Friday, April 15, 2022

Modern Internet Nothing But A Public Toilet

By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” I remember back in 1995. No computers, no cell phones. I remember how by accident I came to find the internet. At around that time. The Central was looking to enter the FM world. After careful study we realized that the availability of FM frequencies was limited and the cost to acquire could end up in the millions. Satellite transmission at that time was reserved for the military, government and big business. Not an option. Then I found out about this by mere luck as at that time we had just moved our platform from Apple to PC. In setting up our network. A friend of mine at the University mentioned how there was a race happening in this new world of internet. He explained how someone had just developed this new share ware type of virtual communication system. A freeware that was to revolutionize the world. As I became more interested. I began to imagine all the possibilities including that for publishing. I became on intrigued that I attained a line of service and begin posting. At that time it was primal so you could only do a page or two and there was no real place of situating it for public view. Mostly at that time was a list referencing you to a particular file. I remember the first actual 24 page newspaper we published was on a bright blue screen with yellow lettering. NO PICTURES. Those were the days... As the internet technology became better understood. There was a race for quickness. The race for net speed took off. At first no one really wanted to invest online...Until such time as the world first browser was introduced. WorldWideWeb was more of a cataloguing system than a browser as we know it. Cello. When released on 8 June 1993 it was one of the first graphical web browsers, and the first to run on Windows: Windows 3.1, NT 3.5, and OS/2. It was an improvement but no real commercial use. NCSA Mosaic which was a graphical browser running originally on Unix and soon ported to the Amiga and VMS platforms, and later the Apple Macintosh and Microsoft Windows platforms. Now this truly revolutionized the internet. People started purchasing computers for work... such as running simple bookkeeping/record for small to medium business. Netscape when introduced to the world gave endless possibilities to what the internet could be used for. Soon after Microsoft, which had thus far not marketed a browser, finally entered the fray with its Internet Explorer product (version 1.0 was released 16 August 1995) and like they say. The rest is history. The internet introduced as a self governing freeware software had now enter a new dimension of utility. I remember at about that time. Our publishing the online version was catching the attention of the world. People from all over the world praised THE CENTRAL and could not believe what we were doing online. Soon after that is when the decay of the net began. Merchandiser had found the golden grail to push products world wide. Even though not to many people had computers. It was enough to spark the interest of entrepreneurs. The more sophisticated the browser the more ads and people trying to sell you something. I remember when you use to type in something simple like ASPIRIN and you would get good solid information on the subject. Today you type in ASPIRIN and the first 10 pages is about someone trying to sell you aspirin or something similar. Things truly turned for the worst when the introduction of chats hit the net.. it gave birth to social media... Today’s internet has so much information so much misinformation. So infiltrated by that of which the net was not intended to be used like that it is slowly loosing it’s value. It is becoming much like on the old TV at the end of the night they would broadcast that white noise screen. From all the criminal elements to all the opinionated souls. Not to mention the many governments as well as media that use the net today as a tool to manipulate public opinion. To control what you buy, how you buy it when (AMAZON). Is free will on the line with the net? After all everytime you get online... Your every move is monitored and saved. Your smart phones input your every move. Your daily routines are easily monitored. This system is nothing short of an information public toilet. Soon, we will have no choice but to interact as Artificial Intelligence will take away our choice of staying away from the net.

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