Saturday, August 24, 2024

My friends neighbours, and fellow citizens

By Lisa Robinson My friends, neighbours, and fellow citizens, We stand at a pivotal moment in our community’s history. It is a moment where we must decide who we are, what we stand for, and how we will shape the future for ourselves and generations to come. For too long, politics has been dominated by those who serve themselves before serving the people. We’ve seen corruption seep into the very fabric of our institutions, leaving too many of us feeling powerless, unheard, and disillusioned. The voices of the people, the everyday hard-working citizens who make our community thrive, have too often been drowned out by the noise of self-interest and backroom deals. But today, I stand before you to say: Enough is enough. We deserve better. We deserve leaders who are willing to fight for the common good, who are guided by common sense, and who understand the struggles and hopes of the common people. I am here not just as a politician but as one of you—a member of this community who knows what it’s like to worry about paying the bills, finding a safe place for our children to play, and making sure there’s enough food on the table. I know the frustration of seeing our tax dollars wasted on projects that benefit the few while our schools, hospitals, and public services suffer. But I also know the strength and resilience of this community. I’ve seen it in our neighbours helping neighbours, in our local businesses lifting each other up, and in the voices that refuse to be silenced in the face of injustice. And no matter our differences, we are united under one banner—the Canadian flag. A flag that represents the values we hold dear: fairness, equality, and justice for all. It reminds us that we are stronger together, bound by a shared commitment to build a brighter future for every Canadian. I believe in a politics that puts people first—where the needs of our families, our workers, and our seniors take precedence over the interests of the powerful. I believe in transparency, accountability, and integrity. And I believe that together, we can build a government that truly serves the people. But I can’t do it alone. I need your help. Together, we must stand up against the corruption that has taken root in our political system. We must demand that our leaders act with honesty and fairness. We must hold them accountable when they fail us, and we must work tirelessly to ensure that our government reflects the values of our community. I promise you this: I will always stand up for what is right, even when it’s difficult. I will listen to your concerns and make sure your voices are heard. I will fight for a future where our children can grow up in a world that is fairer, more just, and filled with opportunity. This is our moment. This is our fight. Let’s stand together, united in our determination to bring about real change. Let’s reject the politics of division, corruption, and cynicism. Let’s build a future where we can all thrive, proud to be Canadians, and proud to stand together beneath the red and white of our flag. And when future generations look back on this time, let them say that we were the ones who stood up, who spoke out, and who made a difference. Let them say that we were the ones who fought for a better, fairer, and more just world. Thank you. Thank you for your trust, your support, and your belief in the power of the people. Together, we will create the future we all deserve—united as Canadians, and as a community God Bless "Strength Does Not Lie In The Absence Of Fear, But In The Courage To Face It Head-On And Rise Above It"

1 comment:

  1. Excellent message, you are a bright light in this nightmare. I have watched video of your council meetings and see what you are dealing with. You will prevail. I wish you well.
