Sunday, September 30, 2018

In Love With Another

In Love With Another
I’m torn. My girlfriend of nine months has started talking to her ex-boyfriend again. They weren’t talking for the first five months of our relationship.
Debbie told me that she and Todd said they’d always be friends. They were together two years, and she broke up with Todd because he demanded a lot of her. She had to come to his house or his parents’ house every night. The parents pressured her into marrying Todd. They would put chores on her like going out and buying their groceries. They paid for the groceries, but they expected her to do it because she was their son’s girlfriend.
Debbie and Todd got a dog at the Humane Society. Debbie’s mom was allergic to the dog, so Todd took it in. He now loves the dog, and Debbie knows it would not be fair to ask him to part with it after a year and a half. Debbie tells me she and Todd are only friends, but I feel he is trying to get her back. They have been talking a lot. She goes out to dinner or out for drinks with him. She says nobody understands their relationship—not his friends or hers.
This is two people who used to sleep together. But she claims the feelings are gone. They are only friends. How can I get over this? How can I build trust? I feel bad because I do love Debbie. I’m jealous a bit. It’s an ugly thing, and I’m trying to get over it.

Brodie, on the surface your letter is about jealousy. But there is a difference between irrational jealousy and having a girlfriend who is dating her ex.
Most of us have seen photos of zebras on a plain, grazing on grass, a pride of lions only a short distance away. How can zebras graze so close to danger?
The answer is flight distance. Flight distance is the distance an animal allows around itself before it will flee. It is a calculation of risk. Zebras that correctly calculate flight distance are well-fed. They get the tastiest grass. Zebras which don’t get eaten.
Debbie broke up with Todd because his parents were taking advantage of her and showed their hand too early. If they waited until she was married to him, it would have been harder for her to escape.
We would normally give her kudos for standing up and balking at a guy who didn’t protect her from his parents’ abuse. But she lost all the points from us when she continued to have contact with him.
After five months, her ex let her get unmad. He let her miss him. She had a five-month break from his parents’ chores. Either Todd is like his parents—something of a taker—and that appeals to her, or he won’t stand up to his parents.
When Debbie says no one else would understand their relationship, it means she knows she is going against her better judgment. What she said was, in effect, all of you would say don’t do this, but I am going to do it anyway.
Your problem isn’t jealousy. Your problem is your girlfriend is not over her feelings for another man.
People moving on after a relationship often have unresolved feelings or lie to themselves that they are over it. Nine months ago, Debbie calculated the correct flight distance from Todd and his family. Now she is waffling. As a result, his family may devour her.
Wayne & Tamara
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Starting your morning with a healthy elixir is a great way to alkalinize your body, support digestion and improve detoxification
Some of my favourite morning mixes will include spinach, wheat grass, dandelion leaf, spirulina, lemon juice a activated charcoal. These promote digestion and detoxification in 2 important ways: .
1) Promote liver health by supporting liver detoxification and improving the flow of BILE from our liver and gallbladder. Adequate bile production and flow is SO important to properly break down and digest our fats as well as carry excess hormones and cholesterol out of the body. If you suffer from high cholesterol, symptoms of low essential fats (dry skin, hair, cracked nails) and/or hormonal imbalances, you want to support your liver’s production and flow of bile.

2) Green superfoods and even lemons help to alkalinize the body. Being too acidic (lower pH level in the body) is associated with lowered oxygenation which negatively affects digestive function and rate of digestion. When food takes longer to digest, it can ferment causing fermentation acid to build up which then worsens the sensation of heartburn and bloating/gas.
How do you become less acidic? By eating a more alkaline diet and starting your morning with a greens drink or elixir! It is also important to avoid or limit foods that increase acidity in the body such as refined sugar, red meat, processed foods, fried foods and refined oils like canola oil.

If you enjoy these tips and suffer from digestive issues and/or hormonal issues, you will love my Bikini Bod Beat the Bloat Ebook + Holistic Detox Bundle It comes with a *4 week digestive healing and detox meal plan *All recipes, pictures and instruction, *Digestive healing + Detox supplement guide, an overview of the digestive system and common culprits to your digestive distress, and my favourite resources to detox your life today! More info at Get started today!
                                             Until next time, stay well! Marissa

Travelling Anywhere? If So, Don’t Believe These Myths

Travelling Anywhere? If So, Don’t Believe These Myths

              What’s the worst of times when travelling? It’s when you’re sitting on a bus tour 100 miles from the next stop and you begin to suffer the bowel spasms of traveller’s diarrhea. If the worst scenario happens, it’s a moment you will never forget. But this common risk, and the chance of acquiring other infections, can be decreased by ridding yourself of several travellers’ myths.

Myth:  Only in the Amazon jungle do you have to worry about mosquito-transmitted diseases.

Fact:  That’s not so. In the jungle, mosquitoes spread disease to humans by biting infected monkeys. In a cafe in Paris, Rome or Istanbul, mosquitoes infect you after biting infected humans.

Myth:  So, to prevent this infection in a Paris cafĂ©, you’ll have two glasses of chardonnay.

Fact: I wish it were true! Laboratory studies show that wine helps to decrease food-borne diseases such as E.coli and Salmonella. This action may be related to the organic acids in wine which have the effect of alcohol. A couple of observational studies also show that those who consumed wine or beer at meals were less likely to become ill during salmonella outbreaks than non-drinkers. But no studies prove alcohol in any form is protective against infectious disease.

Myth:  It’s impossible to get rabies if a street dog just licks you.

Fact:  A report in the University of California Wellness publication says that most people believe you must be bitten by an infected dog to get rabies. Not true. The message is, don’t get too friendly with a foreign Fido. It’s rare, but if you have a cut, open wound, or abrasion, and it’s licked by an infected dog, you could develop this disease. This is also true for infected racoons, foxes and bats. One night in my teens, I was awakened by something flying around my bedroom. My parents diagnosed a bad dream. That is, until the following evening a bat flew out from a lamp. Experts say I should have been tested for rabies as a bite from a bat is hard to see.

Myth:  Probiotic supplements prevent traveller’s diarrhea.

Fact:  This is another misconception. Several studies published in Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease in 2007 suggested that different kinds of probiotic organisms may prevent this problem. But other studies concluded they have no benefit. So let the buyer beware.

Myth:  Suppose you were born in a foreign country and decide now is the time to return. Some people believe revisiting your homeland protects you from illness.

Fact:  Sad to say, going home is not risk free. It is true that early in life in a foreign country you can build up an immunity to water and infections transmitted by mosquitoes. But immunity has often faded away by the time you return. The Centers for Disease Control report that people who emigrate to North America from countries where malaria is endemic, such as India, are at high risk when they return home or visit other malarial –prone areas. And sometimes the person returning home decides against taking anti-malarial medication. The only places that are risk free of malaria is where there are no mosquitoes, such as the desert, high altitudes or during cold seasons of the year.

Myth: Taking medication for malaria will protect you from other mosquito-bearing diseases.

Fact:  Don’t believe it.  Other diseases such as Zita and Dengue are also spread by mosquitoes. But they are caused by different organisms. Consequently, treatment to prevent one of these diseases will have no effect on others.

Myth: When you begin a trip, it doesn’t matter what seat you ask for on a plane, whether you want to look out the window or prefer easy exit from an aisle seat.

