Saturday, August 17, 2024

Dear Premier Ford

By Lisa Robinson - Pickering City CouncillorPickering’s Mayor Kevin Ashe labels residents of Durham as racists. Dear Premier Ford and Minister Calandra, I am writing to you today to address and unequivocally rebut the false and misleading allegations made against me by Mayor Kevin Ashe and other members of the Pickering Council. It is deeply troubling that I have been consistently denied the opportunity to present my side of the story simply because certain members of the Council do not appreciate the truth I am bringing to light. First and foremost, let me clarify that the Integrity Commissioner’s report, which has been weaponized against me, is currently under judicial review. This process underscores the fact that the findings are not final, and I have every right to challenge them. It is imperative to note that the review is a legal and legitimate recourse, which should not be dismissed or undermined by political actors who are eager to silence dissent and undermine democratic processes. The hypocrisy of the current mayor and certain council members cannot be overstated. They have engaged in a pattern of behavior that is far more egregious than anything they have accused me of. Their tactics include maligning the character of Pickering residents by labeling anyone who opposes their views as “racists,” “Nazis,” “transphobic,” or “homophobic.” These baseless accusations are not only harmful to the individuals targeted, but they also serve to stifle free speech and legitimate criticism within our community. The attempt to label my supporters—and indeed, anyone who dares to question the actions of the mayor and Council—as being aligned with hateful ideologies is both unjust and deeply irresponsible. The real issue at hand is not my conduct but rather the fact that I am uncovering and exposing the truth about what is happening within the City of Pickering. This transparency is unwelcome by those who prefer to operate without scrutiny, and they are doing everything in their power to have me removed as a sitting councillor. Furthermore, the mere consideration of such authoritarian measures, which threaten to undermine democracy in our community, is unacceptable. If the municipal laws were ever changed to allow the removal of an elected official by there colleagues, democracy would fail to exist in the Western world. This is a direct attack on the democratic process, and we must stand firm against any such encroachments. The Toronto Sun recently shared a video of mine where I condemned the actions of the host, Kevin J. Johnston, whose podcast I appeared on. Despite my clear denunciation of his actions and the overwhelming support I have received from the community, my fellow councillors continue to weaponize this against me. Meanwhile, they conveniently ignore the fact that Councillor Brenner should be charged criminally for his violent rhetoric, including saying he wants to “sharpen his sword and decapitate the mayor.” I have included a video below that captures how I and members of the community are being treated by the Mayor and my colleagues. In this video, you will see how I have been threatened and bullied, and I have made claims of sexual, psychological, and workplace violence. This kind of violent rhetoric and behavior is unacceptable, and it highlights the lengths to which they are willing to go to silence me and anyone who opposes them. They have spread many lies, all of which can be proven, starting with the three draft motions my constituents asked me to bring forward, which I will also include below. These motions reflect the will of the people I represent, yet they have been met with hostility and deceit by those who fear transparency and accountability. These continuous attacks on my character and integrity are part of a broader effort to discredit my work and silence my voice. However, I remain steadfast in my commitment to serve the people of Pickering and to uphold the principles of transparency and accountability. In light of these considerations, it is clear that the mayor and council should step down from their positions for even contemplating such communist asks that threaten to destroy democracy here in the Western world. We need leaders who truly represent democratic values and prioritize the welfare of our community over personal vendettas. I urge you to consider the broader context of these attacks and recognize them for what they are: an attempt to suppress a voice challenging the status quo and advocating for the residents of Pickering. I am confident that the truth will prevail, and I will continue to fight for what is right, regardless of the obstacles placed in my path. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Please feel free to reach out to me for any further clarification. CAUGHT ON CAMERA: Pickering councillor responds to being on far-right podcast ( With gratitude. "Strength Does Not Lie In The Absence Of Fear, But In The Courage To Face It Head-On And Rise Above It"

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