Saturday, September 7, 2024

Friends, Neighbours, and fellow Canadians

By Lisa Robinson I stand before you today, not just as an elected official but as a deeply concerned citizen who believes that our beloved city—and municipalities across Ontario and Canada—are heading in a dangerously wrong direction. It is with a heavy heart and a clear sense of duty that I address the serious concerns and allegations I must make against my Council, the Corporation of the City of Pickering, and other levels of government. Some of our city leaders have strayed far from the principles they were elected to uphold. They have shown a blatant disregard for the constitutional rights of our citizens—freedom of speech, freedom of expression, and freedom of the press are being trampled upon in pursuit of ideological and personal agendas. Our bylaws are being broken repeatedly, catering to special interest groups and developers while the voices of ordinary citizens are being silenced. In recent months, Pickering council has introduced draconian, undemocratic policies that limit public participation and transparency within our beloved chambers. Delegation time limits have been slashed from 10 minutes to 5, the public is no longer allowed to record public meetings, and the media too is barred from recording unless given a two-thirds majority of the council's approval. And already council has shown their true colours by voting against a media outlet who holds opposing views. Residents from outside of Pickering, including Durham residents, are prohibited from participating in our meetings unless the topic is approved by a two-thirds majority—this, despite we contract with their government and the fact that four of our council members sit on Durham Region Council. Even Pickering residents are now silenced from speaking openly, freely in our chambers unless their topic has been scrutinized under a microscope and approval given by a mover and seconder and a 2/3rds vote. Let's be clear: if the council doesn’t want to hear what you have to say, or if they don’t like your opinions, they will silence you. They are effectively forbidding you from having a voice. This is not just a disregard for free speech—it's an outright attack on your right to be heard. Let’s talk about the new, nebulous trespass policies—what I call the “hurt feelings bylaw.” These draconian rules give the council the power to banish anyone based on flimsy excuses like social media posts, language, tone of voice, or even what someone is wearing if it offends someone. This isn’t just a policy; it’s a blatant attempt to silence dissent, crush opposing views, and manipulate the narrative to fit their agenda,views, and control the narrative. We’ve seen what looks like outrageous manipulation in the city's YouTube feeds of our council and committee meetings—time jumps, white noise, and possible signs of audio tampering. When I pushed for an independent third party to record our meetings to ensure moving forward that these recordings were accurate and transparent, since the public is no longer allowed to record, the City of Pickering flatly refused. This isn’t just poor governance—it’s outright tyranny. Our councils and governments are intoxicated with power. It seems to give them a perverse pleasure to divide us, to make us feel helpless, to instill fear in those who dare to hold opposing opinions. This toxic culture is ruining relationships, tearing families apart, and forcing people to live in constant fear of speaking their minds, their truths. This nightmare needs to end, and it will only end if we, the people, rise above the nonsensical nonsense they are trying to impose. It’s absolutely scandalous how taxpayer dollars are being squandered on frivolous spending at every level of government, while critical needs like providing clean drinking water to our First Nations communities are callously ignored. Despite countless failed promises of keeping our duty to consult, as of this past July, 31 First Nations communities remain under long-term drinking water advisories. This is not just a failure—it's a betrayal. We hear endless land acknowledgments, but these are nothing more than empty words, lip service, when not backed by real action. Our First Nations people deserve access to clean, safe drinking water, and it is our solemn duty to push and deliver on that promise no matter what level of government. But the disgrace doesn't stop there. Our homeless population is increasing and our food banks are struggling to keep food on the shelves while our governments and city officials, who are supposed to protect and serve us, are instead taxing us deeper into poverty. Yet, their wages and benefits continue to increase, while they sit idly by, letting our most vulnerable citizens suffer in silence. Our government continues to waste taxpayer dollars on lavish perks for elected officials and city staff, sending funds abroad to other Countries without addressing the suffering of our own people. Millions of dollars are being funneled into consultants and reports that are hidden from the public, and thousands are spent on politicians to attend events that serve only to benefit the politicians and the vendors who wine and dine them for future business. Maybe the Premiere could put legislation in place that would disallow any elected official and city staff from receiving gifts and benefits from developers, vendors, special interest groups or anyone lobbying the governments for business. Maybe Politicians should wear these lobbyist logos on their jackets to show transparency of who supports them, so the people can keep track of how they vote and see where their loyalty lies. Rob Ford was a true champion of fiscal responsibility, unafraid to call out the wasteful perks enjoyed by city employees. He was determined to keep politicians and public servants in line, ensuring that every dollar of taxpayer money was spent wisely. This corruption must end. The City of Pickering on top of all of their wasteful spending is also vindictive, hateful and voted to spend $200,000 of tax payers dollars to fight me in a judicial review, instead of paying me $15,000 plus in lost salary that I was financially sanctioned on the recommendation by Principles Integrity for doing my job on behalf of my constituents. It's deeply troubling that Integrity Commissioners, who hold significant power over elected officials, are themselves unelected and paid by the very municipalities they oversee. This creates an inherent conflict of interest, where their loyalty may lie more with those who sign their paychecks than with the principles of fairness and accountability. I ask, do we really need them, They have only been implemented in the last few years, yet they wield immense influence over our democratic processes. Council and the Corporation of the