Saturday, October 14, 2023

Pickering needs a community center that is truly inclusive, respectful, and safe for all

I have a concerning issue that has come to light within our beloved Chestnut Hill Recreation Centre here in Pickering. During the pandemic, a few changes were made within the complex including a new policy that was put in place that forces individuals under the age of 18 or those without memberships (all ages) to use a universal changeroom. I firmly believe that this policy is not only unfair, but goes against the principles of inclusivity, privacy, and child protection. In light of this, back in May, I was trying to bring forward a Motion that would allow biological males and females the right to choose which vulnerable spaces they would feel most comfortable using. Unfortunately, this motion never came to light and fellow Council members would not allow me the opportunity to bring it forward for debate, but instead resorted to using derogatory terms such as ‘transphobic’ and ‘homophobic’ towards me. It is disheartening to witness such discourse, especially when my intent has always been to advocate for the mental and physical rights of all individuals. Here is a copy of my original motion. WHEREAS: Chestnut Hill Recreation Complex has 3 designated changerooms consisting of a female members only change room, a male members only change room, and a co-ed universal change room used by members with children under the age of 18 and all other guests. And Whereas, the co-ed universal changeroom gives an opportunity for predators to be alone with vulnerable children And Whereas, children have a right to feel and be safe when using these vulnerable spaces And Whereas, it is critical that The Corporation of the City of Pickering minimize the risks of predators praying on children who are not accompanied by an adult within the recreation complex changerooms And Whereas, shouldn’t it be the choice of the individual, or family to choose which changeroom they feel safe using, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering create a new policy within the Chestnut Hill Recreation Complex that permits: 1. a female the choice to use a female-only change room 2. a male the choice to use a male-only change room 3. the universal changeroom be inclusive to all genders and or families and 4. this policy to come into full force and effect immediately 5. a copy of this motion be sent to The Region of Durham, all Durham Municipalities, AMO, and FCM First and foremost, let us emphasize the importance of inclusivity. Our community center should be a place where everyone feels welcome and comfortable. By implementing a policy that segregates individuals based on their age or membership status, we are inadvertently creating a division among our community members. Inclusivity means equal opportunities for all, regardless of age or membership status. We must promote an environment where everyone feels valued and respected, regardless of their circumstances. Moreover, the issue of privacy cannot be overlooked. Forcing individuals to use a universal change room can be a violation of their personal privacy. Imagine being a young teenager, already going through the challenges of adolescence, and then being required to change in a communal space where your privacy is compromised. It is crucial to recognize that privacy is a fundamental right that must be upheld, especially for minors. By doing so, we respect their dignity and foster an environment that promotes their emotional well-being. Furthermore, we must address the issue of child protection. The safety and security of our children should always be a top priority. Requiring minors to use a universal changeroom puts them at a higher risk of potential harm or inappropriate behavior. It is our duty as a community to ensure that our children are protected, both physically and emotionally. Implementing policies that compromise their safety is simply unacceptable and goes against our shared values. In light of these concerns, I urge the Chestnut Hill Recreation Centre to reconsider this policy. Let us work together to find a solution that promotes inclusivity, respects privacy, and ensures the safety of all community members, especially our young ones. We can explore options such as designated changing areas for different age groups or membership statuses, ensuring that everyone can comfortably and safely prepare for their activities. It is important to acknowledge that every individual should have the right to choose the environment in which they feel safest and most comfortable, both mentally and physically. This includes the option to choose whether to use a biologically female only washroom/changeroom, a biologically male only washroom/changeroom, or a universal washroom/changeroom that would be inclusive to all genders and all ages. This awareness is growing within our Provincial Government, and sports teams, not only here in Canada but around the world recognizing the importance of privacy for men, women, boys, and girls when using these vulnerable spaces. Again, I need to stress that this is crucial for one’s overall physical and mental well-being. We must stand up for the principles of inclusivity, privacy, and child protection. The policy at Chestnut Hill Recreation Centre, forcing individuals under the age of 18 or those without membership to use a universal changeroom, is not in alignment with these principles. We need to advocate for change and work towards creating a community center that is truly inclusive, respectful, and safe for all. “Empower the People, Ignite the Change” - Lisa Robinson

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