Saturday, August 10, 2024

An Olympic Calamity A Sign Of The Times..

. By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Always Remember That The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Decode Your Life By Living It Without Regret or Sorrow. - ONE DAY AT A TIME - What is wrong with society? Boy, where can one begin... It appears that ever since we started dropping our national standards. Life has gone to the dogs... and in part that would not be so bad as dogs would make great humans as they are kind, gentle and great friends. Well, that is a topic for another column. This week the following news release came over the wire: Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo did not mince words as she launched into an expletive-filled tirade against those who criticized the Olympic opening ceremony, defending the director and artists who put on the show. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) issued a sort-of apology to anyone offended by the Games’ opening ceremony, which included strong LGBTQ2 representation and historic themes. Hidalgo, on the other hand, told them to f–k off. “F–k the reactionaries, f–k this far right, f–k all of those who would like to lock us into a war of all against all,” she said in an interview with Le Monde published Tuesday, notably using the swear word in English. Religious and political conservatives from around the world decried one segment of the ceremony in particular, where a tableau purportedly evoking Leonardo da Vinci’s The Last Supper featured drag queens and other performers in a configuration reminiscent of Jesus Christ and his apostles. Now, don’t get me wrong. I am not of the most cultured.... but is this person not suppose to uphold morality, standards and honor everyone’s interest? I guess it is not only in Durham that we elect a jackasses as Mayors. How dare her be so disrespectful and uncaring. Maybe we should be sending to Paris, Durham Regions Diversity, Inclusion and Equality officer. After all the region is so harshly shoving that crap so far down our throats through our schools and libraries. Why not export a little to the land across the pond. They say that if you become. You are no better than they are. In this case. The Mayor of Paris should resign or be removed from her post. She disgraced Paris and all the French people by taking such a radical political position and use French taxpayers money to push a social agenda that goes against all tradition and culture. One thing. That in the Mayors attempt to show her frustration. She actually even insulted the French by attempting to show her ignorance in insult by using the english F$#K, instead of insult in the mother tongue. Disgraceful. I think that as a civilized member of the Western world and to keep at the Paris Mayor ignorance level. I will not call anyone by the english definition but instead send this message to the Paris Mayor..... Phoque you. You uncivilized, uncoothed confused mind. Do the people of Paris, mother FRANCE and resign. That opening ceremony was a golden medal Phoque Up. Viva La Confusion.

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