Friday, September 27, 2024


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Always Remember That The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Decode Your Life By Living It Without Regret or Sorrow. - ONE DAY AT A TIME - Picture this.... You are at home on Saturday, sitting around watching TV, doing what you normally do. Your family are all around you. Life is good. All a sudden you hear a ruckus outside. You shake it off as some sort of accident. Without much care you go about your day. Then out of no place. Your front door is breached. Men rush in to your house. Before you can get up from your chair. They have grabbed you and dragged you outside. Your family is in a panic. They get rushed out. You have no clue what is going on. You start to ask for explanations only to be roughed up. You look across your lawn to your neighbours property. They are all outside on their knees by force. You can hear women crying and calling for help. You witness your neighbours family shot right where the kneeled. They take your wife and daighter and proceed to rape them right in front of you. On your property. You can’t do a thing. After they rape them they shoot them. Then they come for you. What can you do? What will you do? If you answer is nothing. You are correct. It will be to late to do anything. They say it could never happen. This was the sentiment by many nations people. Unfortunately, for many victims of this type of new warfare. It was to late. We seen this in many world ward, civil wars, in history and in present day. Village, Towns, Cities attacked in the worst and most barbaric way. You must be wondering. Why am I bringig this up in this column, today? Great question. We live in a society that is primarily made of falsehoods. Our opinion ewe and flow freely without much challenge. This is where the evil lurks. Look at what is happening at the municipal level. A bunch of incompetents use policy, bylaw to persecute anyone that questions and challenges them. Those elected control access to the system. They control your speach and your behaviour in a public place. They go as far as attack citizens that are outspoken as in the case of Pickering councillor Lisa Robinson. A citizen make a complain before an integrity commissioner, only on the eleventh hour after the complaintants pleas wer found to show an infractiong by a city council member. The so called integrity commissioner finds the complainant in guilt and lets the councillor waslk without any disciplinary action. If we do not stand up now against this type of colusion through a coalition in the protection of their best interests.... Don’t wait for that door on the door. It will be to late. I make this correlation as the two examples shown are both injustices that due to procedure, policy written by those that supposed to be looking for our best interest. They failed us. Now, travel with me 20 years in the future. When those immigrants with foreign culture and religion infiltrate our municipal, Provincial and Federal governments and using our laws, our acts the mandate equality of incorporating their home countries laws, religions and culture. Who will come to liberate us. Who came to liberate the many that died in Israel. Or all the people killed daily in parts of Africa. All for trusting government. We must all stand tall today to assure that government works in the best interest of those that elected them in. What has happened to Lisa Robinson and Dean Hickey are knocks on a door you don’t want to open. As if you wait. You will one day will never have the opportunity to open that door. This may be the last door you open. Get involved. Demand justice and retribution.

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