Saturday, August 10, 2024


By Lisa Robinson - Pickering City CouncillorPickering’s Mayor Kevin Ashe labels residents of Durham as racists. Let’s be clear. I do not condone anything that Mr. Johnston said in a hateful manner or that advocates violence against any of my fellow councillors. I want to make it perfectly clear that I reject and disassociate myself from any such rhetoric. It’s telling, however, that while I stand against these extreme views, the Mayor and Pickering City Council seem to have no problem with similar attacks when they’re directed at me. Their selective outrage and double standards only reveal their hypocrisy. They can’t have it both ways—criticizing Mr. Johnston’s comments while tacitly endorsing or ignoring the hateful attacks against me. Councillor Brenner has said violent, hateful things to me such as he could stick a knife in my back slowly twist it, and that I wouldn’t know it was there until he was getting ready to pull it out. There is also a video where Brenner has been caught on tape in a remark towards the Mayor saying that he “would like to sharpen his sword and decapitate the mother fucker.” The Mayor and council have heard this recording, and I have told them of the sexual, psychological and workplace violence that I have gone through and crickets. Why? Because I refuse to play their game of deceit, and corruption and instead speak the truth. Here's the real issue: this council is squirming because they’re getting a taste of their own medicine. They’ve been busy labeling anyone who dares to question their agenda as extremist, racists, Natzi’s or worse. Now, when someone else throws similar accusations their way, they cry foul. It's the height of hypocrisy. The council's attempts to deflect Mr. Johnstons actions on me, is laughable, especially considering their own history of name-calling and vicious attacks on anyone who opposes their narrative. A council member wants to stab me in the back and decapitate the mayor. Mayor Ashe and the council members are outraged that their personal information was published, which I had nothing to do with, (but can easily be found on social media), but let’s not forget their own role in this mess. They’ve been more than happy to throw around harsh labels like: “pedophiles”, “racists”, “nutcases”, “conspiracy theorists”, “Nazis”, “transphobic”, “homophobic”, “alt-right” and “fascists” against their critics, and now they’re acting all high and mighty because the same treatment is being directed at them? Spare us the theatrics. If they want to dish out insults and divisive rhetoric, to the people of Pickering and Durham, they shouldn’t be surprised when it comes back to bite them. Karma. Furthermore, let's address their whining about being mocked for their appearance. It’s a classic case of “don’t dish it out if you can’t take it.” This council has a history of indulging in petty, personal attacks against anyone who disagrees with them, including on social media. Now that the tables are turned, they want to play the victim. Their complaints about mocking are nothing more than a smokescreen to distract from their own egregious behavior. And let’s not ignore the broader issue: the council is desperately trying to suppress any dissent or criticism that challenges their agenda. They’re trying to paint anyone who opposes their policies as right-wing extremists or hate groups, all while pushing their own divisive and authoritarian policies. It’s a blatant attempt to silence opposition and stifle genuine debate. They have participated in numerous draconian bylaws over the past few months or so to stop public engagement and participation in Council meetings of those with opposing or dissenting views. The Mayor and council’s outcry is nothing more than a desperate, hypocritical attempt to cling to power and protect their increasingly indefensible actions. Their efforts to discredit anyone who speaks out against them only further reveals their true colors. It’s time to call out this charade for what it is and recognize their hypocrisy for what it truly is: a calculated effort to maintain control by any means necessary. My time on council I have been fighting against their attempts to segregate people into groups by the colour of their skin, religious beliefs, or their sexual preferences. I have been fighting Pickering council to remain neutral and not place special interest groups above others, and I have been fighting for every man, woman, boy, and girl to have the right to choose between using their biological bathroom or choosing a universal changeroom inclusive of all genders or families. And that age restrictions should be placed on pride events and drag queen storytime. Because of my views along with the majority of residents in Pickering and beyond who support this, I am being targeted by my own council and the Corporation of The City of Pickering, to silence me by any means necessary. For over the last year, I have been unrelenting in exposing the corruption, coercion, and perceived bribery happening within the Corporation of The City of Pickering. My fellow councillors are terrified of the truth coming to light, and they are desperately trying to silence my dissenting voice by any means necessary. They will stop at nothing to maintain their grip on power and keep their unethical practices hidden from the public. Furthermore, my fellow councillors have been actively working to change the Municipal Act to revoke the position of an elected member of Council. This move is profoundly undemocratic. We are elected by the people, and having opposing views does not give them the right to undermine democracy and remove representatives as they see fit. If they don’t believe in democracy, they are unfit to hold the positions they are in. This blatant power grab is an attempt to silence dissent and control the narrative, bypassing the very principles of democracy that our country is built upon. "Strength Does Not Lie In The Absence Of Fear, But In The Courage To Face It Head-On And Rise Above It"

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