Saturday, June 8, 2024

Bell - Rogers

By Rosaldo Russo Allow me to begin this column by thanking the Oshawa/Central newspaper for allowing me the opportunity and access to the press. Not to many if any allow an average person like me to tell the world what I see and think. In my opinion. The Editor/Publisher is a real upstanding type of guy. He shoots from the hip and hold traditional core values. My name is Rosaldo Russo. I came to this great country to make a better life for myself and my family. I thank Canada for everything it has allowed me to do and earn. I worked construction all my life. I know the value of hard work and honesty. I remember as a boy my father always telling me to work hard and buy land. So I did. I remember days when I did not have enough to eat. I go to work... but I did not wait for hand outs. I rounded up my pride my skill and my determination to succeed and went to work. In those days the only benefits we received was the fact we were employed. Before retiring I was the owner and operator of local material supply company that allowed me to retired without worry. Now that I have time to enjoy life. I look around me and have some concern for future generations. I see that the world is finished. What is it with companies like Bell, Rogers and the many others? No matter who you call you get the automated systems. What a waste of time. I feel sorry for other seniors that are not very acute with automation. It is frustrating for me. I hate to talk to a machine. I have even more to have to make selections and press numbers on my phone pad. I want a live human being. Forget this Artificial garbage. Both Bell and Rogers, sure know how to charge every month.... The other day I called Bell technical support. I could barely hear the woman. I could hear chickens and goats in the background. I asked her. Where am i calling. She said, Morocco. Are you kidding me? Do we not have Canadians wanting jobs that Bell has to go to Moroco? After all the bullshit authentication. They transfer me to some other guy in the Phillipines. He could barely speak English. He was rude and abrupt. I sat there and wondered. Do we as Canadian have any privacy. Why is our personal information going to a place like Moroco. The Phillipines, Africa, Argentina and the many more places. Is this not a national security risk. To tell me that these countries have strict privacy law is nothing short of an insult and insanity. What truly gets me is when you get my good friends from India....You know right away as they call you using the wrong prefix. They start with, “Halo, Mr. Rosaldo.” Boom a dead giveaway. This is so wrong. Companies that make billions a year and they insult us by hiring third world. I have grand children that would appreciate those jobs. Then the Fed import millions of people from other lands claiming we have jobs but no workers... Bull.

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