Fact: Sorry, it’s not that simple. Studies show the window seat is safer. Why? Because bacteriological studies prove the aisle seat harbours more bacteria that can cause infection. Maybe you’ve noticed that many people, after using the bathroom on board, return to their seats by clutching the aisle seat headrest. It’s sad to say that many have not washed their hands. Need I say more?      
  Online Comments


    The debate to legalize the use of recreational marijuana is over.   Soon the government will make it legal for citizens to indulge in recreational marijuana.  Much like everything in society.  Enough people support a particular social change.  The change will take place.   Traditional values and standards will be compromise to accommodate a new acceptance.   In the recreational use of marijuana it appears that the containment has over turned the establishment.  It seems like everyone is using.
With this thought.  The government in it’s usual conscious fashion... turns around and looks for ways to capitalize on the overturn... on the ‘POPULAR’ position in society.
Sure the Feds and the Provinces sit to make huge tax revenue off this new Goose that will be laying the new Green/Golden egg.   The Federal government still can’t make up it’s mind how to distribute it..on what way will bring them the most revenue.  All they know is that the legislation was approved and passed and now the pandora’s box will have to be accommodated by the Provinces and the municipalities.
Some are crying ‘GREAT’ finally.   Others are grinding their teeth.  No matter what your personal preference is.  One thing we share is civil responsibility.

I do not smoke and or drink.  I can appreciate my air clean and my communities safe.  I can also respect those that wish to smoke and drink.  It is a free country.   I do become offended by smoke... second hand.  I do have a problem with noticing someone walking down the street intoxicated.   These concerns appear that they are not mine alone, but that a large margin of the population also share them.
The other day I was getting into my car and I was approached by a very prominent local business person and asked.   “You are running for office, I am a concerned business person and parent.  How will you protect my family from second hand smoke at public places?  How will you protect my business that a retail pot shop will not open next door?”

At first, the question had so many parts.  Then I looked at him and said.   It is a matter of waiting to see what the Federal government regulates and how to the Provinces and subsequently to municipalities.   We must also wait to see what this will mean for the different provinces.  Will each province be allowed to regulate distribution and places of usage.   Once this is established then we as a municipality can begin to assure that we do not have issues of use of marijuana in public places.   Much like with alcohol.  Oshawa should have clear bylaws on where and how a person may consume marijuana.   I would strongly push that there be no smoking on public streets, near schools and or at any public venue.
I also would propose that even though legal.  It is the responsibility of the user to assure that if found to over indulge that they be held accountable by law.   A fine, jail time... depending on the severity.  Much like how we deal with drunk drivers.
As the new mayor of your city my first and biggest priority would be the protection of our citizens.  The safety and well being of each one.  Including the use of marijuana for medicinal and or recreation.

As for distribution within the City of Oshawa.  I would learn from the mistakes of previous administrations and not bound the sale to any particular place.  I wanted it spread out and widely available so the stigma will not linger at those shops that sell them.  In the name of protecting our citizens. I will also impose a ‘POT’ tax levy on any and all businesses selling.  In the form of licensing.   Before licensing.  We would conduct a 7 day wait period in which at that time neighbors would have the opportunity to oppose the licensing of such business or existing business that wants to get into the sale of pot.   The license would be hefty and renewable every month.   The key is not to punish the retailer.  But to use money from such lucrative business to invest in city programs.  (ie. kids sports, park improvements...)

Then the question was further pursued... ‘How would you deal with dwellers of apartment and or subdivision smoke related complaints.   Technically individuals would be on their property yet the strong smell of pot would linger.’ 
This is another great question.  As it stand we have smokers both of cigarettes and cigars.  If you happen to be living next to one.  I can appreciate your frustrations.   In this case it becomes a matter of basic human decency as in many cases approaching your neighbor and expressing your concern over foul smell would be enough.

In the pot model.  We as must not presume the same would be true.  Even though second hand  cigarette/cigar smoke is harmful and offensive to some.  Pot smoke carries a much more dangerous over tone.
Pot smoke must be addressed as not only possibly offensive but a  health harmful due to it’s medicinal properties.
Then as your new mayor how do we handle this.  Pass an environmental bylaw.  A bylaw that would prohibit you from smoking out in a residential or business area where others may smell the smoke.  A bylaw that would be enforced by fines.  The question then is how do we enforce.
Well, like any complaint.  It has to be investigated.  Those that file the complaint must make available evidence of such contravention in the form of pictures, witnesses.   The fundamental principle behind this bylaw would be not to create a tear between neighbors but to build bridges of understanding and civility.
If a situation escalates, the police and the proper civil avenues are available to both parties.  We as a City must assure that our citizens have quality life style.  Part of that quality is doing your part in the community.  Hostility will be met with hostility.  Compassion with compassion.
One thing we forget about the whole pot argument.   As great as it may be for medicinal purposes and as great as it may be for the prevention of future disease.   Marijuana has been proven to be the second step towards much deeper narcotics.    First it is alcohol, then pot, then narcotics.
The key to breaking this vicious and at times fatal cycle is education and resources to offer individual that show distress.   Addiction is not a choice per se but a way to cope with serious underlying psychological issues.
We as a society must address this with hard core therapeutic services.   We must look at ways of creating one of Canada’s largest and most recognized addiction treatment centres.  
Can it be done?
In my world nothing is impossible as long as you have th vision and the ability to bring people together to make it happen.
As your new mayor I would be committed 24/7 to making things happen in our city. 
I will not wait for Council to decide but have council work on things as they are happening. No more wasting time on what could be.  No more letting opportunity pass us by.
Tomorrow is here and we need not to sleep.   In 2018 we have a true unique opportunity to make great things happen in Oshawa.   You have a choice.  Vote in Carter and live another four years with the status quo.  Or vote INGINO and take a chance on positive change. Your choice.
Joe Ingino
With your help we can make it happen. Vote Ingino for mayor in 2018         Joe Ingino

Monday, August 27, 2018

Acne problems + not prioritizing restful sleep?

Healthy Living
Healthy Eating
from Marissa Liana
 Certified Nutritional Practitioner/Health Coach
 restful sleep?
  Lack of sleep can actually MAJORLY contribute to your skin problems. Here’s why.
The adrenal glands are responsible for producing *stress hormones* such as -cortisol as well as small amounts of *sex hormones* like -estrogen, -progesterone and -testosterone levels in the body. Since hormonal imbalances can lead to acne, stress and lack of sleep burden the adrenals and cause our hormones to be produced in unfavourable amounts.
One major role of cortisol is to increase blood sugar. Chronically elevated blood sugar/blood sugar imbalances is also a root cause of acne! Fatigued adrenals/blood sugar imbalances and lack of sleep then lead to sugar cravings, which further disrupt blood sugar balance. It’s a viscous cycle!
If you suspect you’re of adrenally fatigued and suffer from chronic acne, you may experience the following symptoms:
Dependant on coffee or stimulants to get you through your morning/day.
Midsection weight gain.
Difficulty handling stress and tend to work off of worries. Often feel light-headed when standing quickly from a seated or lying position. Craving for salty foods.
Low sex drive.
Trouble staying asleep at night.
Horrible PMS or Menopause.
In my Ebook HEALTHY SKIN FROM WITHIN - I teach you how to take control of your adrenal health, skin health, and how to properly assess the root cause of your acne + skin issues. You’ll receive a full 14-Day Skin Healing Meal Plan, supplement guide, product recommendation guide, food list & so much more.
Until next time, stay well! Marissa
Acne problems + not prioritizing

Fairy Tale Wedding from Wayne & Tamara

Direct Answers
from Wayne & Tamara
 Fairy Tale Wedding
  I was recently in a 7-week relationship with a girl I met online. We spent four straight weekends together, though we did not have sex, and we communicated every day through email, text and phone. Things seemed to be going smoothly.
 The last time we were together, I noticed she seemed hesitant to give her opinion on certain things. I didn’t say anything to her in person, though I should have. Instead I told her my concerns in an email the next day.
Well, that night she calls to tell me she read my email and proceeds to tell me about her last relationship. I knew she had a past but didn’t know the details. She dated a guy four years. They were engaged for a year and a half, the wedding was planned, and they owned a house together.
Just before the wedding, she confirmed he was cheating on her. She left him immediately. They fought over money and material things—lawyers were involved—and she hasn’t contacted him since. This was a year before we started dating. She says she is close to being the person she was before that relationship.
By her account, her dating since then has not been good. I asked if we were okay. She said yes but canceled our plans for the weekend, saying she wanted time to do her own thing. She didn’t tell me she didn’t want to see me again or be in a relationship, though I would have understood if she had.
So I take her at her word and give her time and space. She texts me for two days, then stops completely. She won’t respond to a text or answer the phone. I drive to her place. She is upset and tells me to just leave her alone.

