Saturday, October 14, 2023


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Always Remember That The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Decode Your Life By Living It Without Regret or Sorrow. - ONE DAY AT A TIME - I like to begin this column by making it public that the future for the Central Newspaper has never looked better and it is all about you the readers. Without the support of our readers we would have never lasted 28 years. These past two weeks have been challenging. From the many well wisher to the many new hired. There have been many challenges and countless obstacles. The Central always stayed true to it’s mission. That being to serve our community without compromise. Our priority is to help where need is needed. To champion freedom of speech and access to the press. Our position is one to contribute to the community we call home and try one step at a time to make it a better place for future generations to live, enjoy and thrive. At the Central we don’t just say we champion small business. We are small business helping small business succeed. One fundamental mistake that my predecessors and many that have tried and failed. The most valuable asset for any publishing house is it’s staff. It’s readers and it thousands of contributors, associated, affiliates and the like. Success in life as in the publishing industry is hard. Always tested to stand true. Rarely are you praised and or rewarded. Instead your thought and opinions must remain steadfast on supporting your local community. Your business community and all it’s groups and associations. I remember at one point as you will note to the left of this column. Being asked. Why do you belong to so many groups? How do you find the time? Well, In order to serve you have to sacrifice. In order to give back you have to be upfront and center. My repertoire at most of these clubs was to raise funds and show them a new way of operating. Giving back is more than just a cliche, instead it is a way of life. Personal sacrifices are countless as I am in debt to my family for understanding my long nights and days without seeing them, as many days I would leave at 5am and return at 1am... Only to repeat the next day. The hours falling asleep in my den by my computer as I finished reports and edited thousands of pages. I look ahead with great optimism as I learned that looking back only revisits the many lessons I endure. Together we continue to better our communities.

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