Saturday, November 4, 2023

Remembrance day - more than words

Remembrance day is upon us. A date that is respectfully celebrated in remembrance of those fallen, those serving to protect our way of life, our rights and freedoms. A time that many don’t fully understand and at times hypocritically show up for the wrong reason. I say this with such liberty as in today confused modern society as many of us don’t fully understand the intent of the sacrifices made by those before us. Take for example the literal meaning and interpretations of Freedom, Rights, Choice. Freedom is for all. To do as one pleases within law. Within reason and in the spirit of civil responsibility. Rights are for all to enjoy as we execute our many freedoms. Those before us knew the importance of these two words. They knew the important of have choice and not fear persecution. As with anything in our modern lives. Rights and Freedoms are not always understood and many select to interpret it in what ever way is best suited for them. This brings to life prejudice. I do not so much mean the color of your skin. But prejudice of association, point of view and or compliance to agenda. As an elected political I can tell you first hand how our rights and freedoms are controlled and restricted. This impacting our choices. I was elected to serve the people of PIckering. Bylaw, regulation and policy set forth in the name of fairness and civility of the process is also use as a tool of conformity. A tool to oppress and take away the rights and freedom of which those before us sacrificed to assure we all enjoy. Case in point just recently, I have had my pay taken away for 3 months for speaking my mind. Policy, bylaw, procedure allows the City to in part take away my right and freedom. I sometimes feel as a victim of the system. A system that is set to control my rights and freedoms as a human being, as a politician. But most importantly as a human being. Policy makers, politician are quick to show up at remembrance day events and get all patriotic. In some cases hypocritically for the wrong reason as they openly practice through policy and practice restrictive measures that go against the sacrifices made by those before us. I much like those fallen in the past. I stand for rights and freedoms for all. I support our forces and all the services pertaining to the same. I will never be compromised and or silent to protect any agenda. God Speed.

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