I didn’t take her for someone who would end a relationship like that. I thought if I gave her time she would eventually tell me what was going on. Well, it’s been a month and still nothing. I just want an answer to why. I’m not looking to rekindle the relationship. I just want closure.

Ned, many fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm live up to the name. They are indeed grim. In one tale, a witch eats children; in another, a maiden has her arms cut off; in a third, all the characters are drowned.

The woman you dated was living a fairy tale. House, husband, and happiness were all within her grasp. Bridesmaids were fitted, wedding invitations addressed. Then all was lost. The only happy ending was for the lawyers.
You were in a relationship of seven weeks and can’t get over it. She was in a relationship for 208 weeks. She had total faith in someone who betrayed her. Can you understand where she is coming from?
In explaining her story to you, it all flooded back. You hit an emotional trigger without knowing what you hit. She is still trying to get past “I was going to be married, I was going to have a family, the rest of my life was set.” Do you think she will ever get a satisfactory answer to why—why did this happen to me? But she gave you your closure. She is not past this.
Closure is moving on. That’s the whole process. You date and it is unsuccessful, again and again. Then it isn’t. You find your one. We can only hope that it happens for her.
Wayne & Tamara
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When Are Heart Stents Lifesaving? When Not? By W. Gifford-Jones M.D.

 The Doctor Game

By W. Gifford-Jones M.D.
When Are Heart Stents Lifesaving?
When Not?
          Every year over 300,000 North Americans have a stent implanted to increase the flow of blood to heart’s muscle. Stents have been inserted for decades because of cardiologists’ concern that, without a stent, a heart attack may occur. Or, a coronary attack may have already caused angina, due to inadequate blood supply. Now, a study published in the medical journal, The Lancet, reports that some stents are life-saving, while others could have been avoided.
          But this is not the first review that has cast a shadow over stents. In 2007, the highly respected New England Journal of Medicine reported second thoughts   about the value of stents. A survey of 2,287 volunteers showed that adding stents to drug therapy had no effect on heart attacks or death, compared to just using drugs alone.
          This debate will not end quickly as doctors’ habits rarely change overnight. Moreover, these studies could be wrong. So I’m sure that more will follow. In the meantime, when the heart’s muscle is not getting enough blood and angina occurs, what is the best treatment?
          There are two kinds of angina, stable and unstable. Stable angina causes chest pain when walking, exercising, or during emotional stress, and is relieved by resting. Coronary arteries have to be about 70 percent blocked to trigger angina.
          Unstable angina in contrast can occur without exercise. For instance, it can suddenly waken you during the night, and is not quickly eased by resting or using nitroglycerin. This is a critical condition, as heart attack may occur in a short time. In this case, the insertion of a stent can be life-saving.
          In spite of this analysis many cardiologists continue to use stents. They reason that, even if stents do not save lives, they at least reduce or relieve angina pain. Now, even this conclusion is been questioned by further interesting research. For the first time, researchers decided to see if the power of placebo treatment could match the success of stents. This was a double-blind study, in which neither researchers nor patients were aware of who had been given a stent, and who had not received one.
          200 patients in their sixties were followed. They had obstruction of coronary arteries causing chest pain. They were given six weeks of drug therapy to decrease angina. Then another group was treated with stents. Lastly, a third group was given sedation, catheters were inserted, but no stents were deployed. It was sheer sham, fake therapy without the patients’ knowledge.     
          Six weeks following the procedure, patients were tested on a treadmill to evaluate the result. What was found shocked the researchers. For years they had known that a sugar pill could often help those in pain. But it was a surprise for them to discover no statistical difference between those who had received stents, and those who had the phony procedure. So, never underestimate the psychological power of sham therapy, and its effect on the accuracy of clinical trials.

          So what is the solution? It makes sense to try drugs first as they could be as effective as using stents. But if drugs fail, stents should be considered. And remember, if a stent is inserted, drugs to keep the stent open are needed, and more   drugs to stop blood from clotting.
          But what is the initial risk of having a stent inserted? Doctors have inserted millions of stents and the risk is small. But as I‘ve often stressed, there is no such thing as risk free surgical procedure. So what can go wrong?
          During and following the stent insertion bleeding can occur. This can happen at the area where the stent is inserted, and a hematoma (blood clot) can form. It’s not a serious complication, but it worries patients as it may take several weeks to resolve.  There’s also the risk of allergic reaction or stroke. And always the chance that the stent will become blocked in the weeks or months following its insertion. 
          Remember, if chest pain occurs at rest and lasts over five minutes, forget everything and call 911. An immediate stent can be life-saving.
  Online Comments

Minimize Pregnancy Related Back Pain By Dr. George Traitses

By Dr. George Traitses
D.C., B.Sc.(Hon.), M.Sc., C.H.N., C.N.M., A.C.R.B. 3, C.R.A.
Member of the Ontario Chiropractic Association
Minimize Pregnancy
Related Back Pain
You’re anxiously awaiting the pitter-patter of tiny feet, but you can’t paint the nursery because of back pain. You’re in good company! 50 percent of pregnant women experience back pain, with 10 percent reporting severe discomfort that prevents them from carrying out their daily routines.

What causes pregnancy-related back pain? First, the average healthy weight gain during pregnancy is over 30 pounds. This extra weight places considerable stress on the back, feet, ankles and knees. As the baby grows, the core abdominal muscles become stretched and cannot stabilize your posture as efficiently as they did before.

Secondly, there are hormonal changes. In the third trimester, levels of a hormone called “relaxin” increase ten times. Relaxing loosens your joints to allow the pelvis to accommodate the enlarging uterus. These loose joints force the muscles of the back and pelvis to work overtime to keep you upright and balanced.

Discomfort doesn’t have to be part and parcel of pregnancy.

Try these tips to help minimize your risk of back pain.

    Exercise can help increase muscle support for your aching back. Always consult a health care practitioner before participating in a new exercise regimen.
    Sleeping on your left side has been shown to reduce the weight of the uterus on large vessels in your abdomen, allowing for optimal blood flow to both mother and baby.
    Placing a pillow between the knees or leaning against a body pillow will take pressure off the lower back.
    Take frequent, short naps with your feet elevated.
    Wear supportive flat shoes and use a lumbar support pillow in your chair at work.

