Wednesday, April 13, 2022

It is not about being a Democrat or Republican

By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” I often catch myself looking up at the Gods and begging they bless me with more patience as I ran out of bullets a week ago after having to deal with so many ignoramus. By definition an ignoramus is one that has gone beyond the ability to rationalize fact and goes about spewing information based on hearsay and or rumor. Ignorance is not a sin. Nor is is a defamatory word as ignorance by definition is: lack of knowledge or information: "he acted in ignorance of basic procedures", or in plain words. He did not know better. I think in this category most of us fall into. But to be a ignoramus, it takes years confusion, delusion and general psychological melee. This is not more prevelent than when you hear political discussions. In most cases. Both sides attempt to rationalize political position based on hearsay, rumor and or bias opinion. Even those in the political game resort to statistics, reports and events to justify their position. To be ignorant is to be human... as the ignorant mind is constantly adjusting to it’s environment. Picking up cues and tales as it lives through it’s personal destiny we all call life. When it comes to political ideology it appears that even though rooted on a democracy. A democracy that in it’s self is ignorant of modern times as it can be seen during election. If so then how can we even begin to rational political ideology. The Democrats denounce the Republicans. The Republicans denounce the Democrats.... and the battle rages through he ages with one for sure thing. The people are left to pay the price for ideology. Personally, and you can’t take it from a King amongst the ignorant. I believe that no matter your political incline. Politics should be about the people and not the politics. It should be about taking the people that you represent to heart as if they were your own family. This is not what is happening in modern politics. You ask the average voter. Why do you support the Democrats/Republicans. Oh my father and his father all supporters this view or that view and I feel that they are the best representation for the people.... Don’t think this type of thinking is isolated... it is not and very dangerous to modern day society... Worst are those that are confused to the point that wear their heart on their sleeves and follow media reports as if was the words of the messiah preaching gospel. We as a people can’t be led by misconception. We can’t be red or blue out of ignorance. We have to be people first. We must strive to educate ourselves on what is best for all of us based on constant change through information, red or blue.

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