Wednesday, April 13, 2022


by Alex King TERM LIMITS I used to be against the idea of adding more term limits in government. It seemed obvious to me that, if our system functioned correctly, we as voters could decide how many terms our elected officials served. While that logic is practical, it fails to account for just how comfortable people have become simply voting for someone familiar with little understanding of how the choices made by that representative have (or haven't) affected their lives. If the public is apathetic about policy and legislation, then length of time in government will continue to overshadow the actual decisions made on our behalf. Many are concerned that term limits will expel some of the best politicians from office and cause more harm than good. However, the curtailing of time a single person is allowed to spend in a position will result in a greater variety of representatives. It may even lead to a broader conversation about ideas, with time-tested theories and values becoming stronger factors than the "electability" of a single person. Although I would like to see West Virginia do as several other states have done and apply term limits to the legislature, I am not saying that to pick on anyone currently in the state house and senate. I'm instead hoping that such a move at the state level will inspire other states to do the same, creating a larger conversation about the need for term limits when it comes to those who serve in Washington D.C. At the very least, I think it's worth considering.

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