Saturday, June 29, 2024

Celebrating Canada Day (Dominion Day) with Heritage and Traditions

As we celebrate Canada Day, I am filled with pride for our beautiful country and everything it represents. Our nation, founded under God, stands as a beacon of freedom, democracy, and unity. These values, symbolized by our iconic Canadian flag, inspire me every day in my role as a politician. From the early days of Jacques Cartier to Sir John A. MacDonald, Canada was built on Christian principles, with deep roots in the Church of England and a devotion to God’s teachings. Our Parliament buildings, adorned with biblical passages, remind us of this heritage. Psalm 72:8, inscribed on the Peace Tower, proclaims, “May He have dominion from sea to sea,” reflecting our identity as The Dominion of Canada. This is more than just history; it’s a call to uphold the values of faith, justice, and unity that shaped our nation. Today, however, these foundational principles are under threat. Our educational institutions often overlook Canada’s Christian heritage, teaching instead a narrative devoid of these roots. The rise of secularism and the promotion of ideologies that contradict our historical values concern me deeply. It’s essential to educate our children, not indoctrinate them. We must ensure our schools foster critical thinking and respect for diverse opinions, rather than pushing one-sided agendas. Unfortunately, some politicians prioritize political posturing over patriotism, choosing to fly special interest flags on government buildings rather than solely our national and government flags. This is, in my opinion incredibly unpatriotic. The Canadian flag should always be our number one symbol, alongside the veterans’ flag, honoring those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. It’s unfortunate that some politicians care more about special interest groups and d gaining votes, than upholding the very foundations on which Canada was built: the supremacy of God, our Bill of Rights, and our Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The erosion of these values undermines the sacrifices made by our veterans who fought for the freedoms we enjoy. To preserve their legacy, we must resist the pull of transient cultural shifts and the so-called “woke” ideologies that seek to redefine our national identity. Holding onto our traditions is not just a matter of nostalgia; it’s about safeguarding the moral and spiritual fabric of our society. Biblical passages like Ephesians 6:13, which calls us to “put on the full armor of God,” remind us of our duty to stand firm against the challenges we face. As a nation, we must remember that our strength lies in our unity and our adherence to the principles that have guided us since our founding. We are a nation under God, and it is His sovereignty that has sustained us. On this Canada Day, let us reflect on our heritage and renew our commitment to the values that define us. Together, we can keep Canada strong and free, a place where everyone can thrive and contribute to our shared future. As we celebrate, let’s proudly wave our Canadian flag, our true pride flag, and reaffirm our commitment to this great nation and its enduring values. Please sign up for my online newsletter. Through my web site: "Strength Does Not Lie In The Absence Of Fear, But In The Courage To Face It Head-On And Rise Above It"

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