To treat and help prevent muscle strains and joint pain, consider including a chiropractor as part of your team of maternity care professionals. A maternity chiropractor can provide safe, effective, and drug-free conservative care to relieve pain by decreasing the pressure on the joints, muscles, and nerves of the spine and pelvis.
Dr. George Traitses, 416-499-5656


By Joe Ingino
“I live a dream in a nightmare world”
  The City of Oshawa, Durham's crown jewel.   A GIANT among a cluster or smaller municipalities that has sat dormant for way to long.  A city that has enjoyed the success of General Motors and blinded it’s thinking that they had control over the region.  That the region was a tool to save from liability and a vehicle to cost effective produce services.   A city that has fallen victim to it’s own greed.  I say this with liberty as the region has slowly been chipping away Oshawa essentials services to the point that Oshawa has little or no control.
The regions power has grown to the point that today we are the minority.   Oshawa has lost it’s GIANT status and if anything become a weak voice.  So much so that when Oshawa needs something or requests something.  It goes to vote and in many cases.  Oshawa fails to attain anything beyond the negotiated as a member of the region.  This is not right.
Oshawa is so under the mercy of the region that  today Oshawa due to poor leadership and bad administration owes the region on or about $300 million dollars.  Putting the region at risk of loosing it’s AAA rating.
The question is how do we turn the table on the region?
The answer is simple.  Wake up the GIANT.   Bring it back to the days of greatness.  
How do we do this?  Simple.  Do what other municipalities are not doing.  Study their weak points and capitalize on them by introducing programs, services and or opportunities that for whatever reason they can’t attain.
Oshawa, enjoyed GM for many reasons.  Primarily, a geographical/historical root.  GM is no longer the anchor of success it was for Oshawa.  We the City need to look for a new vein of success.
Unfortunately for the people of Oshawa.   Oshawa has become dormant due to lack of leadership.  Lack of vision.
But it appears that I am not the only that sees the potential of the sleeping Giant.
The Conference Board of Canada’s latest Metropolitan Outlook. Notes Oshawa and Guelph are expected to boast the fastest growing economies among the 16 cities covered in the report, with growth of 2.6 per cent and 2.3 per cent respectively.
What the report fails to note is the fact that it is a projection based on potential and not actual growth.  (read pg. 3 article)
I agree with the Conference Board of Canada’s outlook.   I think with the right leadership, Oshawa has great potential.   With a 300 million debt to the region and no real plan to dig out of it.  I truly doubt the projections to even stand a chance.   The region could technically call the debt and put Oshawa into bankruptcy.  These are all truths that are not told to the public but are public record.
The question still remains... HOW DO WE AWAKEN THE GIANT?
Great question.  First we must restructure city hall management.  We must stream line and cut back all unnecessary expenditures.   We must create a vision for the city and I don’t mean a pie in the sky dream like they have for the past 30 years and nothing comes to be.
We need a series of goals that lead us to significant change.   I would use the expertise at city hall and put together a task force that sole responsibility would be to source out local, regional, national and international investors.  Investors that would want to bring their industry/trade to Oshawa.  Investors that would want to take part in major capital projects.   Project that would yield significant returns.  Jobs and prosperity.
You may think.. Impossible.  Really.  Why is it happening in other municipalities and not Oshawa?  Why is it that Oshawa does not host a building higher than 20 floors?
Why is it that the city harbor has be sitting in a deteriorating condition for years?   Why is it that our municipal airport not been properly developed?    IT CAN BE DONE.
Look at the great work that is being done at the Ontario Tank Museum at the south field Oshawa municipal airport.   These folks are a testament to success.   They are what Oshawa needs.  Visionaries that make things happen.  Just this saturday they opened their new indoor facility.
Did you know that the Museum is home to the largest working tanks in the world?
Did you know that today's opening of the storage facility is one of three steps to develop that attraction?
I want to be your new mayor so I can expand on their good work.  I want to work with them to make that venue a world class attraction.   IT CAN BE DONE.
Oshawa the sleeping giant can be awaken.  It must be awaken and with the right administration it will be awaken.
Together we can make it happen.   Voters must stop voting in the status quo.  It clearly does not work.  The same old does not cut it anymore.   If there is no real change in the upcoming municipal election, taxpayers are guaranteed another 3 - 6% property tax increase.
Some argued... well look at all the housing to the north... that is progress...  Look at all the plazas opening.... that is progress.   Really.  That is progress?   To me that is population growth and the mismanagement of lands.   The only ones benefiting are the developers that take up good farm land and erect cheap cookie cutter housing.  Housing that in 50 years will be a heaven for crime.   What we need in Oshawa is true development.  We need to  mix housing that suits everyone. From low income to mega mansions.   We need to bring the skyscrapers and get out of the 1920’s village mentality.  Unfortunately with the status quo.  They do not have the expertise, drive or vision.  Not to mention direction to implement such drastic plans.  This is why nothing happens except these petty growth spurs.   The Conference Board of Canada see the potential but fails to see the reality.   I see both.
I can’t do this alone. I request your assistance to win.  I may not have all the answer.  What I do have is the passion and understanding of the issues and what we need to do to awaken this sleeping giant into a giant opportunity for future generations to enjoy.  Thanking you in advance for considering allowing me the opportunity to give your children a future.              Joe Ingino

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

ACNE - Sluggish liver and constipation could be the culprit!

Healthy Living
Healthy Eating
from Marissa Liana
 Certified Nutritional Practitioner/Health Coach
ACNE - Sluggish liver and constipation could be the culprit!
    Our liver is a major detoxification organ in the body, and so is our skin! The liver is often sluggish or overburdened due to increased stress placed on it from alcohol, drugs/medications,  processed foods, trans fats, preservatives, food dyes, fructose, etc.
When our liver cannot keep up with the demands placed on it, excess toxins are either 1) stored in our fat cells or 2) eliminated through one of our other 6 elimination systems:
our lungs
lymphatic system
our digestive tract/colon
our SKIN through sweat***
our kidneys
and the blood
This is why improving the health of our liver and internal environment is so important for improving the health of our skin.  Another important reason why liver health effects acne is attributed to the fact that our liver is the site of hormonal detoxification. Specifically, the liver creates serum proteins that act as hormone carriers, manufactures hormones such as estrogen and testosterone and regulates sex hormone levels by eliminating excess hormones through bile. Once the liver has processed old hormones, the liver dumps these hormones into the gut with bile so that they can be carried out by our feces.
IF YOU ARE NOT GOING TO THE BATHROOM REGULARLY (AT LEAST ONCE PER DAY) these hormones can get reabsorbed back into the bloodstream and worsen hormonal imbalances. hormonal acne often appears on the face around the chin and jawline.
If this resonates with you and you’d like a protocol to balance your internal environment and heal your skin from the inside out, I highly recommend you check out my Ebook protocol Heathy Skin From Within at under the shop tab.
Until next time, stay well! Marissa

