Saturday, August 24, 2024


EXPOSED - YOUR MUNICIPAL MAYORS & COUNCILLORS ACROSS ONTARIO ARE PLOTTING TO DEPRIVE YOU, THE PEOPLE OF YOUR DEMOCRATIC RIGHTS. YES, the Municipal Councils, the people you elected, are working against you, the public. They want the right to have a council member fired from council, they also want the right to have that person who you elected, banned from running in the next election, why? So you the people can’t vote that person back in. In other words, municipal councils want the right to deny you the public your democratic right to who you can vote for. This is the First Step in Killing Democracy. Ontario Municipal Councils have been writing the AMO (association of municipalities of Ontario) which is an elected board consisting of members from the different municipalities of Ontario. The Municipal Councils are begging the AMO to have Premier Doug Ford amend Bill 5, re the ‘Municipal Act 2001’ to allow Municipal Councils to fire a colleague (one of your elected members), and to do it by having the Integrity Commissioner be the one to say a council member should be fired there by absolving the council of being the ones doing the firing. The council will tell you the public that they didn’t fire your elected member. Just another way of hiding by covering the eyes of the public with half truths. The real question is, why would a council want or need to fire an elected colleague? Crimes, sexual harassment, harassment & abuse etc all have ways to be dealt with, example, Human Rights, Criminal Courts etc. Could it be that the fellow elected members, who does not follow the council’s agenda, who does not rubber stamp things but actually works in favour of the people is showing up the rest of the council and exposing what’s happening? I have to wonder? Who are these council members that are running your municipality, who are making decisions that affect your life, your city, town or community,? Who are theses councils who want the right to fire a colleague, an elected member? Do these municipal councils know anything about democracy? If they do not know the difference between a hired employee (staff) by a business -vs- a person elected by the people, then should they really be running your municipality? PEOPLE IT’S TIME, STAND & SPEAK UP FOR YOUR RIGHTS, KEEP DEMOCRACY ALIVE Email Premier Doug Ford at both ….. and Email AMO, Pres Colin Best at ….. Email the city clerk of your municipality (call your council office and get the clerks email and tell the clerk to copy every member of council with your email.) Write the following to the Premier, the AMO and your Municipal Council, let them know how you feel. 1. How dare municipal councils ask for this right to fire an elected person. Only we, the public (voters) have the right to fire an elected member and we will do this in the next election by using our democratic right to vote for our choice. 2. Tell them you are watching and that their voting and decisions will have a direct way on how you vote in any upcoming elections. Citizens of Ontario and Canada, Your “Silence Solves Nothing” It’s Time for Action, to Stand Up For Your Rights Before They Are Gone

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