Saturday, November 4, 2023


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Always Remember That The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Decode Your Life By Living It Without Regret or Sorrow. - ONE DAY AT A TIME - Remembrance by defenition - ‘the action of remembering something. "a flash of understanding or remembrance passed between them" - the action of remembering the dead, especially in a ceremony.’ The question that echoes in my heart is. Are we not hypocritical in celebrating one day a year, the sacrifices of so many. Should we not be celebrating service to country every day? Celebrating by assuring that all that served are well taken care. That they live a lifestyle that is reflective of their service and sacrifices? To those wounded, to have the Federal assure that they will live the rest of their days without suffering or worry. The unfortunate reality is that many returning from war suffer the usual trauma associated with war. From psychological to physical injury. Our military retiree and returning personel are in many cases left to fend for themselves. To depend on a system that is substandard and leaving many in poverty or worst. Is this what remembrance is all about? Pretending we care by politicians that take hefty pay cheques home. By politicians that have no clue on what it takes to face war, turmoil, death? Instead our politicians rather send billions to foreign lands to fight age long civil/religious wars. Supporting causes that are non Canadian in interest. Meanwhile our own people. Our own veterans. The family of veterans suffer. Should we not be using memorial day as a time to rebel against a government that ignores the reality of many veterans and instead prioritizes the need of foreign countries. I know. Some may be thinking. Joe, that is to strong of a language. Almost inappropriate for such times. Remembrance is about humbling oneself to the appreciation of the sacrifices and suffering of those that have served and are serving. I wonder if those whom become insulted by the truth are not the ones that are hypocritically showing up once a year at remembrance day, making historical speeches in memory. Personally, I call for people to stop the tear jerking and start demanding resolve from all those politicians that show up for photo opportunity in the shadow of the fallen. I find their actions, hypocritical and wrong. I think that the legions across the land should receive from their municipalities one hundred thousand dollars to offset expenses. I believe the Federal government in show of respect for those serving and falling should assure that every soldier that falls and or is serving is assure a set amount of a hefty pension that equal to the Prime Minister. After all we have the Federal money to send billions overseas to ease the suffering there. Why not invest in our people and ease the suffering at home.

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