Friday, September 27, 2024


Pickering City Council Unanimously Voted to Immediately Suspend Council Robinson’s Pay for 90 days. This is the 3rd pay suspension Mayor Kevin Ashe, Regional Councillors, Maurice Brenner, David Pickles, Linda Cook, and city councillors Shaheen Butt and Mara Nagy have unanimously forced on Councillor Robinson. The 1st was Sept 25th, 2023 for 30 days, the 2nd, October 23rd, 2023 for 60 days Why? Because, in spring of 2023 parents met with Councillor Robinson to present their numerous concerns regarding their children and asked for Robinson’s help. As a result of this meeting Councillor Robinson wrote three motions for discussion by council. In-order to bring a motion forward to council it must first be seconded, but unfortunately none of the other councillors wanted the motions brought forward. Apparently, this Pickering Council conducts your city business and concerns based on their personal opinions. The current concerns and issues of Pickering residents don’t matter when they are in conflict with councils opinions and therefore shouldn’t be discussed. They don’t want to hear you. Councilor Robinson continues to fight for the residents in spite of the attacks and bullying she receives from Mayor Ashe and the rest of council. It is disgusting to watch how the Mayor continually cuts off Robinson’s mike and the way he yells at her when she questions things being voted on or when defending the accusations made against her, what is he afraid of? Why don’t the other councillors ask questions? Why do they allow his behavior? How come the Mayor never treats men the way he treats Robinson and other women as we’ve seen. Regional Councillor Linda Cook attacked Robinson calling her behavior disgraceful to women when in fact it was and is shameful the way she, Regional Councillor Linda Cook, a woman, does nothing when Robinson was, and has been sexually harassed and is continually being bullied by these men. City Councilor Mara Nagy also sides with the abuse being directed at Councillor Robinson and try's to pile on more accusations saying that Robinson went to the AMO conference in Ottawa at taxpayers expense while failing to admit that all their trips here and abroad, that most of them have taken are paid by taxpayers while conveniently failing to mention that in these past two years Robinson has only taken this one business trip. Regional Councillor David Pickles brought the motion forward to bar you, the residents of Pickering from delegating to speaking on a subject of your concern which is not on the agenda unless you get 2/3rds of council to agree to allow you. Is that what he considers being working for the residents? We are aware of what Regional Councillor Maurice Brenner has been up to and done. And well, as for Shaheen Butt, as far as we see it appears he just does what ever the mayor wants. Council also voted against other Durham residents being allowed to delegate to subjects on the agendas or delegate on other concerns. Those residents do have an interest in what happens in Pickering as it affects Durham of which they are a part of. The Mayor Ashe and the CAO give “No Tress Pass Orders” to Pickering residents and others banning them from Public Buildings for a period of time, if they don’t like what the resident says or posts etc. Mayor Kevin Ashe posts and promotes many false things in his comments, yes he does, mostly because he can’t seem to read into or fully understand things, one for example is, Robinson’s statement a few months after having been twice deprived of her pay, “I felt like a Modern Day Slave” referencing the new Modern Day Slave Act passed May 3rd, 2023 which refers to forced labour and child labour. But Mayor Ashe uses Robinson’s statement to reference the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade of the 1860’s to in site hard feelings and anger in the black community. Don’t you wonder why a number of topics get passed with a 6-to-1 vote,? Is City Councillor Robinson the only one working in the residents interest? Who is the Mayor and other 5 members of council working for if it’s not for you the Pickering residents? Council is banning you from your involvement in your city. Time to be seen and show your support for Councilor Robinson as she is supporting you.

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