Saturday, October 21, 2023

Pickering needs a community center that is truly inclusive, respectful, and safe for all

I would like to address a matter of great concern that has ignited passionate protests within our community. It is with deep disappointment and frustration that I express my firm belief that the decision made by the City of Pickering to display the Pride Progress flag in collaboration with Pflag Durham Region on Saturday, October 21st, is nothing short of a direct assault on those who are peacefully protesting against (SOGI) Sexual orientation gender ideology. It is disheartening to witness the city administration's disregard for the legitimate concerns and grievances by the majority of our community. By displaying the Pride Progress flag in such a manner, the city is actively throwing gas into the fire, further exacerbating the tensions and divisions that already exist. While it is important to acknowledge and support the rights and identities of every individual within our community, it is equally crucial to respect the concerns and opinions of those who may not align with certain ideologies. By ignoring the voices of those who are protesting, the city is effectively silencing a significant portion of its own residents. Furthermore, the decision to display the Pride Progress flag in this context only serves to deepen the divide and create an "us versus them" mentality. It is not conducive to fostering dialogue, understanding, and unity. Instead, it fuels animosity and perpetuates an environment of hostility and conflict. I implore the corporation of the city of Pickering to consider the consequences of their actions and take a more inclusive approach that respects the diversity of opinions within our community. It is crucial for the city to engage in open and honest dialogue with those who are protesting, rather than dismissing and alienating them. It is furthermore disheartening to witness the city blatantly ignore their own guidelines and policies, especially when it pertains to such a sensitive and divisive issue. By repeatedly flouting their own flag raising policy, the city is sending a clear message that they prioritize their own agenda over the concerns and objections raised by a significant portion of the community. This violation not only undermines the credibility of the city's policies but also demonstrates a lack of respect for the voices and perspectives of those who oppose the display of the Pride Progress flag and the ignorance of elected officials duty to remain neutral. It is essential for a city to uphold its own policies and regulations in order to maintain trust and ensure fair treatment for all citizens. By persistently disregarding their own guidelines, the city is perpetuating a culture of inconsistency and favoritism, which only serves to deepen the divisions and tensions within our community. I strongly condemn the decision made by the City of Pickering to display the Pride Progress flag in a manner that directly assaults those who are peacefully protesting tomorrow and I urge the city authorities to reconsider their approach and find a more inclusive and respectful way to address the concerns and grievances of all residents. I would also like to take a moment and make myself crystal clear on another concern. I fiercely reject any official statements made by the mayors office, and/or corporation of the City Of Pickering on behalf of Council without being involved in any discussion or debate. I refuse to participate in their political posturing, or be coerced into taking a side that suits their narrative. I find such tactics are deceptive and morally reprehensible. I’m Lisa Robinson, pickering City Councillor, Thank you for listening and God Bless.

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