Promises, Promises

Direct Answers
from Wayne & Tamara

  I’ve been seeing a man three years. We first went out for a year and a half, but he moved back home because his teenage kids made his life a living hell.
 I could see what it was doing to him. With a lot of tears on both sides, he returned. I kept away because I did not think I could handle the heartbreak if it happened again.
Eventually he called and asked to see me. (He and his wife never got along, and she had a previous affair, as had he.) He wanted me back, wanted to live with me and ultimately get married. I asked if he was 100% positive. He emphatically said yes.
He moved into a friend’s place and began staying over four nights a week. His wife was bitter and his kids wouldn’t speak to him. Still, we managed to have a great relationship. We spent time riding on his motorcycle, staying at different places on the weekend. I looked forward to spending the rest of my life with him.
A few months ago, he grew moody. Last Saturday night I had to know what the problem was. After listing complaints about me, he said he couldn’t see a future for us. He then jumped into bed and turned off the light! I turned it back on, and he nastily said, “I guess I’m in for an inquisition now.”
I couldn’t believe it. I asked him to leave and he seemed surprised. When he was just out the door, he said he thought we needed time apart. I closed the door.
Overall, we seemed to be a good match. If he calls saying he made a mistake and wants to come back, I’m not sure I will be strong enough to say no. I know I must because he has now broken my heart twice.
I have all his clothes, which I’ll leave at security for him to pick up. I’m waiting for him to call so I can ask him to return my key.
Maryanne, in 1858 a Scottish policeman died. For the next 14 years his faithful Skye Terrier guarded his master’s grave until he, too, passed away. That famous dog is known as Greyfriars Bobby.
Recent research suggests the story was a fabrication by the cemetery keeper and a restaurant owner to boost tourism. The original dog was simply a mutt who hung around the cemetery, and when he died, the co-conspirators replaced him with a Skye Terrier.
You didn’t say you are perfect for one another. You didn’t say he loves you deeply. You told us he likes crazymaking with his wife. He takes a sabbatical to have sex with another woman, returns home, then does it again.
That’s what he likes, and he put his teenagers through this once, then put them through it again. He doesn’t care about anyone but himself.
We hoped you wouldn’t say you left his clothes with security and will ask for your key back. We hoped you would say, “I cut his clothes into one-inch squares, mailed them back to his wife, and called a locksmith.”
You are enthralled with him, but we wouldn’t call it love. When love is not reciprocated, then it is something else.
The story of Greyfriars Bobby may be false, but it doesn’t undo the incredible true stories of dog loyalty. Though this man’s story of love is false, it doesn’t undo the incredible true stories of couples who would quite literally die for each other.
Wayne & Tamara
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Promises, Promises

Readers Agree; Doug Ford is Right about Injection Sites

 The Doctor Game

By W. Gifford-Jones M.D.
Readers Agree; Doug Ford is Right about Injection Sites
               My recent negative column about injection sites in prison and elsewhere triggered a rapid response. Here is a good sampling of both sides of the issue.             
From BK, ``Isn`t that rich? Physicians help in a major way to create the huge opioid problem, and you as a doctor, say death to drug dealers. Finding a doctor is hard enough, now you want to execute them.”
 A retired minister writes, ``Your column is the highlight in my life every week. Your call for heavy punishment will be seen as a return to the cruelty of the past. But I thank you for your wisdom and advice, and congratulate you on your courage. I knew a Minister who spent several years in China. He told me that when the Communists arrived, posters warned that anyone caught selling illegal drugs would be executed. Later, all the citizens were told to come to the local square. A soldier was standing behind five men. An official said they had been caught selling illegal drugs. Then he told the soldiers to shoot each one in the hands. The official then said, the next time it will be in the head! The Minister`s friend said, that within a day all drugs disappeared, and could not be purchased for an price.”
 A.S. writes, “Add me to the list of those who support every word you wrote. I have advocated the Singapore solution for many years because it works. If you ever come to our city you sill witness a wasteland of dire proportions. Our injection sites hand out thousands of needles and other goodies to a growing number of addicts flooding our city of 100,000. They can also receive food, shelter, clothing, which I call the ‘Fabulous Consumption Clubhouse’. Moreover a lawyer has successfully shut down police from doing anything about it through her no carding campaign. Some say, we will spend what it takes to save lives, and that it is an historic day for our city. I’m ashamed to call it my home, and believe our country is going to hell.”
From S.K. “I think you should look to Portugal’s successful program on decriminalization of drugs. I do not want to see hanging brought back, nor do I want to live under Singapore’s draconian rules. The Philippines are also trying a similar approach with rivers of blood from people who were shot without cause or trial. Democracy is messy, but there are answers out there for those who are willing to think outside the box. I am horrified by your thinking.”
From Dave, “Yes the approach to drugs on the whole in Canada needs an overhaul. It is certainly not an Opioid Summit. I am in agreement with Lee Kuan Yew’s approach and it should be applied to mass shooters as well. I am an avid reader of your column.”
From Ron, “Good column. But more people have to step forward to correct this political correct theory that’s a joke and not working.”
From A.H. “I like your unafraid statement of facts which need to be emulated by journalists and hopefully some courageous politicians.”  
The final tally? A huge majority of correspondents are in favour of returning the death penalty.  However, its opponents should not lose any sleep. I don’t know of one Canadian politician who has the intestinal fortitude to introduce a bill sponsoring its return as they fear they will not be re-elected. I believe they’re 100 percent wrong. And that the drug crisis will have to get worse before people say enough is enough.
Today, in one North American city, innocent bystanders, young children playing in a school yard were killed in the crossfire of gang war. I wonder how many of those who are against capital punishment would speedily change their minds, if this had caused the death of one of their own loved ones? Or when a loved one dies from a fatal dose of opioid laced with Fentanyl supplied by an immoral unconscionable drug dealer?
I’m not a Communist. And what happened in the Chinese square may seem shocking to some people. But I believe we too could quickly end illegal drug dealing in this country if we threatened the drug dealer’s head.    
  Online Comments

Don’t let a fall bring you down

Don’t let a fall bring you down
  A senior who’s suffered an injury from a fall knows the dramatic impact it can have not just physically, but psychologically. Falls can swiftly take away the sense of independence and confidence that allows a senior to fully enjoy their life.
Unfortunately, falls are all too common in our aging population, 1 in every 3 Canadians over the age of 65 will experience a fall, with hips, wrists and pelvic fractures being the most common injuries.
However there are some easy tips and techniques anyone can use that help reduce the risk of injury as a result of a fall.
Reduce clutter in the home
Maybe it’s time for some fall cleaning. Getting rid of loose articles such as rugs prevents you from slipping or tripping in your home. Reducing clutter can make for a much safer environment.
Ensure easy transfers in and out of the bath
The combination of water and tile can be drastic. Installing grab bars in your bathroom to help with getting in and out of the tub is an affordable adjustment that can minimize your chances of slipping and falling on a wet floor.
Wear supportive footwear
Many of us wear slippers around the house, especially during the colder months. Making sure your slippers have traction and are non-slip can safeguard you from falling in your home.
Have your eyesight and hearing checked every year
Having your vision and hearing checked regularly is vital. If hearing or vision is impaired, you can miss important cues that help maintain your balance, resulting in a fall.
Exercise regularly
Although it can be a daunting task, exercising to improve strength and coordination helps to prevent your chances of losing balance and falling.
Have your medications evaluated
It is possible for a patient to receive several prescriptions from multiple doctors. By evaluating the medication you are on, you can decrease the chances of side effects and keep your sensory functions that help you stay balanced and upright intact.
Have your strength and balance tested
A person with low mobility levels and poor balance is at a higher risk of falling. Being mobile and continuing to improve balance is vital to helping prevent falls and injuries.
By following these falls prevention tips, you can reduce your chances of experiencing a fall that may lead to additional injuries down the road. Visit a doctor of chiropractic or other qualified health professional to test your steadiness, balance and strength and give you additional information on falls prevention.
Dr. George Traitses, 416-499-5656

Tuesday, July 31, 2018


   Dear readers and fellow citizens.  It is with great honor and pleasure to announce my official candidacy of Mayor for the City of Oshawa.
I am a strong supporter of my community.  I believe that much like our city slogan goes,
“PREPARE TO BE AMAZED”.  We prepared long enough.  It is time to streamline this corporation and work in the best interest of our tax payers.   It is time to bring good paying jobs to Oshawa and assure that we keep GM and assist to encourage further developments.
I have served my community and will continue to serve once in office.   I am proud member and supporter of the  The Royal Legion Branch 43, Member since 2014.   Former Kiwanis Westmount (Oshawa)  Former Fundraising Chair 2015 .  Member of Kinsmen of Oshawa since 2015.  Former Rotary Club of Courtice  Member 2015 served as Secretary 2017 until 2018.  Proud MASON LOGE No 649 Oshawa Member 2016.
Former Courtice Lions Club, since Member 2015 appointed club (Director) and  Chair - Santa Clause Chair 2016 Committee. During the same time Chair - PR. Media Committee 2017 and Member of fundraising committee 2017 as well as Chair of Membership 2017.  Elected as  Vice President -2017-18
Proud member Moose Lodge 2132  Oshawa Lodge 2132/WOTM Chapter 1759 Member
Member 2015. Oshawa Naval Veterans Club Member Member 2015.   Proud member of WING 420 Member 2017.
There is no greater reward then that of serving your community.   To work for the betterment of society at large.  As your NEW Mayor I will assure you that the betterment of your life will be my priority.   Through partnerships with industry/trade/commerce/investors/developers.
Oshawa will be a better place.  Through the strengthening of relation with the Province and the Federal Government.   Oshawa will reap with rewards as many other municipalities enjoy today.   We may be been dormant but we are not forgotten.  It is time to awake the GIANT we are and become the exemplary community we all know we can become.
In 2018.  It is about wanting change.  We know the status idles progress. IDLE NO MORE.

