Saturday, September 21, 2024

The Dirty Game

By Lisa Robinson In Pickering, the Integrity Commissioner (IC) is paid by the very city whose officials they are tasked with overseeing, creating an inherent conflict of interest. How could the IC not be biased when they are employed by the same people they’re supposed to hold accountable? The recent report, sanctioning me for things that they feel, in their opinion, I should or should not do, without a shred of evidence of actually breaching any code of conduct, is just the latest example of a deeply flawed and biased system. Mayor Ashe openly declared his bias against me during the September 3rd Executive Meeting, stating he didn’t want to hear anything I had to say. This sets a dangerous precedent. It was the Mayor himself who ordered city staff to comb through my social media, op-eds, and videos in search of anything they could use to manufacture a complaint against me. This is not governance; it’s a witch hunt in which he is using city resources and employees to do his dirty work—an abuse of power to silence dissent. The IC’s dismissal of multiple valid complaints brought by me and others against council members—including sexual harassment, psychological harassment, threats of violence, bullying, and more—further demonstrates their bias. These are serious issues, yet the IC turns a blind eye while clamping down on my right to speak for the people and my right to free expression under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. I’ve also raised legitimate concerns about council members receiving gifts and benefits, but the IC has told me outright that they don’t want to draw more attention to the city. Instead of investigating corruption, they’ve chosen to sweep it under the rug, labeling my complaints as “retaliatory.” This is utter nonsense. If there’s any retaliation happening, it’s from Mayor Ashe and his council. I called him out for traveling during the height of COVID and have made claims of council and staff’s corruption, collusion, and perceived bribery, and ever since, they have been vindictive and determined to silence me. It’s not just me they’re targeting. They’ve gone so far as to request changes to the Municipal Act, seeking the authority to remove any elected official who doesn’t fall in line with their narrative. This is the most undemocratic move I have ever witnessed from those who claim to uphold democracy. By twisting the truth and misrepresenting facts, they’re not just coming for me—they’re attacking the very foundation of our democratic process. The hypocrisy here is staggering. Mayor Ashe claims that it is a great privilege to share his opinion as an elected official, yet I, as someone elected by the people to represent their interests, am being punished for speaking mine. They sanctioned me last year, a single mother with mortgage payments, car payments, bills, and a child to feed, taking away my salary for three months right before Christmas, knowing I have no other sources of income. Now, they’re trying to do it again. What kind of leaders would put someone at risk of losing their home or not being able to feed their family, just for doing their job and standing up for the people? This is not leadership; it’s cruelty, plain and simple. These individuals have shown who they really are—vindictive, power-hungry, and willing to destroy anyone who dares to challenge their authority. They are unfit to lead our community. The Integrity Commissioner has failed to uphold their duty with procedural fairness. Their so-called "findings" are based on personal interpretations and feelings, not on facts or evidence. This entire system is corrupt. In other municipalities, ICs have been fired for similar failures, and Pickering’s IC should meet the same fate. The people of Pickering deserve leaders who work for them, not those who twist the law to serve their own interests. It’s time for Mayor Ashe and his council to step down. They have proven, through their actions, that they are not leaders—they are oppressors. It’s time to restore true democracy in Pickering, where all voices are heard, not silenced for convenience. As I have barely scratched the surface of what’s happening behind closed doors, with perceived bribery, collusion, and the way reports by third parties are labeled as confidential whenever the outcome is unfavorable, the truth remains hidden from the people. How about the Mayor sending texts directing how he wants us to vote on certain agenda items? Or the fact that he wanted to see our Freedom of Information requests before we submitted them to the city clerk? This is all indicative of a corrupted system. It’s even more disheartening that during council meetings, the Mayor is often too busy watching the big game, while many councillor’s are preoccupied with their phones or other electronics, ignoring the very voices of the people they are supposed to represent. Yet, I am the one who will now have to suffer at the hands of these corrupt individuals, unable to support my family or pay my bills for another three months. This is pure evil for doing the right thing—being honest and having integrity and morals. The City of Pickering is constantly breaking its own rules when special interest groups are involved or when they receive money, incentives, or when big companies spend money in our city. It’s a disheartening reality that those who should be held accountable are instead manipulating the system to target those of us who dare to speak the truth. We need leaders who are committed to ethical governance, not a regime that punishes honesty and integrity. As I have said many times, I always knew that politics was a dirty game. I just didn’t know how dirty

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