Saturday, November 18, 2023


As most of you. At the end of the day I like to sit back and unwind. Unfortunately, sitting in front of a television for a few minutes at the end of the day, just makes me wonder what has gone wrong with society. From the many wars to social unrest, not to mention the many political battles unfolding across the globe. It appears humanity is on a downward spin into self destruction. Now don’t get me wrong. There are many efforts by many people in making life great. Over all and far away from our shores. It appears we live in a fragile utopian glass world sheltered from the many global realities. Working in the community as your local ward 1 representative I come across all kinds of issues. All kind of people. People with real needs and issues. As a municipal representative I am always impartial and try to listen carefully and respectfully dispense resolve in the best manner possible, with the resources made available to me by the municipality. It appears even though you may have great intentions. Harmony, is something that is far from achievable, even though the facts are right before you and common sense should prevail. The concept of right and wrong becomes compromised by personal agenda and or tainted political opinion/thought/interests. In my term in office. I realized very quickly that it is not about me but about what is best for the constituents that elected me in. It is about bettering our community. Even though, I tend to favor the rational, logical reasonable approach towards problem solving. I am quickly learning that many of my colleagues dance to the beat of a different drum. As a politician it is easy to fall victim of lobbyist, special interest groups, developers and or political pressure from above. Others fall victim to popular thought, social norms and pressures. They fall in a spiral of attempting to pleasing everyone and serving no one. In part this is why council at times appear to be divided. Other times vindictive and united in persecution. By now everyone has heard about my sanctions for exercising my freedom of speech. Three months worth of pay cut. Is this municipal leadership. I think not... I feel persecuted and attacked by my own council. My own people. My own council. How can this be in these times. Times when we are supposed to be united and harmonized during tough economic times. I guess my economic situation does not matter. I shake my head at all that cry that we strive for ‘world peace’. World ‘PEACE’. Or is it a misprint... ‘PIECE’. This type of mentality is not only a Pickering problem. Look around and just about every municipality is suffering from the same pandemic of me, me, me. Funded by developers and special interest groups. Influenced by agenda and special interests. Hey, we are starting to sound global. Much like the wars across the planet influenced by agenda and special interest. Primarily wealth, oil cartels and not to mention the drug cartels. World Peace is much like the word LOVE. There is a lot of interpretation involved. I signed up for this job to make our community a better place. Not to be punished, ousted and persecuted by those I am to work with. We live in sad times where we must abide to the drum of agenda. To be forced to comply. Socially, politically or other and accept the fact that we are nothing short of “MODERN DAY SLAVES”. Yes, modern day slaves. A people that is forced to work for no money or little money. A people that have no real choice due to economic restrains. A people of all races that are pigeon hole to live through their daily routines without questioning authority or else. Or else, face the law, the policy, the regulation, the norms, the fellow confused agenda driven citizen. Nothing to do with historical ethnic slavery. But modern day, all races included. By definition: a person who is forced to work for and obey another and is considered to be their property; an enslaved person. Nothing to do with race. It is a system much like most corporations today. Most government. For anyone becoming offended by the word ‘slave’. First. educate yourself on the meaning. Second, look around if you are not being used to substantiate someone else's agenda. I am afraid to turn on the TV, as only the God’s know what else all this technology will bring. They talk about artificial intelligence. Another system based on stored data and the ability to recall it faster than any human brain. Could this be the new social control? Could this be the new oppressive regime that will govern all humanity. After all, think about it. Those elected are given the right by the democratic ideology to have access to information that most citizens would not even know where to look. Much like artificial intelligence. We are given predestine information and from that we are told to make choices on the selected information. Boy is this not starting to sound like the same type of oppressive regime as described above. This time prescribed by a machine. A machine that we deem intelligent to rendering to the fact that we the surrendering to the fact that we the common person are simpleton? "Strength Does Not Lie In The Absence Of Fear, But In The Courage To Face It Head-On And Rise Above It"

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