Children and Grandchildren Headed for Liver transplants

Children and Grandchildren Headed for Liver transplants    
  Who hasn’t heard of the “Mayflower”, the ship that brought pilgrims to the U.S. in 1620? What is rarely known is that towards the end of that voyage, it was necessary to ration beer, and some pilgrims died as a result. In those days beer was safer to drink than water. It’s still a safe drink when used moderately, but excessive amounts can cause cirrhosis of the liver. And how many know that too much food can also cause nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) in young people, and eventually require a liver transplant?
   Today, the worldwide epidemic of Type 2 diabetes is well known. But liver disease rarely gets headlines. Yet, according to the American Liver Foundation, and some experts, 10 percent of all children, particularly those with belly fat, and half of those who are obese, suffer from NAFLD. This should not come as a surprise to anyone who isn’t blind. Walk around   any super market and witness obesity in adults. Then see how often their children are obese. The end result is that children are now developing adult diseases because of too many calories.
The Gifford-Jones Law states that one medical problem often leads to another and another. In this situation, as fat builds up in the liver it becomes inflamed. Scarring occurs just as it does in alcoholic cirrhosis, and this may lead to either liver failure or malignancy.
 It’s ironic that excessive amounts of food can cause the same microscopic findings in the liver as alcohol. In fact, pathologists say that these changes are indistinguishable.
 It’s also tragic that experts predict it will not be too long before NAFLD will be the top cause of liver transplants. The next problem is there are not enough livers to supply the need. Moreover, we have already reached the point where our health care system is crying for more money.
 The good news is that if NAFLD if suspected before inflammation and scarring occurs, it can be reversed by weight loss.  But here’s the bad news. Doctors dealing with this problem say that children with NAFLD often return to the clinic heavier. And that only one in four loses a significant amount of weight.
 Moreover, the majority of children and adults with NAFLD go undiagnosed for years as it’s a slow silent killer. The only definitive diagnosis is by liver biopsy. A blood test of liver enzymes can identify those developing this condition. So we have to get over the idea that only alcohol causes liver damage. In fact, in the past, adult patients were thought to be lying when they denied consuming alcohol.
 Is there a possibility that North Americans will get smart, and finally realize what the number one killer is? I doubt it, as history shows the number of obese North Americans continues to increase year after year.  It’s often said that heart attack tops the list as the most frequent cause of death. But I’ve claimed for years it’s really obesity, as it leads to so many medical complications that shorten lives. The secret for longevity remains the same. Following a healthy lifestyle early in life and sticking with it. Too many attempt it unsuccessfully at the end of life. Add it all up, and it’s moderation throughout life that wins the day. Just consider alcohol. At least 20 studies show that moderate drinkers live longer than either teetotalers or alcoholics. Alcohol lowers blood cholesterol and decreases the risk of a fatal blood clot.
 So beer in moderation never killed anyone on the Mayflower, or anywhere else. In fact, beer contains no cholesterol, fat, triglycerides, sugar, and is low in sodium. It also contains vitamins, calcium for bones, potassium to lower blood pressure and magnesium to regulate the heart’s rhythm.
 The government doesn’t prevent the sale of cars because some idiots drive too fast. Yet ironically, and possibly criminally, it prohibits beer and liquor companies from stating that moderate drinking is a healthy habit.
My advice. Buy a bathroom scale and step on it every day. This will help to keep you a moderate consumer of food, alcohol, and exercise. But, if the scale continues to show increasing weight?
Need I say more?   
  Online Comments

Aging Gracefully

Aging Gracefully
    My husband is no longer interested in sex. I’m not sure if it’s sex or me. It’s probably a bit of both, but I believe it started with me gaining weight. We got together when he was 50 and I was 40. The first 15 years we had a great sex life. With menopause and the stress of my aging/dying parents, I gained 25 lbs. Slowly, I gained another 25.
Now, at 65, I find it difficult to lose even a couple of pounds. Little by little, my husband began to lose interest, and we haven’t had sex for about three years. He is 75, athletic and in good shape. At first, I thought perhaps there was someone else. I can’t get him to talk about it. He just laughs nervously and says, “Yes, we should be trying to have sex more often." But he never tries. He’s kind and loving but not physically affectionate, so contrary to the earlier years.
Five months ago, I got him to take a testosterone test. He was low. The urologist put him on hormone replacement. Three months later, down further. After two months of a new treatment, no difference. He is European and finds it hard to talk about feelings. I am totally frustrated, sad, hurt, angry (with myself over the weight) and getting all screwed up over this.
I don’t know if I want to hear why he doesn’t want sex with me anymore. If it’s because of weight, or I’m older and less attractive, I can’t do anything about that.
If it’s him with low testosterone and no solution, how does one live the rest of their life without sex or affection?
Callie, words mean stuff. You say your husband is loving, and you say without sex you aren’t getting affection. But you said he is loving. Do you mean he is nice? Do you mean other people think he is a great guy? What exactly do you mean?
He looks sheepish and says, we should try more often. That does not express blame. It’s as if he is saying, “You know, I’m 75, and things don’t work like they used to.”
It appears he has not alluded to this as your problem. What a gentleman. If he were less of a gentleman, he would put this all on you. “Stop thinking you are still smokin’ hot.” Then he could launch you on a quest to lose 50 lbs. Boy, if that wouldn’t be an outlet for your energies.
We are not machines. Why don’t the people we love get to age? At 75 he is exactly what anyone should expect, unless they read tabloid articles about men in their 70s making love like bunnies. He seems to be fine with your relationship. Perhaps he never mistook physical intimacy for love. Have you? You sort of blame yourself—I am overweight—but you also say, if he won’t have sex with me, how will I go on? That’s like saying, if he can’t have sex, I don’t know if I love him. You’re not reveling in the health he does have. Is there nothing else he does for you? He’s never been affectionate in the way you want. He’s aged, but he hasn’t changed. You have given yourself age concessions (I’m older and can’t lose weight now). Where are the concessions you make for him?
When seeking a relationship, the right thing to do is to find someone about whom we can say, I love everything he does, not I love everything he does for me.Wayne & Tamara
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Monday, July 23, 2018


