Saturday, April 2, 2022


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” 2022 is a municipal election year. After enduring almost four years of having to deal with the homeless, drug addicts, prostitutes and drug dealers. One would have thought that our elected officials would come up with solutions to the problem. After all Mayor Dan Carter won the election on the promise to do something for the homeless in Oshawa as he himself is a former Toronto area homeless, addict. One would have thought that he would be compassionate and have some insight on what the solution to the problem would be. No, instead he has sat on his hands for almost 4 years and allowed the problem to get worst. Meanwhile collecting taxpayers dollars to act as a Mayor. I say act because that is exactly what he has done. Staff run the show. City council is made up of a bunch of incompetent intellectually challenged individuals that have proven not to have the aptitude to run the city efficiently. No jobs, no opportunities, no real plan for the future. Mayor Carter boasted at the Chamber meeting boasted that the City has issued 1 billion in building permits. But fails to recognize at what cost. Building Ghetto type of housing to the north of Oshawa is not development it is a future liability. There is no planning to his madness. On top of that how can he boast on such numbers when 90% is natural growth due to the skyrocket prices in Toronto. Not to mention opportunist developers looking to make a quick buck of prime lands in Oshawa. This is purely insane. NO VISION AND THE ALLOWANCE OF THE RAPING OF PRIME FARMING LANDS TO THE NORTH. From the Mayor to his supporters... such as councillor Chapman. Here is a man that has had it’s day and now semi retired has done little or nothing for the city of Oshawa. In my opinion a hypocrite that only mission is to survive another term in office. Fluffing his pension. Councillor Hurst. A realtor that truly should not be in politics. Another Joe Biden of politics. Won by the mercy of God. Senile as they come. When asked in an interview to name all the media outlets in her City. She had no clue. When asked about particular city policy. She had no clue. Real representation. Since we are in that ward. Tito-Dante Mariempietri. Another long standing political gem that his time is long over due. HAVE WE NOT WASTED ENOUGH MONEY on this guy? What has he done for the city in all his terms in office? A guy that never returns calls to his local media... i can imagine constituents calling him...HE HAS TO GO. Just to name a few. This past week our beloved mayor once again played the political card and refused the renewal of a permit to CAMP. Community Assisted Meal Program. A 100% volunteer driven group that feed those in need at Midtown mall. Here is a release from one of the co-founders on FB. John E Walker: We can thank Mayor Dan Carter, Counselors, Gray, Chapman, Marks, Tito and Hurst for refusing to extend the CAMPs permit today. Our most vulnerable face a lot of added hardship, these politicians truly showed their true colors today! I am sure that many of us will remember this come election time! Not a single one of these individuals deserves to represent our city. Their actions will force people to go without food/clothing/necessities and this is the reality of their actions today! Wake up Carter. Just because Durham Outlook opened in Oshawa in March. You don’t shut down CAMP. Who is doing the thinking. The need exceeds that of the services out there. What is council thinking? This again is another clear example on how the City has lost touch with the needs of the community. It is not about common sense. Planning and doing what is right. Instead it is about staff recommendation. A staff that will not go out of the box as if anything goes wrong. Jobs are on the line. It is about lobbying and convincing the right councillor into voting from a bias perspective. It is about politics. If someone does not like you or your organization. You are black balled and the city will not allow you to do business with them or in the city of Oshawa. CASE IN POINT. THERE IS NOT REAL LOGICAL REASON FOR THE DENIAL. Other than CAMP makes the City look bad. As CAMP has found the magic bean when it comes to feeding those in need and the City awaits for Federal hand outs. NO CITY MONEY. NO TAX PAYER MONEY. Only a permit. Remember to make the right changes in the Municipal election 2022.

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