Saturday, June 22, 2024


On the upside, some would say, Social Media has opened the world to them ….. - it brings me closer to family & friends who live far away from me, who otherwise I might not see - it links me with groups of similar interests and hobbies, and thereby, new friends - it introduces me to my neighbours and alerts me to what is happening in my neighbourhood - it allows ordinary people to provide their opinions on comments of others, of politics, of news etc - the comments, videos, stories often bring a smile to my face, a tear to my eye or challenge me On the downside, it has allowed a platform for bullies, for haters and those that delight in being able to brag to their like minded friends, “Well, I told them”….. Hmmm …. The majority of these bullies are full of self importance, bullies take pride in attacking without actually knowing what they are attacking. Bullies attacks are based on a headline or usually on what someone told them. Bullies can’t wait to jump in, their self importance desires to be the first to attack without research. Rarely do these bullies actually read or understand the whole article or have they actually witnessed the happening. There are two types of bullies, those puffed up on self importance seeing their name on social media for all to see and then there are the bullies who hide behind fake names and pictures. Note - Neither do either of these types of bullies actually explain or answer why they felt the need to attack. Bullies seem to lack common sense or understanding. MANY MUNICIPALITIES AND COMMUNITIES, INCLUDING THOSE IN DURHAM, USE SOCIAL MEDIA AS ANOTHER PLATFORM TO KEEP CITIZENS INFORMED. The City of Pickering has their own Facebook known as …. Let’s Talk Pickering …. an online hub to find out about what special projects and initiatives are open for public comment. Note - you must register to get involved. “Pickering Talk”, a facebook forum, not the city’s, created to given residents another avenue to share their many valid questions and concerns as to what’s happening. Unfortunately it seems this forum is used primarily by a number of residents (bullies) to spread their biases, only a few residents use this forum to bring up valid concerns. I have to ask the following bullies, who continually have delightedly these past number of months posted their names and biases against Councillor Robinson; “Hopes Cradle” a safe place for a mother to secretly anonymously abandon/surrender her baby, without facing criminal charges, provided the baby is healthy. Sounds good, save a life. so what’s the downside? Hmmm … let’s think about this for a minute. Suppose the mother is/was youR daughter, grandaughter, your girlfriend, your son’s girlfriend etc. and for one reason or another, you were not aware of the pregnancy. You only become aware some months later that a baby, who related to you, was born. Too bad for you after thirty days, any legal rights as the mother or you, a blood relative who was never aware of the pregnancy, has no rights to the child, the baby, your family member has gone into the system and you will be left with a hole in your heart, never knowing the joy of having this child in your life. I understand that these are the questions that Councillor Robinson asked, that need to be dealt with prior to just approving Hopes Cradle as it currently stands. I pray that you, your daughter, your son or other close relative never finds yourself in this situation. As an added note, the baby will never know it’s medical & family history. Now, for all you bullies, real & fake, who love to be seen out there and love make false accusations, Kathy Sauve Uden, Brenda Holdsworth, Lead Todd, Allison Myers Marcoux, Lesly Mckenna McConnell, Janet DiLeo, Chris Raithby Robinson, Julie Fontbona, Aaron Mcguillicuddy, Ed Cunningham, Kevin Ashe & others it’s time for you all to stop the accusations, stop trying to pass your misguided words off as being the councilor's words. I challenge you to “Provide real proof, evidence of your accusations not what someone else said or wrote, that’s hearsay”. In my opinion, all government levels, are in a mess because we are afraid to speak up for what’s right. PLEASE SPEAK UP WHILE WE HAVE SOME RIGHTS BEFORE WE LOSE THEM ALL

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