   Well folks it appears that Oshawa is bankrupt!!!   Yes, you read it right.  Oshawa is bankrupt of leaders and true leadership.
Oshawa municipal government for the last 10 years has lost it’s service to taxpayers.  It has become nothing  but another corporation looking for ways to dig into your pocket.
An institution that was set forth for the people and elected by the people.  Today’s administration is broken.   Our taxes keep going up and no one seems to care. 
Look at what is happening in the race for Mayor of Oshawa.  So far the only candidate is Dan Carter.  A careered ‘YES MAN’.  Someone that until not to long ago lived in Whitby.
Since his election as councillor... what has he done for the city of Oshawa?    How has he better the life of tax payers?   The assumption he did nothing and now we are not only going to give him a pay raise but the responsibility of leadership?
Well, what is wrong with Oshawa voters.   We kept Diamond in office for years.  We kept Henry for two terms... and what do we have to show for it.
Are we the voters that ignorant of the facts?   Have we subliminally surrendered to popular thought.   We do not vote on merit or credentials.  Instead we vote on name recognition and a smile.
Has democracy failed.  Has it changed.  Is democracy broken?   How do you explain that no one is running against a candidate that clearly stand for the establishment and not the people of Oshawa at large?
I can’t stop shaking my head and hope that the God’s are looking down on us and send us a messiah.   We need a leader with a vision.  A leader with a back bone that is not afraid to take on the issue.  A leader  that will bring Oshawa back to the glory days.  A time when Oshawa proud meant something.   With the likes of Carter.  The City ‘GOOD OLD BOYS’ circle is complete.   Between the Chamber, Oshawa Golf Club, Durham Realtor Board and others of the same stature... run the city much like the many families in the U.S. ran New York.
Is it not time for real change.  Is it not time to take Oshawa back and assure that your children have a future.   For the past years administration after administration have dug us into debt.
Is it not time to dig out?   What do you think?


As we head into the cut off for municipal election candidates, I just have to comment about the quality of candidates running across Durham. I am so pleased that the majority of them are running for the right reasons, to better their communities.

I have personally met with many of the candidates, not just the incumbents and we have a remarkable cultural and ethnic diverse group. This is just what Durham needs, but people from all walks of life together debating and making the decisions that will shape our communities for years to come.

While I am a 5th generation Durhamite, I welcome and love to hear why 1st generation Durhamite's choose our communities to call home. The same reason we live here as multi-generational is the reason they are building a
foundation here and wanting to preserve and protect their chosen home. To all the candidates, I truly say thank you for putting your name on the ballot to shape our Durham together.

This election we find many residents wanting a change mandate, indeed years of perpetual tax increases, 17 percent rise in violent crime calls, poor commuter service, areas of Durham being ignored will do that.

I implore the new candidates to stick to your beliefs and remember why you are running, for the betterment of your community. Indeed municipal staff are the experts, but you as a potential councillor will make the policy that directs the staff for years to come.

Saturday, July 14, 2018

The Establishment vs The People By Joe Ingino

LogicBy Joe Ingino b.a.

“I live a dream in a nightmare world”
The Establishment vs The People
   It appears that the municipal race for mayor of the City of Oshawa may come down to the establishment vs the people scenario.
As it stand there is only one candidate for the office of Mayor.  The candidate is Dan Carter an incumbent councillor.  If no one steps up.  Carter would win by default.   Is this what the city needs?   If anyone shows up of credible integrity.   The vote would be ‘The Establishment’ - meaning nothing will get done for another four years and you can bet your bottom dollar your property taxes will go up another 3 - 6% to pay off for the incompetence of true leadership.   Versus whom ever pops up to bring in new and innovative ideas to the table.
Can Oshawa afford another four years of nothing... I have a question for Dan Carter... What have you done to make this city a better place.  Did you do anything to lower taxes?  Did you do anything for the airport?  Did you do anything for the harbor?   Did you do anything for the struggling business of the downtown?   Did you do anything to attract new business and industry to Oshawa?  Did you do anything to improve the infrastructure of Oshawa?  Did you do anything to improve relationship between the public and city hall?  Did you do anything to improve our roads and highways?  But most importantly.  Did you do anything?  If so what?
The answer to the above questions are as obvious as the fact that under this administration has increased it’s over all debt by 100 million to close to 300 million.    They are as obvious as the fact that we keep loosing business every month in our core.    It is as obvious as the fact that the harbor still sits empty even after the Federal government gave the land to the city to develop... and now are possibly facing a fine for doing nothing to the tune of 10 million dollars.  And yes, their incompetence has you on the hook for the cash.   And Dan wants to be Mayor.
Really.  Are you deservant of a promotion for doing nothing?   Do we need another pretty boy in office as a token of leadership?  Or do we need someone with conviction.  Proven track record in the City and Durham Region.   Someone with a vision. Someone that knows the value of a hard earned dollar.  Someone that is one of you (us).  Do we  not need change.  Do we not need true leadership.  Do we not need to protect our future through the investments of industry and trade that want to come to Oshawa but Oshawa elect fail to see or seek the opportunities that other municipalities are benefiting from?
Is it not time for change.  NO TO THE ESTABLISHMENT.  YES TO THE PEOPLE.

Wednesday, July 11, 2018


By John Mutton
I would like to recap the recent findings of the Durham Regional Police Association survey with respect to why things must change at the Police Service and administration....
Pollara Survey
Survey response rate was 36% which is considered by Pollara to be "a very good, above average response rate for a membership survey" and is the same, or higher, than DRPA election turnout rates.
Paul Martin
- 52% of DRPA members believe that Chief Paul Martin should be removed from his current position as soon as possible
- 77% of members believe that Chief Paul Martin should not be re-appointed for another term, including 57% who strongly feel that way
- Only 10% believe Paul Martin should be reappointed
- 30% Favouritism/promotion of inner circle/preferential treatment of senior officers/not held accountable/issues are covered up/nepotism
- 28% lacks skills/experience/incompetent/poor judgement/bad decisions/unprofessional/irresponsible -20% no connection/not engaged/out of touch/removed from membership/lost touch with membership
Stan MacLellan
- 80% of DRPA members feel that Stan MacLellan should be removed from his current position, and be replaced with a new CAO, as soon as possible. 67% strongly feel this way.
- Only 7% believe he should continue
- 43% lack of leadership/inexperienced/incompetent/no knowledge of policing/not qualified/bad decisions/poor judgement/irresponsible/mismanagement
- 35% favouritism/preferential treatment/unfair promotions/people are not held accountable/hides abusive behaviour of friends/decisions are based on personal connections
- 24% has too much power & influence/interferes in issues that do not involve him/thinks he is 'untouchable'/sense of entitlement/abuses position
Police Services Board
- 66% of DRPA members express dissatisfaction with the Board's job performance overall
Overall Culture
Three-quarters of DRPA members believe that senior management exercises a culture of favouritism, were promotions are based on who you know rather than merit.
Just 3 in 10 believe that senior management treats them with respect and fairness.
Over the last three years, fully 70% of DRPA members report experiencing at least one instance of bullying or harassment.
- Only 21% filed a complaint; and just 13% of those who filed a complaint say it was addressed fairly within a reasonable timeframe
- 69% say that speaking up negatively affected their career, that the complaint was not addressed fairly nor within a reasonable time frame.


