Saturday, April 30, 2022


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” GREAT NEWS!!! As of May 2nd, 2022 we the people can do something about the marginalization practiced by City of Oshawa elect. ((of a person, group, or concept) treated as insignificant or peripheral). Marginalized groups include women, people with disabilities, people of color, LGBTQ+ folks, Indigenous peoples, people of a lower socio-economic status and so on. These groups have been historically disempowered and oppressed by influential and discriminatory groups such as those elected to represent us in Oshawa. The culture at the City of Oshawa is one of hypocritical nature. Pretend you are doing something when in reality very little gets done. The Mayor boasted on 1Billion in development, but failed to point out the poor planning by the City in allowing ‘sticks and cardboard’ subdivisions to be built on prime farm lands to the north of Oshawa. A mistake that will cost the city billions in the future in policing, public health and standard of living in the area. The City is very unfair and bias. If you are not to directly benefit someone on council or follow the City political arrogant and pretentious ways. You are black balled as an outsider and nothing you suggest even gets consideration. For example during the height of COVID a local downtown business owner offered the city $100,000. in subsidy. The businessman was refused at committee and at council. The City elect including the Mayor showed poor judgement and lack of professionalism as not even a notice was sent back to the businessman with a reason of why the very generous offer was declined. Only that through the mouth of some council, stated that they just did not approve or like the particular business person. More recently. C.A.M.P - Community Assisted Meal Program. A volunteer based program that fed hundreds every day were denied a permit to continue it’s services. Once again. The denial was never explained nor any formal reason was given to the organizer. According to the organizer. Once again. The City has a prejudice/bias towards him as it was not a City or city councillor initiative. THIS HAS TO STOP. How can anyone on council go to bed at night knowing that hundreds of people are sleeping in tents and on our s treets. How can any council member with a good conscious cash their pay cheque knowing the need of our city and the poor state that it is by their reluctance to get things done. People are constantly asking me to run for the office of Mayor. Many state that the people of Oshawa can’t afford to make the same mistakes again. If I was to run for office. I would pledge that until I find a solution to the homeless problem in Oshawa. I would not collect one penny in renumeration. The money that would have come to me I would donate it to a worthy cause and or set up a program funded with those dollars. I could not in good conscious and rooted morals take the people’s money when the people of Oshawa are suffering. As your Mayor, I would cut back all wasteful expenditures. I would personally work with developers, business people and those of like minds to create a real development plan of action. Not one that would take year to accomplish. Instead one that would be implemented right of way and come to fruition before my term in office was up. This would entail a very aggressive and decisive plan that can be done and has been done in other municipalities. I would address the assessment values of properties, restructure the property tax system. To give special incentives to those that have owned their properties for a long time vs those that are just purchasers. We need to find a balance so that the core of our system is maintained while the developing aspect of Oshawa contributes for a better future for all. This will include an aggressive campaign in the quest of bringing good paying jobs. Oshawa is for us to take back. It is for us to really elect real leadership. Now is the time to make a difference. Don’t make the same mistakes we have made in the past. We, our children can’t afford to pay for our mistakes. Use your vote wisely this election. 2022 Hopefully will be remembered as the year for change in Oshawa.

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