Saturday, August 10, 2024


Watch out Ontarians, this past year there is a movement going on by Municipal Councils to rob you,the people who elected these councils, of your democratic rights to choose to elect or not elect yourvrepresentative/councillor and or mayor. Municipal Councils have been writing the AMO (association of municipalities of Ontario) which is set up by and governed by the province, Premier Doug Ford. Hmmm ….. “Ontario, Your Municipal Councils the Mayors and Councillors, the Persons You Elected,want the right to remove Your Elected Representative/Councillor, for what ever reason they deem to benecessary and they also want to make sure you can’t vote that representative/councillor back in by banning the representative/councillor from running in the next election. Hmmm ….. Why are the councils so afraid that you the public would vote the representative/councillor, back in if they were really that bad? Is it because the council knows that the councillor was working and representing the people and not bowing to what council wanted? Is it because they have seen that thepublic stands behind the councillor who works for them and votes that member back in? There are ex-amples of Trustees that worked for parents being forced out by School Boards only to be voted back in by the parents they represented and that’s what councils are afraid of, voters backing their councillor. The First Step in Killing Democracy is giving Municipal Councils the power to remove an elected member and having that member banned from running in the following election, thus denying you, thepublic, your democratic right to vote for your preferred candidate. Without Democracy you have a Dictatorship. Every member of any municipal council that has or is writing the AMO and Premier Doug Ford to pass what is known as Bill 5, favours a dictatorship. Bill 5 is also known as the Stopping Harassment and Abuse by Local Leaders Act. It has already been alerted that if this Bill was to pass then women who are elected to council tables are at risk of losing their spot if they speak out against their council colleagues. The argument * Councils are putting forward is that “if this was business, the member would be fired, dismissed, let go, so we should have the right to fire, dismiss, let go of a council member whose actionswe deem as not being appropriate per the Code of Conduct or in other words, not inline with ours. ”SURPRISE, councillors and mayors, you are not a private business, you were not hired by a private business, you were elected to office by the people. I ask, what gives you, the elected representatives, the right to demand that you be given the power to fire a fellow member who like you, was elected by the people? How dare you. Only voters have the right to fire or not fire an elected member and they will do so in the next election by their democratic right to vote. Hmmm….. Isn’t it funny how, on one hand, theses elected municipal councils are writing letters andpushing for the right to remove your elected member based on a violation of the Codes of Conduct. (Note - the Code of Conduct, just like the Golden Rule, can find anyone in violation, just dig deep)... And yet on the other hand, these elected councils want to be absolved of any removal of your elected member by placing the blame on the integrity commissioner. That in itself should show you that when push comes to shove these councils run and hide when things get tough, they don’t stand up foryou the people, they are only concerned about protecting themselves. Understand, this Bill 5 if past would give an integrity commissioner more power than a judge. That’s just so wrong. Only a very few elected council members actually put the best interest of their constituents/people first.If only the rest of councillors, mayors as well as MP’s & MPP’s would grow a pair and do the same,then we all could be proud of our cities, provinces and Canada. Amen PEOPLE NOW IS THE TIME TO STAND UP, SPEAK UP, KEEP DEMOCRACY ALIVE

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