Saturday, June 29, 2024

Rethinking harmful DEI policies that are steering us towards Communism

By Patricia Conlin Have you ever heard of the phrase Divide and Conquer which was made famous by Julius Caesar during the Roman Empire? This military strategy to control the masses has worked so well over the centuries that it is still being used today in the form of Identity Politics. An example of Identity Politics are DEI policies. DEI which is supposedly an acronym for Diversity/Equity/Inclusion is more accurately described as Division and Engineered/Inequality. As an active and concerned citizen of Durham Region, it’s time for all of us to examine the harm of DEI policies. I speak on this topic out of love for all people regardless of any external factors including their skin colour, beliefs or their choices for life partners. Today’s DEI policies are leading us collectively down a very dark path. They are fueling division and are blatantly discriminatory. Martin Luther King stated beautifully “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” Martin Luther King fought for a world where his fellow man had an equal opportunity and was treated fairly and with respect independent of race, religion or sexual identity. Current DEI policies actually promote reverse discrimination and inequity instead of what they advertise. And this isn’t the first time this propaganda has been used by governments. The roots of so called “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion” come from Marxist ideology which was used throughout history as a tool to implement totalitarian policies in communist countries with promises of a utopia of equality which of course never happens. The result with these types of Marxist ideologies is always the same…increased censorship, government control, corruption and poverty. Any yet, here we are again going down this path of division. Right now, in Canada as an example, some jobs are advertising ONLY for those who are part of the LGBTQ++ community to apply. Others will not be considered. This is excellent if you are part of the LGTBQ++ community but not if you are not. You won’t have a chance under DEI even if you have the best skills for the jobs. Is that fair? Other companies are subsidized to hire new immigrants or refugees instead of long-term Canadians and if you say anything about it, you will be called a racist or worse. Many long-term immigrants are seeing that they are being cast aside for the newer arrivals who meet made up criteria of deserving better treatment. Is this right? As Canadians become poorer, sicker and increasingly demoralized, these polices become more fanatical. There is now, like in communist countries, a quota for every “persecuted group” except our government has totally forgotten about merit or character. Martin Luther King was a powerful force of unity but current government policies seek only to divide. DEI has gotten so out of control that safety and quality are now at state. Companies like Boeing and many others are experiencing massive issues with quality control as a result of having implemented DEI policies. They have seen record safety issues due to hiring unqualified people over competent workers to meet DEI quotas. Is it healthy that we are building a victim society where only those who identify as being persecuted are granted any assistance, employment or support? Although equity of opportunity is critical to all of us in Canada, no government or private official can or should work to guarantee equity of outcome. This means that decisions for hiring, events and policies should be based on equal standards or benefits for all people in the community. But is this happening? Even if you are benefiting today from DEI policies, realize that you too might be on the chopping block by discriminatory policies that might judge you not by your work but by whatever new quota has been identified. We are all equal and each person deserves the opportunity to improve their live and reach their goals. Let’s remove Marxist DEI from government, work and schools and start promoting equal opportunities for everyone. This starts with removing harmful ideologies from our schools, focusing on skills and learning, hard work, character and competence again so we can create real positive growth and unity again in Canada.

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