City of Pickering and all levels of government need to remember that it is your money, meant to be used judiciously for the common good, not for self-serving agendas. This is not just mismanagement—it’s a criminal neglect of duty. In Pickering, the Integrity Commissioner has audaciously pushed for and was granted changes to our policies and procedures to ensure their Integrity reports cannot be questioned. This is nothing short of a blatant effort to shield their actions from scrutiny and undermine transparency and public trust. When you realize that Principles Integrity, the firm the Corporation of the City pays and relies on, is serving 65 other municipalities, it’s evident that their impartiality is severely compromised. In my personal experience, the Integrity Commissioner has proven to be untrustworthy and biased. They have repeatedly lied, failed to investigate complaints thoroughly, and refused to answer any questions from those they accuse, effectively preventing individuals from clearing their names. Let me be absolutely clear: this is a rigged system. The integrity of a process where those responsible for upholding fairness are instead serving the corporation's interests, not ours, is fundamentally flawed. It’s high time our Premier steps in and enacts legislation to protect the public’s interest and prevent officials from manipulating the system to shield their misconduct. We need reforms that ensure accountability and transparency, not a façade of integrity designed to protect the corrupt. In Pickering and throughout Canada we are also witnessing a disturbing trend where the right to personal dignity is being stripped away from men, women, boys, and girls in spaces that should be safe bathrooms, change rooms. People are being forced to share these spaces with members of the opposite sex, leading to widespread discomfort and real psychological harm to some. What’s even more troubling is that only members 18 years and older at our Recreation Complex are protected to use spaces aligned with their biological sex, leaving children and those who can’t afford memberships vulnerable and unprotected from these same rights. This is not just unfair; in my opinion it’s disgusting. We are discriminating against the most vulnerable among us—our children and those who lack the means to protect themselves are having to beg to use a biological changeroom. This is inhumane It’s absolutely absurd that these changes have only emerged since COVID. For as long as we’ve existed, nobody has ever had to beg for the basic right to use their biological washroom. It’s disturbing beyond belief that anyone ever thought this was a good idea. What we’re witnessing is a catastrophic lapse in common sense, leading to dangerous consequences. Globally, there have been too many tragic incidents in these spaces - these aren’t isolated events, and they can’t be ignored. This isn’t about politics; it’s about the safety and well-being of our citizens. We must safeguard their right to personal dignity and stop sacrificing them on the altar under the guise of political correctness. I urge Premier Ford and all members of parliament to implement common-sense legislation before it’s too late. I am certain that neither Premier Ford nor any other parliamentarian want to change in spaces with children, let alone children of the opposite sex, and if you do then your values will become questionable. Our citizens absolutely deserve to be safe and our children protected, and we cannot allow this misguided policy to continue With all of the bullying, intimidation, threats, attacks on my character, sexual harassment, and psychological harassment that I have had to endure, and the corruption, collusion, and what I consider bribery that I have witnessed, I have suggested that all members of the council be investigated for wrongdoing. Yet not a single member—not even the mayor—would second that motion. What does that tell you? It’s very telling when those who cry the loudest about integrity refuse to have their own actions scrutinized. If they have nothing to hide, why didn’t they support an investigation? The silence from council speaks volumes. We are also witnessing a troubling trend of our city catering to special interest groups at the expense of our own procedures and bylaws, principles of fairness, and equality. Time and again, procedures and bylaws have been selectively enforced or outright ignored to serve the agendas of a few, rather than the common good. Rules for me, but not for thee. This selective enforcement has not only broken the trust between the government and the people but has also erode the rule of law in our city. Over the past few months, my mayor and fellow councillors have been participating in a downright dangerous game to lobby the provincial government to change the Municipal Act so they can remove a sitting elected member. This is a direct attack on democracy, where the people—not politicians—should have the power to decide who represents them. If this change is allowed, it opens the door to unchecked abuse of power, where dissenting voices can be silenced at will. It’s a blatant attempt to consolidate control and eliminate opposition, turning our councils into echo chambers for those in power. It's not only happening in Pickering but in other municipalities, and any elected official pushing for this should step down immediately for betraying the very democratic process they were elected to protect. This move isn’t just undemocratic; it’s authoritarian. We must fiercely oppose any effort to strip the people of their right to have a voice and to choose their leaders. Our duty is to serve, not to rule. It is also disgraceful to see politicians at all levels of government using name-calling and shameful rhetoric to silence and intimidate those who dare to speak up. These tactics are designed to stop people from expressing their concerns and to create an environment of fear. Let me be absolutely clear—this disgraceful behavior starts at the top with Trudeau and you, Premier Ford. You've set the tone, and now my mayor and fellow councillors think it’s perfectly acceptable to stoop to your level and It’s no wonder that this garbage has trickled down to fake Facebook accounts and keyboard warriors who think they can hide behind screens and hurl insults without consequence to those with opposing views within our communities. You’ve all set a shameful example. It is absolutely appalling to see my fellow politicians behave this way spreading vile rhetoric to silence and intimidate anyone who dares to oppose them and speak their truth. These pathetic tactics are nothing but a coward's way to stifle free speech and breed fear. Only spineless cowards hide behind such childish nonsense. Real leaders engage in real conversations, they listen, and they address issues with