Saturday, August 17, 2024

Delusional Thinking in Today's World: A Growing Concern

By Dale Jodoin In today's world, a troubling trend is spreading, where young people are being led to believe things that go against basic logic and science. This growing belief system raises serious questions about the future of our society and the mental well-being of those who buy into these ideas. The Decline of Common Sense and Science One of the most concerning aspects of this trend is the belief that people can change their biological sex. While modern medicine allows for changes in appearance through surgeries and hormone treatments, the fundamental biological makeup of a person—what they were born as—remains the same. Despite this, many people today are taught to ignore this fact, which leads to confusion. This confusion is made worse by the idea that there are hundreds of ways people can identify themselves. While it's important for people to feel free to express who they are, pushing these ideas too far can create problems, especially as people get older. When young people are encouraged to adopt identities that don't align with their biological reality, they might face serious mental health challenges as they age. The long-term effects of this kind of identity confusion are still unknown but could be very damaging. Politics and Science: A Dangerous Mix What's even more troubling is how politicians have gotten involved in this issue. Some politicians, in their quest for votes and power, have started supporting these ideas, even when they go against basic science. When politics interferes with science, the truth gets lost, and society suffers as a result. The involvement of politicians means that these ideas are not just being talked about—they are becoming laws and policies. People and organizations are being forced to go along with these new norms, even if they don't agree with them. Those who refuse might lose their jobs or be shunned by society. This creates a situation where people are afraid to speak up, and the pursuit of truth is pushed aside. The Impact on Mental Health The mental health effects of these trends are a big concern. As people try to navigate a world where they are encouraged to deny basic truths and adopt confusing identities, they might experience a lot of stress. Living in a state of confusion, where what you believe doesn't match up with reality, can lead to long-term mental health issues. The pressure to go along with these new ideas can make these mental health challenges even worse. People who feel they have to adopt identities that don't fit them might struggle with feelings of anxiety and depression. As society moves further away from reality, the need for mental health services will likely grow. But there's a worry that there won't be enough professionals to help everyone who needs it. What Does the Future Hold? Looking ahead, it's clear that continuing down this path could have serious consequences for both individual freedoms and the trustworthiness of science. In countries like Canada and the United States, where freedom of speech and thought have always been important, these new norms are threatening that freedom. Those who challenge these beliefs often face serious consequences, making people scared to speak their minds. We have to ask ourselves: What will the world look like in 15 years if this continues? The effects on freedom, science, and society could be severe. Will there be enough mental health professionals to help with the damage being done today? And more importantly, will we be able to return to a world where reason and reality are valued, or will we continue to let delusion take over? Moving Forward In the face of these challenges, it's more important than ever to stand up for common sense and real science. People should be free to live as they choose, but that freedom should be based on reality. Society must find a way to balance respecting people's rights while also holding on to the truth. If we don't, the consequences could be serious—not just for individuals, but for the future of our entire society. The road ahead will require courage and clear thinking. We need to be willing to speak out against ideas that don't make sense and stand up for the values of truth, science, and freedom. Only by doing this can we hope to create a future where these principles are protected, and where the next generation can face the world with confidence and a firm grasp on reality.

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