly City of Pickering Council Meeting there was a planned attack, an ambush. I say planned because the topic was not on the agenda. The agenda is not posted until the Friday (or sometimes Thursday night) before the meeting. Then once the agenda is published one can register, before noon on the Monday, as a delegate but can only speak to the topics on the agenda. Here’s why I suggest it was a planned attack, an ambush! In order to speak on a topic Not on an agenda, one must register their name and the topic a minimum of ten days prior to a meeting. This Monday meeting had 18 delegates, all with the same or similar topic (Black History Month, Councillor Robinson’s Comments), all registered by the ten day requirement, the majority knew each other and were known friends and supporters of the mayor and some other councilors. Isn’t that Interesting? What was the topic you Ask? It was based on Councillor Lisa Robinson’s op-ed article Feb. 6th in Durham's, The Central Newspaper, “IT IS NOT BLACK AND WHITE”. The essence of the article was designed to question, are we not creating racism by singling out one group over another? It was not as some thought, a slam against Black History. The article was stating that the history of all peoples, regardless of race, should be taught together, and taught throughout the year not just singled out and prioritized over the accomplishments of other races. It’s this labeling that creates racism, pitting race against race, religion against religion, etc. ect. ect.. The CRT (Critical Race Theory) does a good job creating racism but that’s a topic for another day. Getting back to the councilor’s article, I would have to question if many, if any, actually read the full article and understood it or, did someone tell them that the councilor was racist and against Black History Month. Hmmm … wasn't that what the Mayor kept saying in his many speeches and attacks on Councillor Robinson? Did the Mayor read and understand the article or did he glance at it and then, for political gain, run to the Anti-Black Task Force along with the rest of council to fan the flames portraying Councillor Robinson as racist and that they, the rest of council would be supportive and help the taskforce with anything they needed? Hmmm … Talk about political posturing!!! And was it really necessary for the mayor to have his young grand-daughter at the meeting dressed in a Black Lives Matter Tee-shirt? More political posturing!! The Delegates spoke; 1 - only about the importance of the Black History Month because until this month they didn’t know the accomplishments of some Black people.; 2 - and that the councilor is racist based on their interpretation of the article. This actually proves what the councilor is saying, that the history and accomplishments of all races should be taught through out the year, and not just at one appointed time, prioritizing the accomplishments of one race. Wouldn’t that be a step to equality? After the meeting comments were flowing on social media, by the same few instigators, some using fake names (to hide from the nasty, hateful things they say), again attacking the councilor of being a racist, hateful etc. etc. etc. promoting others to say, the councilor is racist, that she should apologize, should resign, and asking where are her supporters etc etc. Well, in the galley there were many supporters of Councillor Lisa Robinson, who would have talked, but were not allowed to, remember this was a planned attack, not on the agenda so no one could talk as the topic was not on the agenda. These supporters quite often attend council meetings, because they like the fact that she raises questions, pushing for answers and doesn’t just rubber stamp things as the rest of council does, but again that’s a discussion for another time. I have to say Durham Region got one thing right when naming their committee, the Durham Region Anti-Racism Taskforce. It seems Durham understands everyone suffers under some type of Racism, where as Pickering named their committee Anti-Black Racism Taskforce, again isn’t that just political posturing and ignoring all others in the community, so much for neutrality and equality! Shame on you Mayor and the rest of Council, choosing sides thereby encouraging hate and racism, shameful! Bullies count on your fear of backlash to silence people, it’s time to push that fear aside and speak up?

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