Saturday, November 18, 2023


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Always Remember That The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Decode Your Life By Living It Without Regret or Sorrow. - ONE DAY AT A TIME - Before I begin this column. I like to thank all the former Metroland paper delivery people that have flooded our phones with call wanting to continue delivering a paper to your door. As an industry leader. I am sorry that many of these delivery people did not get paid for their hard work. In some cases we made special allowance to pay them what they were owed by Metroland as way to instill industry good name. The Central Newspaper an industry leader will always champion peoples rights and freedoms. Fair treatment and fair compensation for work performed. For all that have called. Thank you. At the Central we have also received numerous calls from readers across the region. Readers wondering why the municipalities including the Region have not made the change to publish notice, listing and events in Durham only hard copy publisher The Central. Many frustrated that the municipalities including the Region have waited so long to publish essential information. Information like garbage pick up and the likes. I can assure you we have contacted all the municipalities and all the parties involved. The general consensus is that it takes a bit of time to make the transition. They assure me that by the new year. You will see your municipalities postings. If not call them directly. At The Central we know the financial hardships of many. Many can’t afford a computer. Others can’t even afford internet. Many are also on limited cell packages. The municipalities can’t expect people to go to their web sites to look for information. Municipalities should know better that most people using the internet have a five click patience expansion... meaning if they can’t get what they want in five clicks or less. They become frustrated. Case in point. Some callers expressed frustration that they attempted to navigate many of the municipal web pages and got no place. This came from young and senior callers. We have also received equal number of former Metroland subscribers wanting to sign up for home delivery. Everyone please be patience as we are in the process of bringing you all the municipalities posting under one newspaper. The Central will soon become the place to go for regional information. It is unfortunate that technology is proving itself to fail humanity. As the internet has become nothing short of a public toilet. A place where you can’t trust what you read and an arena for fraud, scammers and charlatans. This in part is why many are coming back to hard press copy newspapers. Read from a source you can trust. Please be patience. We are working on it. Thank you for your patience.

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