Saturday, September 7, 2024


It’s unfortunate but the majority of we the people, pay absolutely little attention to our municipal politics. Only when municipal elections come around every four years do some of us think about voting and then less than 50% of eligible voters actually vote, and probably half of those voters do not known whoor why they are voting for someone, they just want to be able to say they voted. If you were to ask people who their ward councillor is, most people couldn’t tell you. Why, because wepeople are too busy with our lives and blind to what’s happening in our city, town or community. Wetake little interest in municipal affairs People use the excuse for not voting, “why vote, they just do what they want”. Well that’s our mistake. Municipal politics are the one place that we can actually change things. Mayors and councillors actuallyhave to answer to us, the people not a party leader. So why are we not making them accountable? For these past years Municipal Councils across Ontario consisting of mayors and councillors who we elected, have slowly and sneakily been re-writing the by-laws to remove our rights at council meetings. Our so called representatives have voted by-laws aimed against we the people such as some listed; 1. reducing the allotted time each citizen can speak (delegate) to a topic on the agenda 2. banning neighbouring municipal citizens from delegating to a topic on the agenda 3. removing an open question period (a time allotted anyone to speak to the current agenda) 4. removed the right for a citizen to have a topic added to the agenda, when submitted within the required time prior to the council meeting 5. banning the right of a neighbouring citizen to have a topic added to the agenda when submitted within the required time prior to the council meeting 6. barring the media from filming or recording the council meeting unless approved by two coucillors and voted on by council prior to the council meeting 7. barring all members of the public from filming or recording the council meeting 8. banning members of the public from bringing placards, signs or flags of any kind to council 9. banning public show of support by applauding or public booing if opposed to a topic 10. trespassing ‘members of the public, that exercise their Civil and Human Rights”, from all publicbuildings for a period of time It would seem that the elected members of council(s) who have voted these by-law changes in, are in direct conflict with the “Constitution of Canada” and “Civil and Human Rights” and they, the members should be challenged. Also, 150 of 444 of our Municipal Councils, the Mayors and Councillors we elected, are now asking for more power. They want the power to fire their elected colleague and have that person prohibited from running in the next election. They want this done through an integrity commissioner so council can deny they fired an elected councillor. People Wake Up, Pay Attention, your Municipal Council meetings are usually held once a month, same week day of the month and the public can attend, just check on the internet for your city’s web site, council meetings and calendar for date and time, agendas are also posted.. If you are not able to attend, must councils do live streaming so you can watch at home, you can even watch past meeting. Remember, Silence Solves Nothing, It’s Time To Stand Up, Speak Up For Your Rights, Before They’re Gone. Keep Democracy Alive

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