Saturday, June 22, 2024

Mayor Ignores Public Pleas for Change Room Choice at Chestnut Hill Developments Recreation Complex (CHDRC)

By Lisa Robinson - Pickering City Councillor In a recent development, Mayor Kevin Ashe has dismissed my pleas to bring forward a motion that would allow users of the CHDRC to choose their preferred change room. Despite substantial public interest and repeated recent requests, the mayor’s response indicates a clear disregard for the community’s concerns. The mayor’s reasoning is encapsulated in his recent correspondence: “Your request for a Seconder on Notice of Motion is moot. As of December 2023, CHDRC front desk staff have been trained and instructed to consider accommodation requests from non-members to use the membership change rooms. This has been promoted on our Conversations in the Community web page for the past half year. I am aware that you’ve previously referenced Conversations in the Community on social media, but perhaps you missed this key point. Here is a link to the page: Conversations in the Community I know that this issue is very important to you, but to date, there have been zero instances where non-members have requested to use the membership change rooms. Outside of some online chatter that took place months ago, the reality is that the universal change rooms are a non-issue for the thousands of visitors and users of the CHDRC. I hope these new insights are able to satisfy your concerns.” In response to the mayor’s stance, I conveyed the following: Dear Mr. Mayor, Thank you for your response regarding the accommodation requests at the CHDRC. I appreciate the efforts taken to train front desk staff and the promotion of this information on the “Conversations in the Community” webpage. However, I must respectfully disagree with your assertion that this issue is moot, and here is why. Firstly, the absence of formal requests from non-members to use the membership change rooms does not necessarily indicate a lack of demand or concern. It is possible that potential users are unaware of their rights or feel uncomfortable making such requests, particularly if they have not seen explicit signage or direct communication about this accommodation at the CHDRC. Secondly, while the “Conversations in the Community” webpage is a valuable resource, not all community members may visit this page or be aware of its contents. This highlights a gap in communication that could be addressed through more proactive measures, such as clear signage at the facility, direct emails to registered users, and social media posts specifically highlighting this accommodation policy. Furthermore, my recent influx of calls, emails, and social media comments on this topic indicates a growing concern within the community that cannot be ignored. These communications suggest that there is indeed an underlying issue that needs to be addressed more transparently and effectively. I believe that incorporating this accommodation policy into a formal, widely disseminated policy document would provide clarity and assurance to all users. This could involve outlining specific procedures for non-members to request access to the membership change rooms, ensuring staff are not only trained but also periodically reminded of these protocols, and actively monitoring the policy’s effectiveness through regular feedback from the community. In conclusion, while your insights provide some context, they do not fully address the concerns being raised by community members. A formal policy would not only address current issues but also prevent potential misunderstandings in the future, ensuring that the CHDRC remains an inclusive and welcoming space for all. Thank you for considering this perspective. I look forward to continued dialogue on this matter. Sincerely, Councillor Lisa Robinson We hope that Mr. Mayor acts in the best interest of the people of Pickering and brings this forth in open and civil public debate. "Strength Does Not Lie In The Absence Of Fear, But In The Courage To Face It Head-On And Rise Above It"

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