   On June 28th, 2018 City of Oshawa council held a special meeting to nominate a candidate for the vacant spot left by Bob Chapman.   A sham of an attempt to appear that the process was fair and open to all.  In reality the decision had been made long before the nomination process was opened to the public.   I say this with liberty as the votes were overwhelmingly in favor of a former ‘GOOD OLD BOY’ Joe Kolodzie.   Joe Kolodzie served the city of Oshawa for years as  a councillor.  Logically he would be the logical candidate as he knows the system and has served in that position.... Then why have all these other candidates come forth and present before council when the decision had been already made behind closed doors?
More importantly why does City council need to fill the position for only 5 months to the next municipal election.  
The press release by the region read:
New member sworn in for Durham Regional Council
Whitby, Ontario – Today, City of Oshawa Regional Councillor Joe Kolodzie completed his Declaration of Office and became a member of Durham Regional Council.
Councillor Kolodzie fills the vacancy left by the resignation of City of Oshawa Regional Councillor Bob Chapman. Councillor Kolodzie was appointed to this role, by members of Oshawa City Council, during their June 28 meeting.
All this formality for what?   Is Joe really going to make such a big difference?   The answer is obvious.   Then why the waste of tax payers money?   Why have other possible candidate present before council?
Mind you.  Out of all the ones that came forth.  None showed any real qualifications to fill the vacant seat.
But that is not the point.  Why mislead the public to think that there is fairness and openness when in reality there is not?
Is this the democratic process?  Is this leadership?   I feel for all those that made a public presentation with interest.... their time was wasted.
I know some of you are chanting... Process Joe, Process.   Well, I personally am tired of policy, process and regulations.   All tools to keep us away  from the reality of governance.   All tools that keep us believing the system works when it fails us.
Oshawa is governed by the ‘Good Old Boys Club’.   Groups of men that are so insecure that bound together to watch each others back and group to stomp on any one that opposes them.
The rule of thumb, much like the former administration dealings with the former city auditor. ‘YOU ARE EITHER ON THE BUS... OR YOU GET RUN OVER BY IT’.
The good old boys is made up of members of the Oshawa Golf Club executive,  City council, Chamber of commerce and various local service groups.   Through the years this ban of untouchables have controlled from politics to who gets city contracts.
These socialites go around with their noses in the air in the shadows of collusion.    They call upon each other to manipulate agenda.   You dare oppose them.  They take up arms to denounce and persecute.
Joe Kolodzie nomination is a classic example of the ‘GOOD OLD BOYS CLUB’.   Joe was in before the meeting was held.   You doubt my word.  Look at what took place during the 2014Mayoral election in Oshawa.   The Chamber of commerce backed John Henry and when the chamber held their mayoral debate.  They only invited John Henry the incumbent and John Gray another ‘GOOD OLD BOY’ all others were not invited.   You still don’t believe me. 
Call the Chamber and ask who they are supporting for mayor in this election and you will note that they are in support of Dan Carter, another ‘GOOD OLD BOYS CLUB MEMBER’.  The real question here is... HAVE WE HAD ENOUGH OF THE GOOD OLD BOYS CLUB?  

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

ARE YOU RUNNING? By Joe Ingino b.a.

   The other day I was asked... Are you running for mayor this election?
  The only candidate so far is Dan Carter.    Dan Carter represents everything the establishment stand for.
Mr. Carter is the classic ‘YES MAN’ with an ability to go about making it look like he is doing a thousand things when in reality he is just afloat.
I posed a question to him on social media.  I asked.  What has he done for the people of Oshawa in his term in office?   He has yet to give me an answer that is not a bunch of pie in the sky rainbow and unicorns.
One thing I must give him credit for is the 3% property tax increase that we are all burdening.  He sat on his hands and did nothing to oppose it.    He must be given praise for also sitting back and doing nothing to pressure GM to bring more jobs to Oshawa.  Instead he jumped on the band wagon with Mayor Henry and ran around praising Costcos for bringing minimum wage jobs to Oshawa.  While the downtown core is forgotten.
I know one thing... that if I was to run.  I would run to improve the way the City of Oshawa does business.
Take for example.  Events come and go and no one at the City informs any of the local media.
One would think that would be priority one.    The City of Oshawa without the knowledge of tax payers keeps spending with little or no regret money they do not have.  On new equipment, consultants and much more.   
Did you know that the City of Oshawa owes the region close to 200 million dollars...
What is Carter planning on doing about that... the same thing he did as a councillor!!! NOTHING.
I know that if I was to be your new mayor.  I would make sure that GM bring back the jobs we have lost over the years.  I would work hard with GM the province and the federal government, not to mention the union to bring back the jobs lost.
I would assure that we develop our harbor.   That we finally take our harbor front back and turn it into a major tourist attraction.  That we put in there a world class marina and all at no cost to the taxpayers.   It can be done... It is being done in other municipalities... Why do we lack the vision and know how in Oshawa.  I tell you why.  Because we keep electing the wrong people. YES MEN were great during the small town mentality municipal government era.   Today, we need fresh thinkers.  Visionaries and people that are not afraid to take a chance.
The money for projects is out there.   The people wanting to come are there.   We just don’t have a City corporation that has a clue on how to attract them.
I know if I was elected.  I would turn around Oshawa’s downtown.  I personally have for the past four years been doing my part with the DOWNTOWN OSHAWA INGINO INITIATIVE.  I am sure most of you by know have seen the black signs with yellow letter proudly promoting our downtown core.  I know first hand what the needs of those merchants are.
1st.  I would any business owner that owns the building they are running their business from a 40% off property taxes.  This does not mean landlords that lease out units to businesses.
I would give each business owner in the core a 50% off their OPUC rates.   These discounts would be absorbed by the deduction of waste both at City Hall and the OPUC. 
Can it be done?  You better believe it.
For all the local service clubs I would put aside $50,000.   This money would go to any local service group that showed the most fundraising over a period of a year.  What this would do is bring back the community spirit.   It would get more members of the community involved in events that are taking place all across Oshawa.
To the Legion, Navy club, Wing 420 and other groups I would award $50,000 to the leading group that could show the most advancement over a year.   No one would be able to win it two consecutive years.
As your new mayor I would finally bring life to Oshawa’s airport.   For the past 20 years the airport has been under used.   In my new Oshawa I would turn our airport into a major training center.  From virtual reality environments.   To hands on.   I would encourage for executives to utilize our airport by giving special fuel discounts. 
You ask.. Oh yea.  Who is going to pay for the discounts.   The more you sell the more the price becomes negotiable.   The City of Oshawa spends 100 of thousands on legal matter if not millions and we can’t subsidize fuel at the airport to increase jobs and businesses.
What we have running our municipal government is not leadership but YESMANSHIP.  A bunch of good old boys that make it a  point to fly under the radar and do nothing in the hope of re-election.
As a City leader.  You can’t look at one or two aspects of your community.  You must address the whole.   We need to improve the way we do business.   We need to improve the way we treat our people and those interested in coming to Oshawa.
If I had a penny every time someone has complained about how Oshawa deal with tenders and permits.  I would have millions.
Yet, the people of Oshawa keeps voting the same time and time again.
Our Oshawa will incorporate all of us.  It will be an Oshawa as it should be. An inclusive Oshawa that is free and open to all.  Anyone with a concern or thought should be able to walk into the Mayors office and speak his/her mind.  Results should not be filtered through countless committees only to be shelved and ignored.
Our new Oshawa starts with your vote.


By John Mutton      
  This week I found out that the Clarington Council bought the Bowmanville Zoo. While the transaction only cost them 2 dollars, the process is quite concerning, let me elaborate:

The Bowmanville Zoo has nitrate levels from 110 years of animal feces all over the property and many buried animal carcasses. I remember my grandfather told me about working there in the late 1920's/30's and the amount of environmental contamination on the property.

Now let's keep in mind that this property has the Soper Creek running through it and is floodplain with no development potential other than the park/botanical gardens that Council want.

I also give you the facts that the quantified costs of 2 full time parks staff was not part of any business case as there was not a business case and why in hell did they not get a Phase 1 Environmental study for the approx 500k in clean up on these lands.

I am truly at a loss on this one. A park would be wonderful, but Clarington Council have once again not done due diligence that any possible homeowner would do. The cost of this park will never be totally quantified until the environmental and the staff are factored in as well as demolition of the buildings.

Clarington, do yourself a favour and hire an auditor general asap.