Saturday, June 8, 2024

I never thought I would be writing about this

By Dale Jodoin I never thought I would be writing about this, but the events unfolding compel me to address a serious issue: legal racism in Canada. The recent atrocities committed against Israel have set off a chain of reactions, revealing the depths of discrimination and cowardice within our own borders. On October 7, 2023, Israel was brutally attacked by Hamas, a terrorist organization. Over 1,200 innocent civilians were murdered, raped, and burned in their beds, and 200 others were taken hostage. Israel's response to this horrific act of war was to target those responsible in the West Bank, aiming to bring justice to the perpetrators. While civilian casualties occurred, they were never the intent; Israel's goal was to eliminate the threat posed by those who declared war on them. In the wake of this conflict, the Western world, including Canada, has shown a shocking lack of resolve and integrity. Our governments have become paralyzed, bowing to the pressure of far-left, woke groups who dominate universities and media. These groups, often ignorant of real history, have perversely labeled Israel's self-defense as genocide. This narrative is not only false but deeply offensive, especially considering the heinous acts committed by Hamas. Jewish Canadians are now bearing the brunt of this misguided activism. They face harassment, their schools are targets of violence, and many are afraid to leave their homes. This is not the Canada we once knew. Instead of standing up against this injustice, some educational institutions have capitulated, allowing biased and false narratives to be taught. These so-called educators propagate lies that align with the agenda of the far-left, undermining the true history and struggle of the Jewish people. The real cowards, however, are not just the radical activists but also the schools and politicians who fail to stand against them. Teachers who promote falsehoods and hate should not have a place in our educational system. Politicians, driven by the desire for votes, have shown themselves willing to compromise the safety and dignity of their citizens. They have abandoned their duty to protect and stand up for all Canadians, including Jewish communities under threat. In this climate of fear and misinformation, it is crucial to recognize and call out the systemic failures allowing legal racism to thrive in Canada. We need leaders who will have the courage to speak the truth, protect the vulnerable, and uphold the values of justice and equality that our country was built on. It is a dark time for Jewish Canadians, and indeed for all Canadians who value truth and justice. Our leaders' failure to act with integrity and courage in the face of such blatant discrimination is a stain on our nation's conscience. We must demand better from our educators, our politicians, and ourselves. We must stand together against hate, misinformation, and legal racism to ensure a future where all Canadians can live in safety and dignity. A Poem of Disappointment Oh Canada, where have you gone? Once strong and free, now weak . Leaders who should protect, now flee, Cowards all, who bend the knee. Promises broken, truths denied, Injustice reigns, and trust has died. Rise up, my fellow Canadians, fight, For what is just, for what is right.

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