Saturday, June 8, 2024

Draconian Measure

s By Lisa Robinson - Pickering City Councillor Pickering City Council Implements Draconian Measures, Stifling Free Speech and Public Participation 2023-2024 Over the past few months, Pickering City Council has adopted a series of draconian measures, effectively stifling the people’s freedom of speech and expression. These actions reflect a disturbing trend toward authoritarianism, undermining the very principles of democracy and transparency that I hold dear to my heart. Here is a short list of the most recent (not all) draconian recommendations that the Corporation of the City of Pickering staff have brought forward to Council to endorse. Each one of these recommendations passed with all but one Council member's support. 1. Drastic Reduction in Speaking Time: Delegates’ speaking time has been slashed from 10 minutes to a mere 5 minutes per delegation. These new limitations, unfortunately, hinder the opportunity for robust public participation and meaningful dialogue in a public forum. 2. Elimination of Question-and-Answer Period: The Council abolished the Q&A period under the guise of it not being utilized to its potential. It is important to note that, behind the scenes, there were numerous individuals in the chambers that evening (at least 20) who were eager to pose their questions to the Mayor. Furthermore, it is not being explicitly conveyed to the people, that Council deliberately made a motion to rearrange the agenda by way of a vote at the beginning of that meeting, to move that bylaw discussion to the front of the agenda, thereby preventing any of those individuals from voicing their concerns. 3. Nuisance bylaw: Which I like to refer to as the “feelings bylaw” is very vague, and in my opinion disproportionately biased. This imbalance fails to adequately safeguard individuals from potential misconduct or inappropriate behaviour by staff or council members. 4. Restrictive Trespass Regulations: Not only can you be trespassed from city property if an employee does not like you because they feel you are an anti-vaxxer, or because you have hurt their feelings in some way, but under the new trespass rules, trespassing can even be imposed on individuals who merely post criticisms on social media, or via email. The Corporation of the City of Pickering is now policing your right to free expression and punishing dissent of anyone whom they feel has spoken inappropriately or negatively against them. Fines were also increased from $65.00 to $650.00 and once your term of trespass is over, you still need to get permission in writing by the CAO to be allowed back on any city property. 5. Severe Recording Restrictions: Recording or photographing council meetings is now forbidden by the taxpayer, and media must be pre-approved and subjected to a stringent two-thirds council vote, effectively silencing public documentation of proceedings. And what about independent journalists, bloggers, and community members who may provide diverse perspectives, why are we excluding any independent voice from recording public meetings. What is the Corporation of the City of Pickering doing so wrong that it frightens staff and council to be transparent or to allow the public to record public meetings? Did I mention that if the system were to go down or if there was any manipulation of the videos, we would have no backup from an independent third party. Meaning, the Corporation of the City of Pickering now has complete control of the narrative, and no way to question its authenticity. 6. Exclusion of Non-Residents Delegates: Non-residents are barred from speaking at council meetings unless their topic is sanctioned by a two-thirds council vote, creating an exclusionary environment. In my opinion, this is hypocritical behaviour, as we continuously support other communities, staff, and councils of other municipalities, and even enter into agreements with them, but we will not support their citizens. By doing this, the Corporation of the City of Pickering has made it quite clear that they only focus on those in positions of power and not we the people. 7. Agenda Control Over Pickering Residents: Taxpayers of Pickering are now prohibited from addressing topics not on the agenda without prior approval and a council vote, further suppressing spontaneous public discourse. In other words, if the council does not approve of the topic you wish to address, you will not be permitted to speak about it in a public forum and will be limited to sending an email instead. 8. Advertising: On June 10, 2024 at the Executive Committee meeting a new Advertising bylaw is being introduced by staff to further suppress freedom of speech. Staff wants the council to pass a new bylaw that would mandate the using of specific newspapers, over others. In my opinion, staff may be promoting certain media outlets over others, which could introduce bias or conflict of interest, undermining the fairness and impartiality expected in public communications. These types of constraints limit our ability to reach our intended audience effectively. The behavior of our Mayor has exacerbated these troubling developments. The Mayor has blatantly resorted to derogatory remarks and bullying tactics against residents and anyone with dissenting opinions. He has openly called them “nutcases,” “conspiracy theorists,” and Nazis, and has publicly insulted individuals by telling them to “go have another drink.” Such statements are not only unprofessional but also unacceptable. Who gives anyone the right to name-call or insult anyone just because they think differently, or because they don’t agree with you. In an alarming display of disrespect, during a council meeting the Mayor stated that he was going to keep me on a short leash, treating me with utter disdain and reducing my role to that of a subordinate, or an animal of some sort. This kind of behavior is reprehensible and unworthy of any public official. Adding to the outrage, the Mayor openly admitted that policies can be overlooked for those with financial influence, blatantly prioritizing wealth over fairness and equality. Citizens have become secondary to those with deep pockets. During council meetings, he shows blatant disregard for residents’ concerns especially if there is a game on, prioritizing his personal interests over his duty. Shockingly, most of the councillor’s, have chosen to follow this kind of leadership by consistently choosing to sit there on their phones and/or ipads during delegations. These measures and behaviors are a blatant attack on the fundamental rights of free speech and expression. By curtailing public speaking time, eliminating Q&A sessions, and enforcing repressive trespass stipulations, the Council is silencing the voices of those they are elected to represent. The new recording restrictions and exclusion of non-residents, and certain media, further demonstrate an intent to operate in the shadows, away from public scrutiny.In my opinion, the Corporation of the City of Pickering and Council’s actions resemble those of a mini dictatorship rather than a democratic society, showing a clear disregard for transparency, accountability, and public engagement. I was elected by the people, for the people, and it’s shameful that some colleagues and community members are doing everything they can over social media to discredit my character for standing up, speaking out, and telling the truth. This heavy-handed approach by certain individuals not only further undermines trust in your local government but also sets a dangerous precedent for the suppression of civil liberties. "Strength Does Not Lie In The Absence Of Fear, But In The Courage To Face It Head-On And Rise Above It"

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