Saturday, April 9, 2022

Let’s Abolish the NDP,Liberals and Conservatives

Let’s Abolish the NDP,Liberals and Conservatives By Joe Ingino Edit
or/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” The other in conversation the topic of Canadian politics came up. Those to the left defended their position and those to the right theirs. Understandable. If we have not learned from our neighbors to the south. Democracy is dead. It has proven to be easily manipulated. It can be swayed and left for scrutiny on many fronts. Democracy as it was intended has lost it’s purpose and meaning in modern society. The voice in the wind appears to be directing us to a global governance mentality. Something that has merit but do to the human nature element of greed it will never work as it was intended. Many philosophers, social scientist have warned us of modern times becoming challenging when it came to dealing with the never ending population numbers. The general concept either from the left right or middle is control of the masses. During ancient times, Gods of different believes ruled the land through fear. Today with the failure of the church and many religions of the world have forced governments to dismiss religious doctrines and venture on just political ideology. The common mind is left to fend for itself. From spiritual belongnes to political affiliation. Many that have strong political believes towards one end or the other or even those that sit idled in the middle share the same frustration. Look at the disgust in Canada. The Liberals running on nothing more than Trudeau nostalgia are seeing the end of the tunnel. They are desperately attempting to regain public approval. The Liberal party has gone as far as to form and alliance with the NDP. How low can you go? The NDP led by an openly defiant leader of Canadian traditions, values and principles. Where are we going with this? Don’t think. “OH JOE”. The conservatives are no better. You are right. The conservatives are an embarrassment to politics. They are the face of greed. From O’Toole to all the ones are now attempting to jockey for the leadership. WE THE PEOPLE are becoming nothing but numbers. We have become slaves of our design. We live our lives in anticipated bubble governed by daily routine. With this said, then what is the answer to future political hope. Are we to surrender and be governend as we stand by careered politicians on either side of the spectrum. Making empty promises only to get in office and shut us down. Has our society in the past 50 years become better or worst place to live? Democracy works only in small isolated communities where survival is dependent on making the right choices for the betterment of the whole. Today’s democracy in part worst that way but looses it’s real purpose and essence due to the indifference in our national unity. This is why we have each province representing their interests in Ottawa. I believe that the democratic principle of having a say should be preserved as the root of any new political ‘ism’. I believe that having this fundamental root to work from. One can began to build a new political ‘ism’ that will unite the left and the right and bring forth all to a neutral position of satisfaction based on the fullfillment of that of which modern democracy fallaciously believes it is achieving. In principle we all want the same. We all want to feel safe. We all want to have the ability and access to opportunity. We all want to have jobs, raise a family and live our life in peace. For this reason. I support this new to be registered federal party. Canada for Canadians. Canada for Canadians is the new ‘ism’. This party will take the best from the right and from the left. For example. We as nation must protect our health care for everyone. Forget the American model. We must have post secondary education for everyone. We must graduate more medical and specialized people. We must cut back on foreign aid. We must get tough on immigration and refugee relations. We must become more focus on energy development. We must work on using foreign aid funds to create manufacturing, commerce and industry in Canada. We must make sure that veterans, seniors and those homeless are not treated like social token but assisted and treated with dignity and resources. These are just a few of the many benefits of CANADA FOR CANADIANS. Find out more. Just ask me. 905-432-2657

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