Saturday, October 21, 2023


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Always Remember That The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Decode Your Life By Living It Without Regret or Sorrow. - ONE DAY AT A TIME - What a week it has been. As it was last week. WE ARE HIRING. WE NEED PEOPLE. YOU LOOKING FOR WORK. COME SEE US A.S.A.P. I say this because the demand for service has never been higher and we have a strict policy to treat every client, every person as if they were our only and last one. One thing of concern, I have heard from some former Metroland clients that they have been approached to advertise in their online system. This bringing to question. How much more damage is Metroland attempting to cause the industry. I caution any local business to not fall for the high tech smoke and mirror attempt at further digging into your pocket as a final insult. I knew of the closure about a year before it happened. Much like I forewarned years before GM closed. No one took it to be true until such time as it hit their pocket book. We are in the sam scenario now. The online advertising benefit has come and gone. I knew Metroland publishing was coming to an end when they started belly aching over the recent government changes to the content online. Content primarily news that now the big social media companies would have to pay publishers for their content. On the one hand. This gave the government a way in to regulating and censorship what is placed online. In the name of helping publishers the government finally managed to wedge their way online policing. This is wrong. When Metroland, went public and fell for the government hook. I knew the end was near for them. If Metroland relied so strongly on FB and the other social media platform. This as a professional in the field only told me that no one was reading their papers and the papers only served as a very expensive vehicle to distribute flyers. Case in point. Metroland publishing failure came about greed. Failure to understand the industry and the fact that there were to many high paid management. The sale of their paper was based on donation and not actual sales. Anyone in the business will tell you. If you can’t sell a paper. You don’t have any readership. Sure you can print a million copies and distribute them for free. The fact is the fact and the proof as they say is in the pudding. This new front of only publishing online is nothing than assuring that the net has become nothing more than a public toilet. The question now is are you prepared to flush your hard advertising dollars down their toilet?

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