respect and integrity. Those who stoop to name-calling and character assassination have no place in leadership. If Politicians can’t uphold thedignity of their office, then step down. Because this kind of toxic behavior is a stain on our democracy, and we are better than that. I have personally faced relentless bullying, intimidation, and threats from my mayor and fellow councilors, including financial sanctions, name-calling, and persistent lies attacking my character—all because I am standing up for what is right – just like I am here today. But these are not just attacks on me; they are attacks on the very principles of integrity, honesty, and accountability that should guide all Politicians actions. In my opinion, our municipality, like many others, needs to be torn down and rebuilt, giving power back to the people, where it rightfully belongs. And The rot doesn’t stop at our city councils, provincial, federal government, or other institutions. Historically, Canada had defamation laws and journalistic standards that aimed to prevent the spread of false information. However, with the rise of digital media and the push for sensationalism, these standards have eroded, allowing biased and misleading reports to flourish. The CBC and other journalists have become a disgrace, promoting rumors using clickbait titles instead of investigating the truth. They have become another group paid to report certain narratives that fit their agenda, rather than the facts. This is not journalism—it is sensationalism, or if I may be so crude to say BS, and it’s nothing other than a betrayal of the public’s trust. I call on Premier Ford to bring back Legislation that demands accurate reporting by all journalists based on facts and hold media accountable for their role in spreading misinformation. I would also like to ask Premier Ford, to have a serious conversation with Prime Minister Trudeau about the millions of dollars being funneled into the CBC. This government funding looks more like bribery than support for unbiased journalism. If we're truly committed to media transparency and integrity, we need to stop propping up an organization that increasingly serves as a mouthpiece rather than a check on power. Let's put an end to this questionable financial relationship and restore faith in our public institutions. It is also disheartening to see how DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) initiatives, which were intended to foster inclusivity, have instead become sources of division and exclusion. Globally, DEI policies are being banned as they are increasingly recognized for their counterproductive effects—fostering division rather than unity and indoctrinating individuals to adhere to a specific narrative. In Pickering, DEI is being enforced across all areas of the corporation, including the hiring process, which is deeply troubling. Such policies should not lead to discrimination based on skin color, religious beliefs, or sexual preferences. I was the only one who voted against its implementation because, as a leader, I recognize the importance of seeing what everyone else can see but I can think differently and question if what is being presented is universally beneficial or not. Our approach must reflect true inclusivity, promoting equality and respect for all individuals. The solution is straightforward: treat everyone equally and fairly based on merit and character, united under the red and white flag of our country—the Canadian flag. We should not be segregating people into groups by the colour of their skin, religious beliefs, or sexual preferences which are only designed to divide us. This approach will ensure that our policies genuinely serve the common good rather than creating new forms of exclusion. It’s our duty as politicians to remain in a state of neutrality and not cause division by a hierarchy of beliefs and chaos. This is not about being left or right—it is about what is right and what is wrong. It is about common sense for common people. The name-calling we see from politicians at all levels of government used to silence and shame those who dare to speak up, is disgusting. Only cowards hide behind such childish rhetoric, not leaders. And those who engage in it should apologize or step down, for they are not fit to lead. Our municipalities need to be torn down and rebuilt with integrity, transparency, and respect for the people they serve. We must return power to where it belongs—in the hands of the people Our children deserve to grow up free from political agendas that impose adult issues on them, especially when it comes to making life-altering decisions about their bodies. We cannot allow children to be pressured into choices that involve irreversible hormone blockers or surgeries that remove healthy body parts. These are decisions with lifelong consequences that no child should be forced to make. Let our children be children. Let them learn and grow in an environment of respect, dignity, and safety, where their innocence is preserved and their well-being is prioritized. It's our duty to protect their future, ensuring they have the time and freedom to discover who they are without the weight of adult controversies on their young shoulders. We should be teaching our children that no safe adult will ask them to keep secrets. As for our government claiming transparency and accountability these have become mere buzzwords, not practices. We were not elected to cater to developers, special interest groups or make friends with those with deep pockets following along with the status quo. Yet, we see our leaders doing exactly that, pushing through agendas that benefit the few at the expense of the many. We need to be a government that serves the people, not one that serves itself. We need to be leaders who listen, who act with integrity, and who put the public good above all else. We need to restore transparency, accountability, and trust in our institutions. And we need to stand up to the bullies, the corrupt officials, and the special interest groups who are trying to take away our rights and freedoms This is not a fight I take on lightly, but it is one that must be fought. For the sake of our city, our province, and our country, its people, and future generations to come. We must stand up against this abuse of power, this corruption, and this betrayal of public trust. We must restore integrity and trust in our government, and I am committed to leading that charge. Together, we can bring about the change that is so desperately needed. Serving the people, not ruling them. Strength does not lie in the absence of fear but in the courage to face it head on and rise above it "Strength Does Not Lie In The Absence Of Fear, But In The Courage To Face It Head-On And Rise Above It"

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